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PACEs in Medical Schools

Tagged With "Race & Equity Workgroup"

Blog Post

Resilience for Children & Families: Being Brave When Things are Hard

Building Resilience with Children During Racial Discrimination & Violence: This attached Resilience Brief for Children has been the hardest one I have written yet. I have been an active advocate for the equal treatment of people from all backgrounds, religions, ethnic heritages, orientations, and families my entire life. It is hard to see the pain present today, not only due to COVID19 but also due to the harm and anger we see daily in the news. I want to share a story about the person...
Blog Post

"A Better Normal" Community Discussion Series- Our Reckoning with Race and Equity at ACEs Connection

Donielle Prince ·
Register for A Better Normal- Our reckoning with race and equity at ACEs Connection

Mara Rabin


Caitlin Croke

Caitlin Croke

Bruce Iverson


Susan Potvin

Blog Post

PACEs Connection presents the "Historical Trauma in America" series

Ingrid Cockhren ·
PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup will be examining historical trauma in the United States of America and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series will highlight each unique region within the United States and outline how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the socio-political landscape of today as well as the overall well-being of Americans. Discussions will make connections between...
Blog Post

2011-2021—A decade of steady growth in ACEs and TI laws and resolutions in the states

In 2019 and 2020, dozens of states enacted nearly 60 laws and resolutions that reference adverse childhood experiences or trauma. In this post, there's an interactive map that shows them all.

Lib Edwards

Blog Post

Path to a Just Society: Our new infographic shares common language and an aspirational path.

Carey Sipp ·
Our version of a “Path to a Just Society” is our first attempt at creating a common language and identifying points along the path to a just society. The Race and Equity workgroup of PACEs Connection started the project in early 2021, following a staff meeting where we realized that we, our organization and the movement needed this. We think it can help all of us gauge where we are, where we want to be, and what’s needed to get to the next level of integrating practices and policies based on...

Re: Path to a Just Society: Our new infographic shares common language and an aspirational path.

Jeoffry Gordon ·
This is a great graphic, but is field of view needs to be expanded. In my opinion to minimize, prevent trauma, you have to get beyond individual and family focused remediation. An improved graphic would include attention to poverty, racism, homelessness, and poor education, among others as factors needing attention to minimize trauma and get to a "just society." This view expands to include not only individual support, therapy, social work, and empathy, but also political action.

Lori Chelius

Lori Chelius

Hallie Waters




Karen Clemmer

Karen Clemmer
Blog Post

Early Relational Health Innovators Partner In Program Supported by PACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities Members in Twelve California Counties

Carey Sipp ·
Christina Bethell, Ph.D, MBA, MPH, founder of the Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI), principal author of the groundbreaking study on positive childhood experiences, and creator of the free Well Visit Planner, among other innovations. Two internationally-respected leaders and innovators in complementary aspects of early relational health and childhood and maternal health equity recently launched a partnership they believe will benefit everyone from newborn babies and...

Nadia King

Nadia King

Andi Fetzner

Andi Fetzner

Sajjad Ahmed

Sajjad Ahmed

Patricia Rush

Patricia Rush
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