Tagged With "embodiment of trauma"
Blog Post
2018 – Summer of Awareness and Awakening
Between Cork and Belfast, Ireland will have seen an unprecedented amount of trauma speakers, all world specialists, and we hope that this will transform the nation. But although science confirms these findings on an almost daily basis, this information is not new as the ACEs have been in the public domain for the last 20 years. There is therefore no need to re-invent the wheel. With the launch of < ACEs-in-Ireland > we hope to bring the best and most relevant facts and to soften the...
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A miracle cure for a patched-up society? Ireland April 2018
A miracle cure for a patched-up society? By Contributor 19th April 2018 The recent lidocaine (Versatis) patch controversy seems to be a wider debate about health resources — one which could be resolved by just sticking a plaster on it (pun intended), GP Dr William Ralph supposes The recent lidocaine (Versatis) patch debate seemed, on the surface, to be just another healthcare resource allocation decided by the media in the face of Health Service Executive (HSE) intransigence, and a disregard...
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Adoption - Fostering - Abuse
“I was 17, I was almost an adult and they couldn’t put me back into foster care,” Ashley tells us as she shares her foster care journey. But they did. And for good reason. Her father, who she had met for the first time when she was a teenager, was sexually abusing her. “He got six years in jail and I’m going to be scarred for life,” Ashley said. While her story is incredibly sad, the fact that she used her voice to talk about it, and got some redemption, is powerful. After last year’s news...
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Bearing witness to trauma among offenders: harnessing the Adverse Childhood Experiences evidence for better outcomes (Jane Mulcahy via YouTube & online).
This is a talk by Jane Mulcahy of the University College Cork, Ireland. This video was just published on YouTube today by the National Health Scotland today - Video link at the end - Mulcahy talks about how and what to talk ACEs, in general, as well as specifically as relates to relating with offenders. Here are some quotes: Cissy's note: For those also new to her work (like), who want to learn more, here's a pdf of the same name with more details and references. #ACEs ...
Blog Post
Can people be saved from a terrible childhood ?
Perfect example of a Trauma-Informed-Approach, easily used and adapted to any-age or any-present-circumstances population. It's a heart thing - not rocket science ! ************************************************************* When Sabrina Bugget-Kellum walked into a neighbourhood clinic in New York for a routine appointment in in 2016, she was desperate. Her son was in prison. She was trying to look after his two young children, who were aged one and two. Their mother was emotionally...
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Childbirth Can be Another Source of Trauma for Women Who Were Abused [Irishtimes.com]
By Arlene Harris, The Irish Times, February 7, 2020 While it may be an innate and mainly joyful event, many pregnant women feel anxious at the thought of going through labour and can suffer emotional and physical distress during the delivery itself. And there is one group of women for whom there is an extra level of trauma associated with the arrival of their unborn child – those who have been victims of sexual assault. Hazel Larkin is a sexual abuse survivor and over the coming months will...
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CRACKED UP movie Netflix launch today Fri 1 May + Q&A webinar (Monday 4 May)
In better times, we brought you along to WORLD PREMIERES, unique and unusual SCREENINGS, themed around health and well-being. Now that we are – temporarily - restricted in our scope and movements, we will bring these events TO YOU instead. One such film – in the context of #ACEs #AdverseChildhooodExperiences is *CRACKED UP* : it is being launched TODAY 1 May 2020 on NETFLIX. And to mark this event, a free live Zoom webinar and Q&A with the protagonist, with the film director, with a...
Blog Post
Excellent New Irish Probation Study (2018) : Aligns with Similar Research Nationally and Internationally
This study shows - once again - that it is not essential to begin every project with lengthy and expensive research, when immediate action and intervention is what counts. Thanks to #ACEs, the data is there already : not rocket-science, and no need to re-invent the wheel. [ ... Notwithstanding the small cohort involved, this research adds to the international body of evidence on trauma and substance use, criminality and homelessness . The research highlights the need for health and community...
Blog Post
Heal from Trauma - Nature's Way
[ ..... Reframing our cultural understanding of how trauma works is fundamental to creating institutional and personal strategies for healing that truly work ......... While there is a growing awareness in.....workplaces and communities about the prevalence of trauma in both personal and occupational contexts - including with children - a nuanced understanding of healing is still in the early stages..... ] [ ....“There’s tons of people getting trauma-informed out there ..... But people don’t...
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#Homelessness / Exploring the connection between early trauma and later negative life events among Cork Simon service users.
