Tagged With "colleagues"
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In Search of the Missing ACEs...
I remain forever grateful that my long felt and seeming innate knowledge ( actually garnered from personal experience, work with traumatised animals and people ) has been evidenced and validated by the amazing work of Vincent Felitti and Robert Anda. They created the peg I, we, can hang our experience and expertise on and work to best apply our skills to assist others. With ACEs I am now able to communicate my knowledge with clients, colleagues and communities with the additional confidence...
Re: In Search of the Missing ACEs...
Hi, Dawn: These are good questions. Drs. Felitti & Anda also understood that there were other types of ACEs, but the 10 in the study were the 10 they looked at. Since then, people have expanded the definition to include more ACEs. We have included many examples of those in the Resources Center: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...xtended-aces-surveys It's probably not a bad idea for organizations to ask the population they're asking and surveying what other ACEs they're experiencing...
Re: In Search of the Missing ACEs...
Love the question. For years when doing training and consulting on this topic I often remind people that "the 10" aren't the end of trauma and/or adversity but rather just the ones that were studied. We have talked in depth about issues facing LBGTQ+ and sometimes how "coming out" can turn traumatic. We talk about dangerous neighborhoods, bullying, or the immigrant experience as well. Those are ones that often come up. Lately, there has been lots of conversation around food insecurity and...