Tagged With "Mike Silver AOC"
Blog Post
Plymouth County Schools Receiving Trauma Informed Training
This opportunity is for schools and districts to receive training to develop an awareness of the prevalence of traumatic experience, its impact on academic behavior and relations and the need for a whole school approach. For the 2019-2020 school year, Carver, Marshfield, Rockland, Scituate and Silver Lake qualified to receive free training from TLPI.
Blog Post
For Troubled Kids, Some Schools Take Time Out For Group Therapy [npr.org]
Sometimes 11-year-old B. comes home from school in tears. Maybe she was taunted about her weight that day, called "ugly." Or her so-called friends blocked her on their phones. Some nights she is too anxious to sleep alone and climbs into her mother's bed. It's just the two of them at home, ever since her father was deported back to West Africa when she was a toddler. B.'s mood has improved lately, though, thanks to a new set of skills she is learning at school. (We're using only first...
Blog Post
How does your city stack up when it comes to pre-K quality? [hechingerreport.org]
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has made a call for universal, high-quality child care a central theme in her campaign to win the Democratic presidential nomination. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., introduced legislation this week that proposes cost-sharing between the federal government and states to provide affordable, high-quality child care up to age 13. The idea of good, affordable child care and preschool appeals to many parents of young children, but how...
Blog Post
Trauma Informed Care -- Workforce training framework
A colleague of mine -- here in New Zealand!! -- recently passed the attached PDF, from Scotland, onto me. It concerns a relatively recent, and still developing, proposed trauma training framework. This might be helpful to others wishing to go further in introducing TIC in their own services. It includes a consideration of ACEs. Naturally, it needs to incorporate culture-specific additions or modifications to suit your local conditions. The document as it is likely has broad application.
Blog Post
What Every Student Needs This "Back to School" Season: A Felt Sense of Safety
Having been an educator much of my life and attended a lot of school, there is something powerful in my somatic memory about this time of year. It’s a swirling dervish of anticipation, hope... fear, trepidation. It all collides tightly in my belly. I recall the many years of being up early on the first day of school, staring at my toast and jam as nausea rolled through me like short waves - cresting and breaking. I remember standing at the bus stop with my hair parted strictly down the...
Blog Post
When Teachers Take A Breath, Students Can Bloom (npr.org)
"Just notice your breath, the sensation of your air coming in, going out," says Christa Turksma, a Dutch woman dressed all in white with silver-white hair. She's one of the co-founders of Cultivating Awareness and Resilience for Educators , or CARE for Teachers. For the past nine years at this annual five-day summer retreat, and now within schools, CARE for Teachers teaches what's called mindfulness: calming the body and mind through breathing and movement, and using insights from psychology...
Re: Against the Tide
I HEAR YOU! This kind of thing permeates everything - which it shouldn't in this line of work but it does. Keep your faith - you are doing the right things and thinking the right way. Quick easy fixes don't come in this line of work and we assume that everybody knows that but they don't. It is a part of society - we are conditioned to think that a pill or a 5 minute fix is the silver bullet. When it doesn't, we seek answers elsewhere. Why else is the self-help industry so lucrative? I'm...
Re: Against the Tide
Emily, stay the course and seek constructive feedback. We have an incredible Trauma Informed Movement building national momentum. However, there are some misunderstandings of what it truly means to be a trauma informed school, or a trauma responsive educator. The science has provided the “why”, and as you are experiencing, people are wanting someone to show them the “how”. I believe the confusion is around the misunderstanding and belief that being trauma responsive is something “we do”...
Re: Against the Tide
Jim, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They mean a lot! I see you as a mentor from a far and a kindred spirit in spreading the essence of this movement - love. This world needs a whole lot more of it to go around and my greatness challenge at times is to continue to walk forward with an open heart. But I recognize that I am very blessed - with lots of loving souls around me - who help pick me up and dust me off when I get trampled down. Let me know if you ever need a hand up...
Re: Against the Tide
Thank you, Tina for your insights and honesty. I agree 100 percent that we are a culture not accustomed to "the long haul" or "growth-enhancing" journeys. I also agree that it affects every change effort in every domain. I am grateful to have this ACEs community so that when I need to share my hardships and struggles and at times, awe-inspiring frustration, there are those that respond. THANK YOU!!
Blog Post
Why Covid School Schedules Are Better For Some Students (forbes.com)
Prior to Covid, the majority of K-12 schools were running on schedules that didn’t serve students well. In the latter half of the 20th century, school start and end times were designed around bus schedules. To use the same fleet of buses for all students, schools in suburban areas created schedules with high school students as the first arrivals. Yet study after study shows that early school starts don’t work best for adolescent sleep needs. Data supports the fact that later start times...
Kriston Norris
Blog Post
Building a Restorative Restart to School in the Fall
As we look towards the reopening of in-person instruction in the fall, planning and reimagining for a restorative restart to our school systems that emphasizes student and educator mental health is a priority. In addition, there is a windfall of one-time funding coming to districts from federal and local funds for just this purpose. Recently a wise educator said to me, ‘you know, if you want to get to the hearts and minds of school leaders to make changes for the fall you need to do so by...
Elisabeth Fisher
Ron Pierce
Ryan Connor
Blog Post
All Children Thriving: A New Purpose for Education [aft.org]
By Pamela Cantor, The American Federation of Teachers,, Fall 2021 E ducation has long been central to the promise of the United States of America. But our current education system has never been designed to promote the equitable opportunities or outcomes that our children and families deserve and that our democracy, society, and economy now need. The people who built the education system in the 19th and 20th centuries believed that talent and skills were scarce. They trusted averages as...
Blog Post
What if Covid’s silver lining could be what we learn from the kids? [edsource.org]
By Thomas Courtney, Photo: Thomas Courtney, EdSource, April 5, 2022 T he unanimous conclusion in educational literature has been that 2020 and 2021 will be a generational burden on kids. And it’s true. This pandemic has hit us all hard: educators, parents, and most powerfully, kids. We need to talk about ways to address it, correct it, and be mindful of how our tax dollars can address it. Yet, there’s something quite special happening in my classroom right now. It’s something that has been...
Blog Post
“Caring for our own” theme emerges at May Meeting of North Carolina Chief Justice’s Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts
Ben David, co-chair of the North Carolina Chief Justice's Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts, shares plans to sustain the work done during the two-year term of the Task Force, to "care for our own" speaking of North Carolina's children, youth, families, communities, victims of crimes, members of law enforcement, the judiciary and court officers and staffers. He also shared Chief Justice Paul Newby's hopes of "getting ACEs-informed courts" into the culture, and said a national conference for...
Re: “Caring for our own” theme emerges at May Meeting of North Carolina Chief Justice’s Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts
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