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PACEs in Maternal Health


Funding Opportunity: California Preterm Birth Initiative

The California Preterm Birth Initiative is pleased to share our spring 2021 request for applications for innovative research proposals on preterm birth! About the Opportunity Twice a year, in the spring and fall, we request research proposals via the UCSF Resource Allocation Program (RAP). The spring RAP applications are due by March 1st. What We're Looking For We are looking for proposals focused on: Reducing preterm birth rates Addressing racial disparities in preterm birth and/or...

12 Organizations That Support Black Women's Physical And Emotional Health []

By Naydeline Mejia, Women's Health, February 5, 2021 Everyone deserves access to resources that improve their physical and emotional health. But here's another truth: Black women's wellness needs are *not* always met or accessible. And many health care resources fail to speak to the unique experiences that Black people face. And no one fares worse from the poor treatment than Black women . In the U.S., Black women have the highest pregnancy mortality rates . During the period between 2014...

How Docent Health Navigates Maternity Patients to Better Outcomes []

By Padma Nagappan, California Health Care Foundation, January 19, 2021 Lupita was six months pregnant with triplets when her water broke. The quiet 36-year-old farmworker suddenly had to leave her four children and enter Bakersfield Memorial Hospital for three months so doctors could watch over her during an unpredictable third trimester. She had recently separated from her husband, so her 17-year-old was tasked with taking care of his younger siblings until she returned from the hospital.

8 Categories of Adversity That Shape Health: Adverse Babyhood Experiences (ABEs), ACEs, and More

When I assisted women and families during pregnancy, labor and birth as a family doctor, I often felt concern that the interventions commonly used, while potentially life saving, influenced outcomes in ways that could be negative. I've since learned about a vast body of evidence that helps identify risk and offers tools to help recognize potential risk and effects so we can improve prevention and treatment. "ABEs" are one of 7 categories of adversity I add to ACEs that I wish I'd known about.

Join the Compassion in Therapy Summit: A Free Online Training with Awake Network January 30th—February 3

The free 2021 Compassion in Therapy Summit co-produced by The Awake Network and The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion begins Saturday, January 30th! If you or someone you care about is a therapist, social worker, clinician, psychologist, counselor, or anyone else working in mental health or you want to learn more about applying self-compassion to your own well-being, please check it out below and help spread the word! Join this FREE online event and learn mindfulness, self-compassion, and...

Implementation of Hospital Practices Supportive of Breastfeeding in the Context of COVID-19 — United States, July 15–August 20, 2020

Summary What is already known about this topic? Evidence-based hospital practices supporting breastfeeding have sometimes conflicted with COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures. What is added by this report? During summer 2020, hospitals implemented a variety of practices intended to balance evidence-based maternity care with infection prevention and control. Because of the pandemic, 17.9% of hospitals reported that in-person lactation support had decreased, and 72.9% reported...

Learning in the New Year with Dr. Jared Parrish

Strengthening Alaska: How the Pre-Birth Environment Can Prevent ACEs - with Jared Parrish, PhD. Jan 7, 2021 11:00 AM. Alaska. The Alaska Resilience Initiative is ringing in the New Year right by spreading the findings of Dr. Jared Parrish. For the past ten years, Dr. Parrish has worked as a Senior Epidemiologist with the Alaska Department of Social Services. Now Dr. Parrish brings us the latest research on pregnancy and ACEs. Join us on January 7th at 11am as Dr. Parrish presents findings...

TODAY! 12/2 at noon - FREE! Supporting Patients in Pregnancy: ACEs and Maternal Health

ACEs Aware presents " Supporting Patients in Pregnancy : ACEs and Maternal Health" Wed, Dec 2, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST Add to Calendar: Outlook ® Calendar | Google Calendar™ | iCal ® Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: How to Join the Webinar 1. Click the link to join the webinar at the specified time and date: Join Webinar Note: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you. Before joining, be sure to check system requirements to...

Tools to Mitigate Work Stress and Prevent Burnout: For Health Care Providers during COVID and Beyond  

Whether you work in a hospital, a safety net clinic, or in another health care setting, no health care provider working during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to read the flurry of news stories that highlight the extreme stress experienced by people in this line of work – you already know it firsthand. This webinar will introduce health care providers to the Community Resiliency Model ( CRM ), an evidence-based method of managing traumatic stress, preventing burnout and building resiliency. This...

New nonprofit breast milk bank launches in San Diego (

San Diego — Every year, about 260 of the tiniest premature babies in California hospitals develop an often-fatal bowel disease known as necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC. Nobody knows what causes NEC, but a common factor in many cases is the use of formula to feed these very low-birth-weight babies because the mother’s breast milk is not available. Replacing that formula with pasteurized breast milk in every California hospital newborn intensive care unit could be a positive step in reducing...

SAVE THE DATE - DECEMBER 2020 WEBINAR: "Supporting Patients in Pregnancy: ACEs and Maternal Health" []

"Supporting Patients in Pregnancy: ACEs and Maternal Health" 1.0 Continuing Medical Education/Maintenance of Certification Credit Available* Wednesday, December 2, 2020 Noon – 1 p.m. Register for the Webinar This webinar will provide information for women’s health providers about the importance of ACE screening in improving maternal and child health. Speakers will share resources for providers looking to introduce ACE screening in their practice, examples of how to create a healing...

Low levels of choline in pregnant Black American women associated with higher levels of stress (Mirage News)

NOVEMBER 17, 2020 5:08 AM AEDT Women with lower levels of choline delivered prematurely by 2 weeks, increasing risk of later mental health problems for their offspring. Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campu s have found that many pregnant Black Americans have low levels of choline, an essential nutrient that aids in prenatal brain development. Stress caused by institutional racism may play a role. The study, out now in Schizophrenia Bulletin , also found that these...

Maternal Mental Health

Like many of you, I’m a bit out of sorts and somewhat disoriented right now. Our collective mental health is deteriorating during Covid-19. Recent stats report an increase from 20-40% of adults struggling with mental illness since the advent of the pandemic. Maternal mental health is particularly at risk. Helping children with distance learning, navigating exposure to the news, trying to keep life a bit “normal”, keeping family members fed and supplied, juggling career and income loss, all...

Effects of prenatal mindfulness-based childbirth education on child-bearers' trajectories of distress: a randomized control trial (BMC Pregnancy Childbirth)

BMC Pregnancy Childbirth . 2020; 20: 623. Published online 2020 Oct 15. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03318-8 . Abstract Background: The perinatal period is a time of immense change, which can be a period of stress and vulnerability for mental health difficulties. Mindfulness-based interventions have shown promise for reducing distress, but further research is needed to identify long-term effects and moderators of mindfulness training in the perinatal period. Methods: The current study used data...

Upcoming Webinars: How to Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community + Intro to Organizing Your Initiative

Are you curious about starting an ACEs Initiative in your community? Are you wanting to learn the fundamentals of organizing an initiative or coalition? Join one of these upcoming webinars to learn how to start and organize an initiative! 1. How To Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community These webinars will be held monthly on the second Monday of the month by Alison Cebulla, the Community Facilitator (CF) for the Northeast USA, Mid-Atlantic USA, and Canada for ACEs Connection. You are...

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