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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "Relentless"

Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: Sesame Street in Communities & the Circle of Care

Robin M Cogan ·
Two years ago, Sesame Workshop, the educational arm of Sesame Street, launched Sesame Street in Communities to offer support, guidance, and tools to those working with our most vulnerable population, our children. In the “About Us” description on their website Sesame Street in Communities they share their intention: “ Every day, you make a difference by helping kids and families grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. Organizations like yours unite communities, foster families’ and kids’...

Re: The Relentless School Nurse: Sesame Street in Communities & the Circle of Care

Karen Clemmer ·
Thank you, Robin - always the champion! This is so timely, especially with all that has happened to undermine children's sense of safety. This really resonated with me: " There is something comforting about watching Big Bird, Elmo and friends talk about “Big Feelings” during these complex times." . Thanks Robin!
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