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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "professional development"


Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jill Cox ·
This is one of the ways providers are identified in our system. We do not provide that information to anyone else nor are there mailings that sent as a result of providing that information.
Blog Post

Invite: Community of Practice, Early Childhood (online)

Jodi Wert ·
For anyone who has access to the internet and a computer. Please share the invite widely! Details Community of Practice ∞ Invite Commitment Form Commitment Due by July 15th I'm thrilled to invite you and yours to join a six month pilot to imagine and actuate Early Childhood Learning & Wellness that more fully benefits all children, families, and communities. I cannot think of better people than you all to help shape this group. Also, I hope it's a helpful option for schools, programs,...

Re: Invite: Community of Practice, Early Childhood (online)

McKinley McPheeters ·
This looks fantastic! I would love to participate but don't want to over-extend myself right now. Will look forward to hearing how it goes!
Blog Post

Commit by July 15th • Community of Practice, Early Childhood

Jodi Wert ·
Is this a good time to contribute your skills and wisdom to an interdisciplinary Community of Practice for adults who are important in the lives of young children? Early Childhood Learning & Wellness 6 Month Pilot Fee Choices for All 6 Months: $60, $90, $120, $___ Please invite others! Click here to learn more . Click here for a video message from Jodi . Please invite others! Due date to commit: July 15th
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OCAP Strategic 5 year plan 2020-2025

Sheryn Hildebrand ·
Please see the attached report - The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is a bureau within the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). CDSS is the administrative structure that provides oversight to the California Child Welfare System . The system continually works to improve engagement and service provision that support the safety , permanence and well-being of children and their families. Though historically the child welfare system has focused on tertiary prevention efforts...
Blog Post

Why the dean of early childhood experts wants to get beyond the brain []

By Ryan White, Center for Health Journalism, July 23, 2020 Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, a luminary in the field of early childhood, has spent years showing that events in the earliest years of life have profound implications for how budding brains develop, and in turn, shape a child’s later potential at school and work. Now, Shonkoff says it’s time to connect the brain to the rest of the body. “The message now is to say that there is a revolution going on in molecular biology and genomics and in...
Blog Post

Prevention is Essential: Collective Impact Coalition Promotes Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Maryland’s Children

Anndee Hochman ·
When members of Maryland’s State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (SCCAN) began in 2006 to examine what their state was doing in the realm of prevention, they discovered a gaping hole. Many participants in the 23-member Council—people working in child welfare, mental health, law enforcement and advocacy groups—knew about ACEs and about the corrosive effects of early childhood maltreatment. But they discovered, through informational interviews across different sectors and an environmental...
Blog Post

A Lifetime of Health and Wellness Starts Early

Sandy Avzaradel ·
As we sit amidst a pandemic, I marvel at the difference in how each person is navigating this shared traumatic space. What makes some of us carry on with little impact to our mental health and wellness, while others struggle to get through life’s daily tasks? I believe it is Resilience. Resilience isn’t something you are born with. It is complex and developed over time, through personal experiences and environments, through parenting and opportunities, through responses from those who are...
Blog Post

A Recipe for Raising Resilient Children - Skills and Factors that Contribute to Resiliency

Beth Tyson ·
Suffering is an expected part of this journey because resilience is a muscle that we strengthen over time and experiences. However, developing this muscle is most effective when encouraged by warm, loving, and responsive caregiving.
Blog Post

Multnomah County Job Opportunity - Preschool Division HR Analyst Senior

Keri Caffreys ·
Final Filing Date 01/31/2021 OVERVIEW: This Human Resources Analyst Senior will work with the new Preschool for All division and provides advanced professional and technical consultative support and serve as a subject matter expert with in-depth knowledge of employee and labor relations, complaint investigations, performance management, and workforce planning which includes succession planning, equity and outreach as related to short and long term staffing. Work is performed independently,...
Blog Post

WestEd Infographics Available: Barriers to Early Childhood Screening and Access to Resource

Elena Costa ·
WestEd recently created three infographics related to workforce issues and access following screening of young children that were developed by the California State Screening Collaborative , with funding from California Department of Public Health and California Department of Developmental Services, Early Start . Please consider reviewing and sharing with your networks. The infographics are attached below.
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COVID-19 cases, new syndrome on the rise among children, especially Latino children (

“We are at a critical time because the overall number of cases of COVID are increasing so much,” said Dr. Jackie Szmuszkovicz, pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. “We are seeing more children with MIS-C the last few weeks following that big increase (of cases) in the community.” MIS-C , or Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, is the name of a new inflammatory syndrome that afflicts a small number of kids three to six weeks after they experienced coronavirus,...
Blog Post

