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PACEs in Medical Schools

Tagged With "UP2US Coaching"

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Overview of the Community Resiliency Model, used worldwide to help trauma survivors re-regulate their central nervous system, offered in two, free 90-minute webinars.

Carey Sipp ·
Elaine Miller Karas , key creator of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM), will be joined by CRM trainers from Wilmington, NC, Allison Wine , behavioral specialist, and Kelly Purcell , instructional coach and multi-tiered support specialist for this free, two-part training. Register now for two, FREE 90-minute sessions May 7 from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST and May 14 from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST (The complete overview requires attendance at both sessions. Registration link below registers you...
Blog Post

Tools and how to use them is focus of second webinar on Community Resiliency Model, May 14, 2020

Carey Sipp ·
The second of two free Community Resiliency (CRM) webinars with Elaine Miller-Karas , key creator of the CRM, will be held Thursday, May 14, from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET, (10 a.m. CT; 9 a.m. MT, and 8 a.m. PT) and will include the practical application of tools of the model. CRM is an ACEs science-based biological model for helping individuals become emotionally regulated during natural disasters and other dysregulating times. Miller-Karas will be joined by CRM trainers from Wilmington, NC:...
Blog Post

NPPC shares lessons learned and results from ACEs screening pilot sites

Laurie Udesky ·
For Dr. Mercie Digangi, a pediatrician at Kaiser Southern California in Downey, CA, ACEs screening provided a crystal clear before-and-after in how she changed treatment plans for her pediatric patients, she explained to attendees of a December 2 webinar organized by the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) and cosponsored by ACEs Connection. Dr. Mercie Digangi One case that turned ACEs screening into a never-go-back moment for her was a three-year-old who was speech-delayed.
Blog Post

New ACEs initiatives learn about strategic plan development from from New Hanover (NC) Resiliency Task Force executive director Mebane Boyd

Carey Sipp ·
The desire to see other ACEs initiatives grow and flourish was evident at a recent meeting of the Resilient Columbus County (North Carolina) ACEs initiative when Mebane Boyd, executive director of the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force (also in North Carolina), shared with the Columbus County and neighboring Pender County groups how New Hanover created and works on its strategic plan. In the spirit of sharing, Boyd agreed to let ACEs Connection post the strategic plan and the video of the...
Blog Post

Implementing the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics in Tennessee: Parent and Clinician Perspectives (Child Wefare)

Karen Clemmer ·
Child Welfare publication, Child Trends, September 25, 2020. The QIC-AG is a five-year project working with eight sites that implemented evidence-based interventions or developed and tested promising practices which, if proven effective, can be replicated or adapted in other child welfare jurisdictions. Effective interventions are expected to achieve long-term, stable permanence in adoptive and guardianship homes for waiting children as well as children and families after adoption or...
Blog Post

A Better Normal Community Discussion - Reimagining Health Care

Gail Kennedy ·
In a conversational style, join physician Drew Factor who will speak with Dr. Tracy Gaudet, Liza Guroff and An é Watts in a discussion entitled "Reimagining Health Care". Dr. Gaudet will speak about her experience engaging in transformational change at the Veterans Administration and how this has shaped the development of her own Functional Medicine Institute, while Ms. Guroff and Ms. Watts will speak about their knowledge of a Trauma-Informed Approach both at a systems (National Council for...
Blog Post

Tools to Mitigate Work Stress and Prevent Burnout: For Health Care Providers during COVID and Beyond  

Laurie Udesky ·
Whether you work in a hospital, a safety net clinic, or in another health care setting, no health care provider working during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to read the flurry of news stories that highlight the extreme stress experienced by people in this line of work – you already know it firsthand. This webinar will introduce health care providers to the Community Resiliency Model ( CRM ), an evidence-based method of managing traumatic stress, preventing burnout and building resiliency. This...
Blog Post

StrongBrains Coaching: Using PACEs and Brain Science to Coach Kids for a Lifetime of Good Choices

Allison Wine ·
How can brain science help a Pop Warner football team of 10-year-olds win the big game, and avoid depression when they're adults? Join us for the August edition of the Up2Us Sports Lunch and Learn Series and find out. The monthly lunch and learn session, usually exclusively for UP2US member coaches, is now open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. Register today using the link at the end of this post. The session is Wednesday, August 11 at noon CST, and features the Rev. Dr.
Blog Post

ACEs, Sugar Addiction, and Weight Gain by Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

Brian Alman ·
In many cases, sugar addiction (just like other forms of addiction) can be linked to ACEs. When adverse childhood experiences go unresolved, sugar is easily accessible and can provide a temporary pressure relief valve from toxic stress. Sometimes, this way of coping is unconscious because the sugar-eating habits are reinforced by the brain’s altered hardwiring that craves that next dopamine hit. Then, there's the weight gain...
Blog Post

My positive childhood experiences tree

Carey Sipp ·
This is the third of three stunning illustrations showing how PACEs (positive and adverse childhood experiences) affected the family of Cendie Stanford, graphic artist and founder of the nonprofit ACEs Matter. This one looks at her positive childhood experiences. The day before her 16th birthday, Cendie Stanford’s older brother was shot and killed by a young man who, just two years earlier, had been her boyfriend. “I was heartbroken that two people I loved were out of my life forever,” says...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Brain, and Sleep

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Sufficient, good quality sleep strengthens the brain wounded by ACEs in many ways. Intelligent sleep strategies improve mood, brain (and medical) health, brain function, and the capacity to rewire negative neural pathways imprinted in childhood.
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education

Ellen Goldstein ·
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education Trauma is nearly universal and a root cause of numerous health and social problems, including 6 of the 10 leading causes of death. Research has substantiated the profound impact of trauma on the brain and body - and why trauma training is critical to the education and practice of health professionals. Yet a critical lag...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education

Ellen Goldstein ·
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education Trauma is nearly universal and a root cause of numerous health and social problems, including 6 of the 10 leading causes of death. Research has substantiated the profound impact of trauma on the brain and body - and why trauma training is critical to the education and practice of health professionals. Yet a critical lag...
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Agony of Perfectionism: A Better Way to Achieve Your Goals

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
The rigid pursuit of perfection poses a high risk to health and performance. A kinder, more flexible approach to pursuing high standards leads to better health and performance. Perfectionism, which is motivated by fear and self-doubt, is often rooted in adverse childhood experiences.
Blog Post

Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Pain of Perfectionism: A Better Way to Achieve Your Goals

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
If perfectionism is the enemy of good, compassionate, flexible striving for excellence may be the wiser approach.
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