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Tagged With "Depression"

Blog Post

Youth Survey Data Shows Rise in Vaping, Depression []

By Lola Duffort, Vermont Digger, February 7, 2020 Half of all high school students in Vermont have tried electronic vapor products like e-cigarettes, up from just 30% in 2015. That’s according to results from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a study administered statewide to thousands of Vermont students every two years. The YRBS was developed by the Centers for Disease Control in 1990 to monitor behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disease and injury among young...
Blog Post

Knowing Better

suzy deyoung ·
In 2007, at the start of my son’s fourth grade year, the teacher who I will call Ms. L, gave the class an assignment. They were to write letters to their “future selves” outlining the things they envisioned and hoped for over the course of the coming year. Ms. L. would give the letters back to the children at the end of the year so they could see how their “future selves” aligned with the vision they held at the start of the year. Though my son, ten at the time, showed no outward signs of...

Re: Knowing Better

Jeoffry Gordon ·
I am so moved by your story and saddened by your struggles and loss. Hopefully the tremendous emotional effort it took to recount those years will help others to be alert and aware to the nature and seriousness of childhood trauma. Thank you for bringing this message.

Re: Knowing Better

Dallas Darnell ·
This article really touched me because it emphasizes how important it is to recognize mental health issues early, even in children who seem happy and well-adjusted. It's scary to think how much pain can go unnoticed due to a lack of awareness or understanding. Reading this also reminded me how difficult it is to balance school, work, and a student's mental health. I have found that managing stress includes seeking help when needed. For example using resources such as...
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