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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "stressors"

Blog Post

Is your school a buffer zone against toxic stress?

Dr. Bukola Ogunkua ·
The challenge of the fast pace and the strain of living in the 21 st century is the chronic stress of keeping up with volume of information, expectations and adverse experiences that leads to stressors of daily living. Adults have become good at adjusting to and compartmentalizing these stressors. Children and adolescents however are struggling to keep up and are in fact caving under the weight of the stresses. In addition, many children lack adequate nurturing and supports needed to give...

Re: Is your school a buffer zone against toxic stress?

Melisandra Hatler ·
Correct thoughts. I fully agree that the fast pace and demands of modern life heavily burden educators and students. Chronic stress from information overload, social expectations, and negative experiences can overwhelm children and teenagers who may not have adequate support and care at home. Platforms like support these students as they struggle to cope with this enormous pressure. Together, we must prioritize the well-being of both...
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