One of the first ACEs study conducted in Ireland - this one amongst the Cork Simon Community, an organisation caring for adult-homeless people. This link is a very visual presentation, including 2 locally-made videos , plus 2 standard ACEs videos at the end. In another link we will present the more text-and-data version of the study. Authors : Dr. Sharon Lambert & Graham Gill-Emerson. March 2017 >>> ACE's at Cork Simon
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How Childhood Trauma Can Make You A Sick Adult
How the ACEs were born - Dr Felitti - in his own words (7min video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3cCAcGeG8E
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"How to talk policy and influence people": a special series of Law and Justice
"No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference" is the title of Greta Thunberg's book, which is a compilation of her speeches on the need for urgent action to tackle climate change. One of those speeches is entitled "Together We Are Making a Difference". I had planned to organise an event on the topic of “How to talk policy and influence people” kindly supported by the Cork Education and Training Board in Ireland on the 2nd of April 2020. Unfortunately, the event had to be cancelled due to the...
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FIRST-EVER full Congressional hearing on “IDENTIFYING, PREVENTING AND TREATING CHILDHOOD TRAUMA” by the Oversight Committee chaired by Representative Elijah Cummings. Across the hearing, the story of developmental trauma is well conveyed and powerful. Many ah-ha moments . Begins at the 12'40sec mark (=10am). 3h 30' of riveting and emotional testimonials and contributions. The magnitude and the priority of addressing developmental trauma is clear. # ACEs # ACE # AdverseChildhoodExperiences #...
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Measuring Trauma-Informed Care with Online ARTIC
FREE Online ARTIC webinar for Ireland and UK Thursday, May 28, 2020, 3:00-4:00 pm BST Register today at this link The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC, a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and para-professional attitudes toward TIC, has...
Blog Post
Measuring Trauma-Informed Care with the Online ARTIC
FREE Online ARTIC webinar for Ireland and UK Thursday, May 28, 2020, 3:00-4:00 pm BST Register today at this link The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC, a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and para-professional attitudes toward TIC, has...
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New proof - for those insisting on Evidence-based Information
It seems like we have known this for a long time. But sure, epigenetics is recent, and every little bit help. See article in the link. http://news.tulane.edu/pr/tulane-psychiatrist-wins-national-award-research-shows-how-trauma-seeps-across-generations
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Nice new image/poster from Nicabm, for CareGivers and Parents
Nice new image/poster from Nicabm, where the CareGiver can easily be substituted by the PARENT. Some good new words in it too.
Blog Post
Police Need ACE Training to Better Understand Impact of Childhood Violence, Study Says [cypnow.co.uk]
Written by Nina Jacobs, Friday, May 1 2020 - Police officers should be trained in understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on young people in order to tackle an increase in child to parent violence, new research suggests. The study was commissioned by Northumbria Police. A report commissioned by Northumbria Police, Policing Childhood Challenging Violent or Aggressive Behaviour: responding to vulnerable families , makes the recommendation as part of a wider strategy to...
Blog Post
Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland
This Law and Justice special podcast was recorded live at the "Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland" event at Bewley's Cafe Theatre in Dublin on November 28th, 2018. The event, organised in conjunction with the Irish ACEs and Trauma-informed Forum, was kindly sponsored by Senator Lynn Ruane. It was an open discussion with survivors of childhood trauma. professionals working in the Early Years sector, education, health, addiction, criminal justice and psychotherapy about the...
Blog Post
Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland: Firkin Crane event Cork 08 April 2019
https://soundcloud.com/jane-mulcahy/firkin-crane-event-towards-an-ace-aware-trauma-responsive-ireland This event was an open discussion with survivors of childhood trauma and professionals working in the Early Years sector, education, health, addiction and homeless services about the desirability of raising public and political awareness of the prevalence and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Ireland and the need for a collaborative cross sector trauma-responsive approach for...
Blog Post
Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland: Open the can of worms
I prepared these background notes to provide context for the "Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland" event I organised at the Firkin Crane theatre in Cork, Ireland on 08 April 2019. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332275178_Open_the_can_of_worms
Blog Post
Welcome to ACEs in Ireland!
ACEs in Ireland is a hub for all things trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences here in Ireland, and for those who strive for change and follow ACEs science. The island of Ireland is host to one of the most traumatised people on the planet. There can therefore only be one way, and that is up and better. We welcome all your questions, from your very own special interest or position, and surely among us, we can provide information, answers, support, and more importantly, solutions. You are...
Blog Post
What Do Asthma, Heart Disease And Cancer Have In Common? Maybe Childhood Trauma
When I posted about asthma a few years ago, the powers-that-be nearly hounded me off the internet, and with scary legal threats. "The one thing that I just want to add is, that kid who has asthma all the time — that may also be a symptom [of trauma]. Or the kid who has the chronic headaches or the chronic tummy pain. Those may be symptoms that are less obvious and certainly less intrusive in the school environment, so they can be overlooked." FULL ARTICLE What Do Asthma, Heart Disease And...