A Lifetime of Health and Wellness Starts Early

Sandy Avzaradel ·
As we sit amidst a pandemic, I marvel at the difference in how each person is navigating this shared traumatic space. What makes some of us carry on with little impact on our mental health and wellness, while others struggle to get through life’s daily tasks? I believe it is Resilience. Resilience isn’t something you are born with. It is complex and developed over time, through personal experiences and environments, through parenting and opportunities, through responses from those who are...
Blog Post

Early Childhood Education Training Approved as Evidenced Based Professional Development by Tennessee Department of Human Services

Becky Haas ·
In the summer of 2020, the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) at Austin Peay University, reached out asking me to provide several professional development opportunities for early childhood educators statewide after being awarded grant funding. TECTA leadership requested that I deliver a training I had used in July of 2020 when training the childcare leadership of the state of Mississippi. The training entitled, Using a Trauma Informed Approach in Early Childhood Education ,...

Re: Early Childhood Education Training Approved as Evidenced Based Professional Development by Tennessee Department of Human Services

McKinley McPheeters ·
This is awesome! Are you linked up with The Family Center?

Tanya Shaw




Cindy Myers

Blog Post

New suite of resources explores intersection of early childhood and health equity work

Elena Costa ·
A new suite of resources developed by Child Trends and the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality aims to help policymakers, advocates, and communities understand how different initiatives employ cross-sector partnerships to improve health equity for young children and their families. An interactive map presents information about 143 initiatives and allows users to sort these initiatives by state, health and well-being focus, service sectors, funding sources, and age groups served.

Cheryl Step

Cheryl Step
Blog Post

Published Today! The Science of Learning and Development: Enhancing the Lives of All Young People []

Published Today: New Book on The Science of Learning and Development Today, Routledge, a division of Taylor and Francis, published The Science of Learning and Development: Enhancing the Lives of All Young People . Edited by Turnaround for Children’s Founder and Senior Science Advisor, Pamela Cantor, M.D., and David Osher, Vice President and Institute Fellow at AIR, and featuring contributions from a diverse range of scholars, the book documents what science we should be paying attention...

Re: Spanking can worsen a child's behavior and do real harm, study finds []

Jody McVittie ·
This is an interesting article. While I think that it is progress to name that physical punishment is not helpful over the long term.... Neither are some of the alternatives they mention such as taking away possessions, typical timeouts or praise. They are not trauma informed practices. However, teaching self-regulation, co-regulating with a child, restorative time outs or time-ins, and encouragement are more proactive tools to develop a healthy brain. We have a ways to come.

Kean Salzer

Blog Post

Traumatic Events and Behavior

Danielle Schappert ·
Early childhood trauma or adverse events in the absence of natural supports or a nurturing caregiver may interrupt and negatively impact brain development and affect behavior and long-term emotional and mental health. Early experiences in life that are positive and negative shape the architecture of the brain. When a an infant or young child is exposed to chronic stress or traumatic events, the brain's emotional center, the amygdala, reacts. In a state of constant fight, flight or freeze,...
Blog Post

National Children's Day - Free Virtual Training

Hi. I'm so excited about this day. I sincerely hope you can join us. Registration Link:
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How We Can Help Children Grow in the Wake of a Crisis []

Natalie Audage ·
By Anya Kamenetz, Illustration Monica Garwood/The New York Times, The New York Times, August 22, 2022 A few years ago, people thought American kids had it way too easy. Best-selling books and articles lamented “the coddling of the American mind” and shamed “ snowplow parents ” who removed every obstacle their children encountered. Parents were scolded, told that they should allow their kids to develop “ grit ” by giving them “ the gift of failure .” (If a child leaves their term paper at...

Re: The Perks of a Play-in-the-Mud Educational Philosophy []

Felicity Miller ·
Thank you for introducing this article. I wonder how this program is doing now. I would love to send my child to a place like this because it's not only about education, it's about growth in general, and it would definitely bring more benefits than sitting at a desk. My eldest is now in college, and I am entirely dissatisfied with the level and methods of the current education. In addition to various extracurricular activities, he has to do a lot of homework. It's good that there are...
Blog Post

Crime prevention starts with protecting children

Melanie Blow ·
Crime is a complex subject. Protecting children from Adverse Childhood Experiences prevents crime and strengthens communities.

Re: What Happens Before College Matters []

Lisa Newman ·
Equity gaps exist due to systemic discriminatory policies and societal biases. Higher education institutions may have a more significant role by supporting underrepresented students through community service programs. In a research paper at the author writes that it may allow students to engage with and give back to their local communities, particularly those that are underserved. By participating in community service, students can gain a...
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