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PACEs in Pediatrics


The Relentless School Nurse: ACEs Impact Nurses More Than We Realized!

I ran across this message on and not only did it catch my attention, but it also made me want to dig deeper. Could it be true that nurses have a higher ACEs score than other healthcare professionals? It seemed true in this small survey, but was this a representation of a trend? If it was, the implications in nursing practice could be tremendous and concerning. What I found was that there is a grand canyon gap in research. The minimal studies that do exist confirm that...

Parent Handouts updated and available In Dari, English & Spanish

The updated parent handouts are now available in Spanish as well as English and Dari. Here's the blog post with links to all three versions of each flyer. All versions of the Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs parent handouts can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow, who is responsible for making the Spanish and Dari translations available. These are updates of the...

Mitigating the Effects of Trauma among Young Children of Immigrants and Refugees: The Role of Early Childhood Programs []

A child’s early years are a time of exceptional growth, and ones that can be profoundly affected by traumatic experiences. Research has firmly disproven the idea that infants and toddlers are “too young” to be affected by such experiences, leading to an increased awareness of the need for trauma-informed services for children. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs have the potential to play a central role in identifying and addressing the effects of trauma, with lifelong...

Nurturing Children During Times of Stress: A Guide to Help Children Bloom by Yolo CAPC and YCCA

The Yolo County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) and Yolo County Children’s Alliance (YCCA) are excited to share Nurturing Children During Times of Stress: A Guide to Help Children Bloom. This guide for parents and caregivers, which we are launching during Child Abuse Prevention Month, contains tips and resources that parents and caregivers can use to promote resilience in their children and themselves. Nurturing Children During Times of Stress explains the effects of intense stress or...

LGBTQ + Youth - a book reviewed in Journal of GLBT Family Studies

LGBTQ youth are most vulnerable to the school to prison pipeline, which is a very severe ACE (Snapp et al, 2015.) To combat this problem, I wrote a clinical manual for educators and mental health clinicians. The book addresses the need for sensitive engagement with, and advocacy of, LGBTQ+ youth. LGBTQ+ Youth: A Guided Workbook to Support Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity was released in June 2018, endorsed by Jenny Finney Boylan, and #1 NEW RELEASE on Amazon in Teen and Young Adult...

California gets its first ever surgeon general (

California's first-ever Surgeon General has launched a listening tour that will take her around the state to hear about people's hopes for the new position and the state's new commitment to improving Californians' health. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is a pediatrician with degrees from U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Davis Medical School, and Harvard University. She says, as the daughter of a biochemist and a nurse, she knew what her dream job was at an early age. "My immediate priorities as Surgeon General...

Upcoming ACEs webinar hosted by National Pediatric Practice Community(NPPC) team - CME/MOC credits available!

Healthy Spaces Webinar Series (Two 1-Hour Webinars) Communicating About ACEs with Patients and Families presented by: Leena Singh, DrPH, MPH - Director of the NPPC Karissa Luckett, RN, MSW - NPPC Pilot Site Coach April 17, 2019 9:00-10:00 AM (PT) 12:00-1:00 PM (ET) Learner Outcome: The learner will be able to identify two evidence based tools and/or strategies to utilize in the pediatric healthcare setting to improve child care when addressing health concerned among children &...

CA to reimburse for only one of three ACEs screeners

California health care providers will soon begin to learn how many of the 13.2 million California children and adults in the state’s MediCal program have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). But the state’s proposed decision to reimburse only one of three recommended options for screening children has drawn mixed reactions from pediatricians. “If we have mandated legislation that only looks at one screening tool, it really limits the opportunity to improve that screening...

Webinar: School Nurses + Pediatricians = Powerful Partners

April 23, 2019 9:00 AM 10:00 AM PDT Webinar School Nurses + Pediatricians = Powerful Partners presented by: Dany Levy, MD, FAAP & Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN April 23, 2019 / 9:00-10:00 AM (PT) / 12:00-1:00 PM (ET) Objectives: Discuss the roles of the school nurse & pediatrician in the Pediatric Medical Home Discuss how communication between pediatricians in school nurses can be improved Discuss gaps in coordinating efforts on behalf of children and family Discuss and dispel myths...

Childhood Anxiety Linked to Later Problems With Alcohol []

New research has found evidence that children and adolescents with higher levels of anxiety may be at a greater risk of developing alcohol problems. Many studies have investigated the relationship between anxiety and alcohol use, but the evidence has been unclear, say researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K.. Some studies found higher anxiety is linked to greater alcohol use, while others found anxiety is linked to lower alcohol use, or there was no association. For their study,...

“I Like to Move It, Move It!" – How Dance and Rhythm Can Reduce the Impact of ACEs []

If you’ve watched “Madagascar,” you’re sure to have seen King Julien leading the jungle in a rousing chant of “I Like to Move It, Move It” while doing just that. It turns out King Julien was onto something. If the iconic lemur were a scientist, he might have written a dazzling paper on what our ancestors already knew: Dance can help heal what ails you. As it is, more and more researchers studying the healing power of rhythmic movement on people who’ve experienced trauma from Adverse...

Upstreamist in Action: In a Texas Clinic, Lawyers Are Health Care Providers [Health Begins]

Upstreamists are changemakers pioneering practices that improve health by blending medical and social care . In this series of profiles, HealthBegins highlights some of these bold leaders and their innovations, in settings large and small. Their stories show us that the journey upstream is not only necessary — it’s possible. The People’s partnership began in 2012, when two puzzle pieces clicked together. The clinic’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Louis Appel, a pediatrician with an interest in...

Report Offers Insights For Trading Juvenile Incarceration For Community-Based Strategies []

Over the last 20 years, youth violence dropped precipitously (and unexpectedly) in California. Law enforcement arrested minors 22,601 times for violent crimes in 1994. That arrest rate dropped 68 percent, to 7,291 arrests two decades later, in 2017. In addition, a collective turning away from harshly punitive incarceration for kids, and a movement toward community-based diversion and services, have helped keep kids out of juvenile lockups. (But not all kids—racial disparities in the juvenile...

In El Paso, Border Patrol Keeps Families Under a Bridge (In Photos) []

In El Paso on Wednesday, Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, stood in front of the steel bollards that line the border between the United States and Mexico and warned that the border had hit a " breaking point ." As McAleenan addressed reporters at the border, elsewhere in the city, hundreds of asylum-seeking families were being held in a razor wire-surrounded enclosure under a bridge. Photos showed children and families standing behind chain link and...

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