Welcome to the COVID-19 and PACEs Science Collections for Educators!
We have four topic-specific resource lists related to COVID-19 and PACEs Science.
All four will be updated for as long as this pandemic lasts. They are as follows:
- ACEs in Education & COVID-19
- COVID-19 Resources for Healthcare Providers
- Parenting with ACEs in a Pandemic
- Practicing Resilience During Social Distancing
We hope these lists, and the resources, practices, and information in them, are helpful and easy to use. Please let us know if you have ideas, suggestions, practices, or resources to share or are in search of in the comments at the end of this post.
Thank you, and take care!
@Lara Kain, Community Manager
ACEs in Education, PACEs Connection
P.S. For updated medical and public health information about COVID-19, visit:
COVID-19 Education Related Collections from Others
Coping with COVID-19
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)COVID-19: Resources & Updates
Alliance for a Healthier GenerationEducation resource, including mental health, for kids, for families during coronavirus pandemic.
ACEs ConnectionThriving Schools: Resources for Schools and Families Impacted by COVID-19
Kaiser PermanenteTrauma-Informed Resources Available during COVID-19 quarantine
Presented by the Abolitionists Teachers NetworkSearch 1500+ different resources
Culturally Responsive Education Remote Learning Resources
Culturally Responsive EducationE-Learning and Equity, COVID-19 Specific
COVID-19 Impact on Education Equity Resources and Responses
Education TrustDistance Learning During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Equity And Access Questions For School Leaders
No Online Learning? With Schools Closed from Coronavirus, these Teachers Air TV Lessons
USA TodayNot All Schools Can #KeepLearning
ProPublica IllinoisTo encourage learning while schools are shut down, Illinois education officials have gathered online tools for educators and promoted the hashtag #keeplearning. Some students in Illinois, however, won’t be able to watch their teacher conduct live science experiments or download a story time video. They don’t have a computer or high-speed internet at home, or a cellphone data plan that would support it.
When the State Shifted to E-learning, This Rural School Superintendent Shifted to the Copy Machine
ProPublica IllinoisEquity Literacy During the COVID19 Crisis
Equity Literacy InstituteOnline Learning in the Wake of COVID-19
New AmericaDistance Learning During Coronavirus Worsens Race, Class Inequality in Education
Teen VogueEducation Resources to Support Parents
#COVIBOOK: A Short Book to Support and Reassure Our Children, Under the Age of 7
MindheartThis book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation.
Get Audible FREE for your kids!
AudibleDuring this time of shelter-in-place it’s important and challenging to make sure your kids are able to learn and be entertained, despite school closures.
Got Kids Under 5? Try These Coronavirus-Quarantine School Resources for Parents
Los Angeles TimesHow School Closures Can Strengthen Your Family
Greater Good Science Center at the University of CaliforniaHere are three ways to cope if your kid's school closes.
How to Homeschool During the Coronavirus Crisis with Free Resources
TODAYYou're a home-schooler now? Check out these free resources for activities kids will love.
Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus from NPR modified for Scarlett Middle School
CDCResources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Common Sense MediaNavigate social distancing and school closures with quality media and at-home learning opportunities for your kids.
The Creative Mom’s Guide to Learning at Home from ADDITUDE
ADHD ParentingReading charts and math workbooks don’t work for our kids. To keep their brains growing and learning, you’ve got to think differently — and get messy. Steal these ideas for low-cost, hands-on summer learning ideas from a mother who doesn’t sit still.
The Pandemic Toolkit Parents Need
Psychology Today8 expert tips to help families stay regulated
Trauma-Sensitive Student Support During School Closures: Practical Strategies for Helping Caregivers Help Kids
MsJenAlexander.comAfter watching Jen Alexander’s webinar with Brookes Publishing that has the same title as this article, read this post to explore eleven activities applicable for youth and their caregivers to help everyone express their feelings and meet their needs during this anxious time.
Resources for Schools and Districts
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for School Communities
RULERCOVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
U.S. Department of EducationInterim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs
CDCResponding to the Coronavirus: What We Are Doing and Resources for Education Systems
Chiefs for ChangeHarvard Graduate School of Education
Looking toward fall, how should schools rebound and innovate, while keeping health, wellness, and equity at the center? How can education reinvent, not just reopen? In a new series of articles and other content, we'll explore.Back to School Surveys for Parents, Students by age, Teachers, and Staff
Behavior Threat Assessment and Management in the Virtual Environment
National Association of School PsychologistsResources to Support Teachers
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus
Teaching ToleranceA Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching through Coronavirus — for Students Everywhere, Online or Not
The Washington PostHow Teachers Can Navigate Difficult Emotions During School Closures
Greater Good Science Center at the University of CaliforniaPacific Southwest MHTTC Virtual Learning Guide
MHTTCThis resource is structured as a workbook for facilitators. It includes tips, examples, and reflective questions for those who are leading online professional development and other group learning events. This guide provides technical and interactive strategies and approaches to virtual learning to support the mental and school mental health workforce.
Resources for Remote Learning
Emerson CollectiveTeaching Through Coronavirus: What Educators Need Right Now
Teaching ToleranceDistance Learning: A Gently Curated Collection of Resources for Teachers
Cult of PedagogyCoping and Staying Emotionally Well During COVID19 Related School Closures
Active MindsGuidance for Teachers and Other Educators During COVID-19 and Other Crises
Rock ResultsHow to Support Teachers Emotional Needs Right Now
Greater Good MagazineSpecial Education and COVID-19
California Students Enrolled in Special Education Face Unique Burdens During School Closure
EdSourceCOVID-19 IDEA-related Q & A
US DOEThe Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services’ (OSERS) document answers questions schools might have about students with disabilities and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as related to the COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, outbreak.
COVID-19: Response & Resources
Autism SocietyIs Online School Illegal? With Schools Closing from Coronavirus, Special Education Concerns Give Districts Pause
USA TodayLegal FAQs on Coronavirus, School Closings, and Special Education
UnderstoodNew Strategies in Special Education as Kids Learn From Home
EdutopiaIn special education, teachers say that schedules, sensory supports, and close collaboration with families can help smooth the transition to remote learning during coronavirus.
When Schools Close or Go Online, What Happens to Students with Disabilities
USA TodayYouth Mental Health
Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
CDCMental Health Resources During Social Distancing
Active MindsCOVID 19 and Youth Mental Health
Voices of YouthBehavioral Health Resources for Coronavirus
On Our SleevesResources to Support Adolescent Mental Health
Department of Health & Human ServicesFocusing on Student Well-Being in Times of Crisis
George Lucas Educational Foundation
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