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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "cultural history"

Blog Post

Childcare Outside the Family for the Under-Threes: Cause for Concern []

By Denis P. Gray, Diana Dean, and Philip M. Dean, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, February 13, 2020 Child-rearing is culturally determined, varying between countries. For thousands of years in most cultures, it has been kinship groups and parents, especially mothers, who have been central. Parenting changed in the mid-20th century, partly through better educational opportunities for women, partly through reliable birth control and partly through cultural agreement on female...

Re: Registration Open Now: Transform Challenging Behavior FREE ONLINE Early Childhood Conference

Latrelle Nicholson ·
Hello, I plan to attend, but do not understand how this works. When signing up, do we sign up for each day or on day of the conference? Is there a schedule of events for each day and time? Please help. I would also like to pass this on to some of my colleagues and teachers. Thank you for any help you are able to give. -Latrelle Nicholson

Re: Childcare Outside the Family for the Under-Threes: Cause for Concern []

Laura Haynes Collector ·
Exactamundo. This is a 35-40 year old EXPERIMENT. After the introduction of baby day care, kids' mental health has fallen off a cliff.
Blog Post

Equity in IECMHC Webinar 3 - Culture, identity, history as sources of strength and resilience for African American children and Families []

From Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, Georgetown University, June 11, 2020 This webinar examines issues of racialized inequities and bias on the early care and education experiences for African American children and families, explores a strength-based approach to fostering culturally responsive relationships, and identifies and explores practices and policies to strengthen cultural responsiveness in IECMHC in order to reduce disparities and...
Blog Post

Explore the Role of Culture in Healing with La Maida Project

Kelly Benshoof ·
La Maida Project is thrilled to share videos from our recent webinar series “Exploring the Role of Culture in Healing”. We had an great audience turn out and robust dialogue with our panel of guest speakers including Ken Epstein, PhD LCSW , leader in trauma-informed systems transformation, Anil Vadaparty , CEO of child-welfare agency McKinley, and Omid Naim, MD , integrative psychiatrist and founder of La Maida Project. In these webinars we discuss the role of leadership in trauma-informed...
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