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Tagged With "Flint, MI"

Blog Post

ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018

Ingrid Cockhren ·
One of the first sessions of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access discussed the barriers and opportunities for increasing access in the field of education. The main question was: "How can one achieve systematic changes within the field of education?" The session was moderated by Michelle Flowers, a passionate advocate, and the principal of Kinney High in Rancho Cordova, CA, which is part of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. It included a dynamic and diverse panel of education...
Blog Post

Alternative Schools Network in Chicago Takes on Youth Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Sarah Bowie ·
Click here to read the full article on the ASN website The Alternative Schools Network (ASN) Youth Resilience Project is an initiative that grew from the collective desire to develop and provide additional clinical resources for ASN Network schools. The Youth Resilience Project is dedicated to the cause of bringing knowledge, awareness, and support to schools around issues associated with youth trauma. Spreading the knowledge of trauma and its impacts on youth development became a mission of...
Blog Post

Expert Resource for Future of Education After COVID-19 []

By Learn4Life, PR Newswire, April 13, 2020 How will education forever be changed after COVID-19? Dr. Caprice Young , national superintendent of schools for Learn4Life , is available to discuss how this disruption to education may be a good time to examine inadequate policies and practices that have been largely unchallenged – and that often hurt disadvantaged students. Learn4Life is a nonprofit network of schools that serves at-risk high school students and former dropouts through a flexible...
Blog Post

Gathering in Topeka, Kansas for the Educators’ Art of Facilitation continued

James Encinas ·
We can not solve problems from a distance from ourselves or from each other. The way we muster the courage to heal is to walk the journey together. Any effort to create policy change, structural change, or even programatic change will not succeed unless there is an explicit healing perspective. It begins with a deep understanding that we all come hurt and that those hurts often mean that in striving to relieve our own pain we hurt each other. “Hurt people, hurt people.” It is simplicity on...
Blog Post

Michigan Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We are working with PESI, a leader in professional development, to offer a full day training in trauma informed education. This content follows the content of our book on Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. We will be in Michigan April 19, (Sterling Heights) 20, (LIvonia) and 21 (Ann Arbor) See the attached brochure If this goes well they will continue to offer this next year. Hope to see you there
Blog Post

journal article: Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools

Karen Clemmer ·
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am . 2012 January Responding to Students with PTSD in Schools Sheryl Kataoka, MD, MSHS, Audra Langley, PhD, Marleen Wong, PhD, Shilpa Baweja, MA, and Bradley Stein, MD, PhD The prevalence of trauma exposure among youth is a major public health concern, with a third of adolescents nationally reporting that they have been in a physical fight in the past twelve months and 9% having been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property. Studies have...
Blog Post

Lincoln Park (Southgate, MI) launches Resilient Schools Project to help reduce impact of childhood trauma on students []

Alicia Doktor ·
Lincoln Park Public Schools announced Monday that the district is implementing the Resilient Schools Project, an initiative aimed at reducing the impact of childhood trauma on students. With childhood trauma linked to high-risk behaviors from drug abuse to smoking and from promiscuity to depression, the aim is to increase students’ resilience in the face of the adversities around them. The program builds on a holistic education movement centered on the whole child, inside and outside of the...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: Candida Rodriguez is Creating Community Through the Power of Conversations That Matter

Robin M Cogan ·
Candida Rodriguez is my mentor, while she may disagree with that statement and say it is the opposite, it is the absolute truth. My respect, admiration, and amazement at the depth of her knowledge, talent, and compassion astound me every time we work together. Candida serves her complex and ever-changing community with dedication, skill and a relentless pursuit of coordinating care for her students and families. We are partners in the Community Cafe Initiative that began in 2015 after I...
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We have finally completed our one day seminar on trauma informed education. We will be in Los Angeles in February, New York in early March and Michigan in April. We have attached brochures for each of these presentations Hope to see you there!
Blog Post

White House convenes federal, state, and local leaders to address trauma-informed approaches in schools

With just four months remaining in the Obama presidency, the White House assembled leaders from 14 states and the District of Columbia and key administration officials for a day-long conference, “ Trauma Informed Approaches in Schools: Supporting Girls of Color and Rethinking Discipline.” Last summer’s White House meeting, titled “Rethink School Discipline,” covered issues related to the CDC-Kaiser Permanente ACE Study and trauma, but transforming schools through trauma-informed approaches...

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
When I was a suicidal teen, I wish someone would have explained to me what was going on in my brain and that I wasn’t insane. I believe it is appropriate for teens -generally - maybe explained in a more general way like when you have these experiences and poverty and foster care and homelessness - your brain develops in a certain way and you will need support and to take special care. I’m my humble opinion, Laura and Dr. Anda are wrong. PS - If I had still been in N. MI, I would have been in...
Blog Post

The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It [Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg]

Kelsey Visser ·
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg (Keynote speaker from the recent Creating a Resilient Community Conference) shared the excerpt from his book Reaching Teens titled The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It. This is a valuable resource for anyone interacting with youth and we are providing the excerpt as an attachment here for you to read and share. Also, Dr. Ginsburg will be coming back to our community (virtually) and you’ll be invited to his workshop. Look out for the...

Morgan Rooy

Morgan Rooy

Jill Lynch


Katie Rinke


Kim Wygant


Andrew Breen


Johanna Toth


Krista Maline


Joy Howard


Ed Wosinski

Ed Wosinski

Julie Voelker


Zoe Lyons


Denise Busley

Denise Busley



Mi-Jin Kim

Mi-Jin Kim

Sara Sroufe


Rebecca Heck


Mary Spence

Mary Spence

Pam Kies-Lowe

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