Tagged With "Mediterranean diet"
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Why Emotional Eating Can Be a Consequence of Trauma
Research suggests that trauma can be a cause of emotional eating, or the drive to consume “comfort foods,” to manage the negative emotions directly related to past negative events.
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Doulas & Covid-19: A toolkit for doulas (DONA International)
Please the attached toolkit for more information. From the toolkit: Best practices when working with clients Given how new this virus is, we currently have very little data on how it might affect pregnant people and newborns. Guidelines from the CDC outline recommendations for how to support pregnant and laboring people with Coronavirus. (3) There is currently no evidence that the virus is spread from mother to baby in utero, or that it is transmitted in human milk. (4)
Blog Post
Doctor's Orders: Program Prescribes Fresh Fruits, Vegetables to Idahoans [publicnewsservice.org]
Eric Tegethoff, Public News Service (12/10/2020) BOISE, Idaho -- A pilot program that prescribes a trip to the produce aisle has been a success in Idaho. The Nebraska-based Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition evaluated the Idaho Hunger Relief Task Force's (IHRTF) Prescription for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables program, which offers vouchers to food-insecure patients with diabetes and prediabetes. It found significant improvements in participants' health; Julie Walker, manager of diabetes...
Blog Post
ACEs, Sugar Addiction, and Weight Gain by Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman
In many cases, sugar addiction (just like other forms of addiction) can be linked to ACEs. When adverse childhood experiences go unresolved, sugar is easily accessible and can provide a temporary pressure relief valve from toxic stress. Sometimes, this way of coping is unconscious because the sugar-eating habits are reinforced by the brain’s altered hardwiring that craves that next dopamine hit. Then, there's the weight gain...
Blog Post
Nourishing a Brain Wounded by Childhood Adversity
The right mix of nutrients revitalizes the brain that's been wounded by ACEs. Good nutrition can quickly improve mood and functioning in the present, while improving the potential to rewire disturbing memories imprinted in childhood.
Blog Post
Adverse Childhood Experiences, the Brain, and Exercise: How exercise strengthens the brain wounded by toxic childhood stress
Even small amounts of exercise can quickly and dramatically improve mood, brain health, brain function, and the ability to cope with stress, while preparing the brain to rewire the hidden wounds from childhood.
Blog Post
Keys to Calming Anxiety from Adverse Childhood Experiences
Anxiety rooted in the hidden wounds from childhood need not be a lifelong sentence. A combination of effective strategies offer hope and help to alleviate anxious conditions, including excessive worry and panic attacks, that originate in childhood.
Blog Post
Vital Self-Care for Adverse Childhood Experiences Recovery
Often overlooked, intelligent self-care is vital during and after the recovery process. Tending to important needs optimizes mood, mental health, and the ability to handle everyday stress. These keys say, "I matter," and sustain you in your recovery journey.
Blog Post
Important Steps to Optimize Your Brain and Mood after ACEs
After a difficult childhood, many effective strategies can facilitate recovery and elevate mood and brain health.
Blog Post
Consistent Diets to Decrease Prediabetes
Prediabetes is a diagnosed medical condition where individuals have elevated blood sugar levels, but are not elevated enough to give a diagnosis of diabetes (Cervoni, 2023). Approximately 96 million Americans have prediabetes, and 80% are asymptomatic (Cervoni, 2023). Symptoms associated with prediabetes include polydipsia, pollakiuria, hyperphagia, refractive error, asthenia, neuropathy, chronic disease, and chronic non-healing wounds (Cervoni, 2023). Prediabetes can be reversed by taking...