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PACEs in Nursing


Free Resource for Nurses: Cultivating the Practice of Gratitude []

We would like to provide you ongoing support and materials following the Mindfulness for Healthcare Summit . This week, we would like to share Gratitude Practice for Nurses —a joint initiative of the American Nurses Foundation and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. Decades of scientific research have shown that practicing gratitude is good for our minds, bodies, and relationships. Gratitude Practice for Nurses is a free initiative designed to provide...

Maternal Mortality and Intimate Partner Violence: Virtual Hill Briefing []

From Futures Without Violence, July 2021 This event is hosted by the National Health Collaborative on Violence and Abuse, American College of Obstetricians, March of Dimes, and Futures Without Violence in conjunction with Representative Gwen Moore. As Congress addresses the threats to Black maternal health, it is important to also discuss the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on maternal mortality. The briefing will highlight the leading causes of pregnancy-associated deaths...

Surviving medical school with depression ( & note

Here are two excerpts from a powerful blog post on the KevindMd site which is written by an anonymous medical student. I recommend the entire blog post which can be found here . Cissy's note: If doctors to be, while in medical school are not treated well by the medical model they are being trained to perform in, how can we expect them to then treat patients with compassion and understanding? I think of this now not only as a trauma survivor, and a patient advocate, but as a mother to a...

The Wisdom of Trauma - Encore Event - This Weekend until Midnight PST Sunday

If you missed the recent world premiere of The Wisdom of Trauma Movie with Dr. Gabor Maté, this weekend you can watch the encore of the movie plus get full access to the Talks on Trauma series including my talk with Dr. Gabor Maté and Nneka Jones Tapia on "A Vision for Compassionate Prison." The link is here (all donations will go to Compassion Prison Project by using this link!): Opening Kick Off Introduction with Gabor...

PACEs Connection presents the "Historical Trauma in America" series

PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup will be examining historical trauma in the United States of America and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series will highlight each unique region within the United States and outline how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the socio-political landscape of today as well as the overall well-being of Americans. Discussions will make connections between...

To Achieve Health Equity, Leverage Nurses and Increase Funding for School and Public Health Nursing, Says New Report (

WASHINGTON — Nursing in the next 10 years will demand a larger, more diversified workforce prepared to provide care in different settings, to address the lasting effects of COVID-19, to break down structural racism and the root causes of poor health, and to respond to future public health emergencies, says a new report from the National Academy of Medicine. Nurses represent the largest segment of the U.S. health care workforce, with nearly 4 million nationwide. Over the next decade, nurses...

ACEs Parent Handouts & ACEs One Pagers & Link to GRC (UPDATED 4/28/21)

We have so many wonderfu l resources shared by members. However, a few of you have asked me for help in retrieving them. Here's several of the most commonly shared ACEs handouts, info graphics and one pagers, with links to download. PLEASE share yours! I'm working...

Learn how to secure federal funding for your community. A Better Normal with CTIPP, Dave Ellis, Dan Jurman

The nearly $2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act has several buckets of funding that can be used to promote trauma-informed and healing-centered projects. PACEs Connection communities can apply for this funding, according to leaders of the Campaign for Trauma-informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), the National Trauma Campaign, and PACEs Connection. The “Better Normal” webinar on Friday, May 14 at 3 p.m. EST; Noon PST, Dan Press, Jesse Kohler and Marlo Nash of CTIPP will begin by describing...

Join Kristin Neff at the Free Mindfulness for Healthcare Virtual Summit May 20-23 []

We invite you to participate in the Mindfulness for Healthcare Summit , May 20-23, 2021 hosted online by our partner Mindful Communications and featuring Mindful Self-Compassion co-founder Kristin Neff along with 45 other experts in the mindfulness, compassion, and healthcare fields. This free virtual event will explore how mindfulness and compassion tools and practices support high-quality patient care and the well-being of healthcare workers , with a particular focus on promoting more just...

To solve the Black maternal mortality crisis, start with upending racist practices

It’s been all over the news for months: Black women in the United States are dying from complications during their pregnancies or in childbirth at alarming rates, and those deaths are preventable. Less well explored is how systemic racism and historical trauma have been at the core of what’s driven up these rates over several decades. A March 20 conference entitled The Impact of ACEs on Black Maternal Health took an in-depth look into why Black maternal mortality and complications during...

Impact of Stress on Nurse Workforce Will Outlast Pandemic []

By Kelly Ilic, Oregon Center for Nursing, April 21, 2021 As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year, its impact on healthcare workers continues. A new research brief from the Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN) summarizes recent findings regarding the pandemic’s impact on the stress levels and emotional health of registered nurses and other healthcare workers. “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Oregon’s registered nurses cannot be taken lightly,” said Executive Director Jana Bitton,...

Child Care Relief Funding in American Rescue Plan: State-by-State Estimates [CLASP]

March 10,2021 Editor’s note: This article includes CLASP estimates on child care relief funding each state, D.C., and Puerto Rico will receive of the $39 billion included in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) For decades, our country has had a child care crisis fraught with inequitable access for communities of color, unaffordable care for far too many families, poverty-level wages for early educators, and razorthin margins for providers. This long-term crisis has been exacerbated by the...

American Psychologist Special Issue: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Translating Research to Action []

The American Psychological Association has published a special issue focusing on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In this special issue you will find a variety of articles addressing ACEs and the impact they have on us from biology to policy. From the American Psychological Association, " The goal of this special issue is to publish articles that encompass the range of work being conducted in research, practice, programs, and policy in psychology and allied disciplines. This emphasis is...

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