Ask the Community
ACE's Approach to Community Development
Hi All, I have just recently become a member of the ACE's in Ireland group here online. I hope you will be patient with me as I navigate my way around the site as I am not very technical. I am delighted to have found this community and I look forward to learning from you all. I have recently taken up the role of community development officer in my community. The community has many social issues such as crime, poverty, high unemployment and a high rate of early school leavers and very low...
Blog Post
"How to talk policy and influence people": a Law and Justice interview with Angi Yoder-Maina
In this unedited "How to talk policy and influence people" interview interview with Angi Yoder Maina, Executive Director of the Green String Network (GSN) in Kenya, we discuss peacebuilding and how trauma is often a root cause of inter and trans-generational violence. We talk about GSN's healing-centred approach to renegotiating collective and individual wounds through story-telling, art and peer support, where people are acknowledged as being the experts of their own lives and histories. We...
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Covid-19: 'Trauma Gap' Could Overwhelm Schools and PRUs [tes.com]
By Kiran Gill, May 13 2020, on tes.com The pandemic has been tempestuous for our schools. School leaders and staff have risen to each new challenge: keeping children safe, feeding them, awarding qualifications in the absence of exams, and delivering remote learning. As well as short-term demands, schools must grapple with longer-term fallout. Children who have not had access to books, laptops and internet during lockdown will have fallen the furthest behind. Covid could turn the “poverty...
Re: "How to talk policy and influence people": a Law and Justice interview with Dr Wendy Ellis
Jane thank you so much for sharing your videos they are so informative I am learning so much from them. Our community have gone through so much trauma in the last few years with young people dying from suicide and drugs. It is hard to know where to start to help our young people and the families who are also suffering the trauma of losing their children and being threatened themselves. I can see the individual trauma and the community trauma it all makes so much sense when you take the time...
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Three-nation research to examine relationships between social factors and epigenetics (Eurekalert)
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, November 9, 2020, Grant Announcement . $2.9 million National Institute on Aging grant to USC's Eileen Crimmins supports collaboration of large studies in US, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to answer questions about how life circumstances affect gene expression and health. A new three-nation project will examine how social, economic, psychological, environmental and behavioral circumstances in childhood influence gene expression and affect health...
Blog Post
Child offenders' lives dogged by trauma, mental illness and abuse (The Irish Examiner)
By Cormac O’Keeffe, November 27, 2020, Security Correspondent. Almost all juvenile offenders in diversion programmes examined have suffered trauma in their lives and almost two-thirds have experienced multiple traumas, according to new research. The study found very high rates of parental loss, emotional abuse and substance use within the family – with high rates of family mental illness, physical abuse and domestic violence. Sexual abuse was more than five times higher among girls than boys...
Blog Post
Nine New Communities Join ACEs Connection / February, 2021
Please welcome these nine new communities to the ACEsConnection.com network! ACEs Connection Sweden ACEs in Ireland Alberta Champions For Children: Past, Present, and Future (CAN) Central Texas Resilience Network (TX) Chester County ACEs Coalition (PA) Jones County Resilience Collaborative (NC) Kings County ACEs Connection (CA) San Joaquin County ACEs Aware Network (CA) Vallejo City Strength (CA) Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community...
Blog Post
Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood The Promise of Healing (Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., Lt. Col. (USAR, Ret.)
Far too many people are walking around with unhealed, hidden wounds from toxic childhood stress. For some the pain is obvious. Others might look outwardly strong, capable, and in control. However, unhealed inner wounds inevitably cause untold and needless suffering and can lead to a dizzying array of psychological, medical, and functional problems. In this three-part blog, we’ll discuss the road to recovery. This blog is Part I: The Principles of Healing. Part II will explain why traditional...
Susan Wallace
Marie Berkery
Niamh McCarthy
Bernie Laverty
Jenny Murphy
Eithne Nic
Alan Kavanagh
Ann Hayden
Blog Post
Wrestling Ghosts Watch Weekend on PACEs Connection (June 11-13th) & Zoom Discussion with Director Ana Joanes on June 15th at 7p.m. EST.
Wrestling Ghosts is the fourth and final film in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series. The film can be watched, free of charge, on PACEs Connection from Friday, June 11th through Sunday, June 13th where it will be streamed all weekend. The streaming will be followed by a Zoom discussion with Wrestling Ghosts Director, Ana Joanes, and the co-sponsors of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival (CTIPP, PACEs Connection, & the Relentless School Nurse) on...
Blog Post
6 Things we can all do today to create a trauma-informed society
You don't have to be a therapist to help survivors heal from trauma. Here are 6 key behaviors that embody what it means to be "trauma-informed" that we can all start doing right now.