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PACEs in Pediatrics

Resource List -- Guides & Toolkits

AAP Trauma Toolbox for Primary Care -- This 6-part series was designed with the primary care practice in mind – those who may or may not be familiar with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the process of asking families about exposure to ACEs or other traumatic events. The series includes:

  1. Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Lifelong Consequences of Trauma  (in Spanish)
  2. Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Other Types of Trauma in the Primary Care Setting  (in Spanish)
  3. The Medical Home Approach to Identifying and Responding to Exposure to Trauma  (in Spanish)
  4. Bring Out the Best in Your Children  (in Spanish)
  5. When Things Aren’t Perfect: Caring for Yourself and Your Children  (in Spanish)
  6. Protecting Physician Wellness: Working With Children Affected by Traumatic Events  (in Spanish)

Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence -- "The Center on the Developing Child, housed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has just released a highly usable collection of resources aimed at helping educators reinforce these skills — or encourage their development in vulnerable children. The guide, called Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence, offers a broad range of age-appropriate activities and games to bolster executive function at different stages."

The Art of Control -- "...Suggested activities for children in the 3–5 age range, a period where executive function capacities spike. These activities are excerpted from a chapter of the guide that can be downloaded individually here."

Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive!, A Primary Care Provider’s Guide for Developmental and Behavioral Screening -- "This guide, specifically designed for primary care providers, offers information on how you can best support the young children and families served in your practice. A comparable guide has been designed and distributed to early care and education providers, home visitors, early intervention service providers, mental health service providers and child welfare workers. Families may bring their child to you after a screening from one of these providers for further screening, to discuss implications of screening results, or referral to a developmental and behavioral specialist."

Books Build Connections Toolkit -- "Find information about the benefits of promoting early literacy and early learning for children and what you can do about it in the Books Build Connections Toolkit. The toolkit has publications with information and tips for pediatric professionals and families. Encourage families to talk, read, and sing with their children!"

Business, Medical, and Non-Profit Partners Launch New National Effort at CGI America to Help Close the Word Gap -- "At the fourth annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) America meeting in Denver, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a new collaborative effort of Too Small to Fail, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Scholastic Inc. and Reach Out and Read to raise awareness among parents about early language development. For the first time the AAP will promote early literacy—beginning from an infant's very first days—as an "essential" component of primary care visits. Through this commitment, the partners will ensure that doctors, parents and caregivers have the information, tools and books they need to promote reading out loud to children every day starting in infancy."

Helping Foster and Adoptive Families Cope With Trauma -- "The purpose of this guide is to support adoptive and foster families by strengthening the abilities of pediatricians to: 1) identify traumatized children, 2) educate families about toxic stress and the possible biological, behavioral, and social manifestations of early childhood trauma, and 3) empower families to respond to their child’s behavior in a manner that acknowledges past trauma but promotes the learning of new, more adaptive reactions to stress."

Mental Health Initiatives -- Collection of resources for pediatricians to support children and families' mental health.

Parenting Abused and Neglected Children -- "Children adopted from foster care or from an orphanage abroad have likely experienced some level of trauma from abuse, neglect, or malnutrition. What can adoptive parents do to help? Host Dawn Davenport will interview Dr. Bruce Perry, child psychiatrist and founder of Child Trauma Academy, and author of The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog. Dr. Perry has been consulted on how to help children involved with the following high profile incidents involving traumatized children such as the Branch Davidian siege in Waco (1993), the Oklahoma City bombing (1995), the Columbine school shootings (1999), the September 11th terrorist attacks (2001), Hurricane Katrina (2005), the FLDS polygamist sect (2008), the earthquake in Haiti (2010), the tsunami in Tohoku Japan (2011) and the Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings (2012)."

Parenting, Zero to Three -- "Our approach to supporting parents is based on the belief that parents are the true experts on their children, and that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to raising children. The information and tools we offer are designed to support parents in developing their own ways to promote their children’s growth and development."

Performing Preventive Services, Bright Futures -- "This handbook is ideal for pediatric practice professionals, as well as a teaching tool for medical students, residents, and all health professionals who provide well-child care. Topics vary from how to perform and bill office-based screening for vision and hearing (be sure to view the updated codes), obesity and its complications, child development, depression, and behavior problems to tobacco dependence and parental literacy or depression to providing counseling about topics critical to children's health and development. The document is formatted for ease of use and written to offer the most useful suggestions on how to provide children with the best preventive services available."

The psychosocial interview for adolescents updated for a new century fueled by media, HEEADSSS 3.0 -- "The HEEADSSS psychosocial interview is a practical, time-tested strategy that pediatricians can use to evaluate how their teenaged patients are coping with the pressures of daily living, especially now in the context of electronic and social media."

Reaching Teens: Strength-Based Communication Strategies to Build Resilience and Support Healthy Adolescent Development – series of videos/talks

Symposium on Child Health, Resilience & Toxic Stress -- "Supplemental Resources & Materials" flyer created by the AAP.

Testifying in Court About Trauma: The Court Hearing -- "Helps mental health professionals preparing for a court hearing. This fact sheet, a part of the Testifying in Court about Trauma series, includes a case example, defines legal terms, delineates the types of cases in which clinician testimony might be required, explains the roles of “expert” witness and “fact” witness, describes how to testify effectively, charts behaviors traumatized children may display and possible contributing facts from a trauma perspective, tells your rights as a witness, presents a checklist to use prior to the hearing day, and gives self-care tips for managing anxiety during the hearing."

Toxic Stress Screening, Medical Home Portal -- Informational page with resources, tools, and services.

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Jordan P. Brown posted:

This is a great resource list. I'm a social work intern at a pediatrics practice in Virginia, and I plan to share this link with the providers. We are still early on in the process to become a trauma-informed practice, but I think this list will spark some good conversations.


It's great to know that interns are learning about ACEs and resources for parents! Also, there is an ACEs in Pediatrics group on ACEs as well that might be interesting to you given where you are interning. Here's the link to that:


This is a great resource list. I'm a social work intern at a pediatrics practice in Virginia, and I plan to share this link with the providers. We are still early on in the process to become a trauma-informed practice, but I think this list will spark some good conversations.

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