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PACEs in the Criminal Justice System

Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.


An Open Letter to Police Chiefs: The Need for Trauma-informed Policing

Recently, I was provided a form letter addressed to a local police chief and friend of mine who knew of my interest in trauma-informed policing and who thought I should read the letter. The letter claimed that trauma-informed policing, specifically as it related to domestic violence and sexual violence allegations, was everything from “junk science” to “prejudicial against men.” Needless to say, I found the letter uninformed and unpersuasive.

NDRN Applauds Ending Contracts with Private Prison Companies

NDRN Applauds Ending Contracts with Private Prison Companies - On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, the Biden Administration announced that the Department of Justice will not renew any existing contracts for private prison operators in the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). There are currently 12 privately-run prisons in the BOP, several of which had already been shut down or are pending transfer to government...

LA County’s new probation chief is known for San Diego County juvenile justice reforms (

Adolfo Gonzales began work Monday as Los Angeles County’s chief probation officer, overseeing a system that supervises more than 40,000 juveniles and adults and managing an annual budget of over $1 billion. A former San Diego County probation chief, Gonzales brings 43 years of law enforcement experience to his new position, including being chief of the National City Police Department and assistant chief with the San Diego Police Department. Gonzales was appointed to the position last month...

Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison (

In prison six years later, Gullickson was contemplating joining an intensive recovery program when a “striking, magnetic gorgeous Black woman walked in the room, held up a mug shot and started talking about being in the very chairs where we were sitting,” Gullickson remembers. There was life on the other side of addiction and prison, the woman said. But you have to fight for it. Gullickson believed her. “I remember thinking, I may not be able to do all that, be what she was, but maybe I...

President Biden signed four historic executive actions promoting racial equity into law (

"In my campaign for president, I made it very clear that the moment had arrived as a nation, as we face deep racial inequities in America and systemic racism that has plagued our nation for far, far too long. I said that over the course of the past year that the blinders had been taken off the nation, the American people. What many Americans didn't see or had simply refused to see couldn't be ignored any longer." Today, President Biden spoke to these issues in straightforward language before...

Zoom Funerals, Outdoor Classes: Jails and Prisons Evolve Amid the Pandemic []

By Keri Blakinger, The Marshall Project, January 19, 2021 When his father died last year of an overdose* , * Rodney Watson thought he would miss the funeral and his last chance to say goodbye—not because of the pandemic, but because he was in jail. Watson, 36, was awaiting trial in Houston after shooting and wounding his brother during a fight, an act he swears was unintentional. In the past, Watson’s incarceration could have forced him to miss the elegant church funeral with the white roses...

What I Learned From Presenting a Trauma-informed Class to Police Chiefs

I'm pretty sure I learned as much or more about trauma-informed policing while presenting the class as did the police chiefs who attended. After not presenting at all during 2020, I was excited to be invited to present a block of instruction on Trauma-Informed Leadership for Police Chiefs at the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police 2021 Winter Conference. There were about 50 chiefs in attendance on January 14, 2021, and while we all had to deal with the COVID precautions, it was good...

Where Incarceration Isn’t the Answer (

Progressive voices long ago characterized America’s penal system as a failure. However, in recent years, even a few button-down conservative, law-and-order types have grudgingly acknowledged the need for change. Of course, they don’t sign on to so-called “bleeding heart” concerns about human rights. But they do express alarm about the dollars and cents required to warehouse human beings with no financial return. Texas lawyer Marc Levin, who helped establish the organization Right on Crime...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Justice System Contact: A Systematic Review []

By Gloria Huei-Jong Graf, Stanford Chihuri, Melanie Blow, and Guohua Li, Pediatrics, January 2021 CONTEXT: Given the wide-ranging health impacts of justice system involvement, we examined evidence for the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and justice system contact in the United States. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize epidemiological evidence for the association between ACEs and justice system contact. DATA SOURCES: We searched 5 databases for studies conducted through...

Self-Care for Criminal Justice Professionals Across the Sequential Intercept Model: Considerations for Intercepts 3-5 January 28, 2021, 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET

Self-care is a critical component of wellness for professionals across all intercepts of the criminal justice and behavioral health systems. Within Intercepts 3-5 of the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM), court, reentry, and community corrections personnel may experience stressors related to providing services and ensuring the safety of individuals experiencing crisis, mental or substance use disorders, or withdrawal symptoms. Many staff members face an increased exposure to stressors as they...

Equal Justice Initiative 2020 Report []

From Executive Director Bryan Stevenson: Dear Friends: This has been a challenging and eventful year where we have alll witnessed much loss, fear and uncertainty. The legacy of our nation's history of racial injustice has been painfully evident in a series of disturbing incidents of police violence and racial profiling. People in jails and prisons have experienced devastation, disease and high rates of death as the COVID crisis has been especially challenging for the incarcerated. To read...

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