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PACEs in Pediatrics

Tagged With "public charge rule"

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Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8 (The National Academies Press 2016)

Former Member ·
A study published by The National Academies of Sciences in 2016 resulting in 10 Recommendations to build support for parents... "Over the past several decades, researchers have identified parenting- related knowledge, attitudes, and practices that are associated with improved developmental outcomes for children and around which parenting- related programs, policies, and messaging initiatives can be designed. However, consensus is lacking on the elements of parenting that are most important...
Blog Post

Public Charge Rule Could Erode Enrollment in Insurance Coverage []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, February 3, 2020 In a 5-4 vote reflecting the ideological split among the justices, the US Supreme Court on January 27 decided to allow the Trump administration to commence enforcement (PDF) of its “public charge” rule nationwide. Only Illinois, where a statewide injunction is currently in effect, will not begin enforcing the rule. The regulation was slated to take effect last October, but federal judges in California, Illinois,...
Blog Post

California Is Giving Doctors Incentives To Ask Patients About Childhood Trauma []

By Sammy Caiola, Capital Public Radio, December 9, 2019 California health officials want children and adults on Medi-Cal to get screened for traumatic childhood events that can cause negative health effects down the line. Now the state has started giving doctors and nurses tools to do the screenings. People who experience adversity early in life have much higher chances of substance abuse, depression, or chronic diseases than their peers, according to national research. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s...
Blog Post

Launching a Revolution []

By Madeline Drexler, Harvard Public Health, Winter 2020 In 2007, pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris, MPH ’02, set out on an idealistic mission: to deliver quality medical care to one of San Francisco’s poorest and most underserved neighborhoods—Bayview-Hunters Point, in the isolated southeastern corner of the city. Before Burke Harris arrived on the scene, only one pediatrician was serving the neighborhood’s 10,000 children. The community’s plight was starkly apparent in its ZIP code. In 17 of...
Blog Post

Doctor-patient role-playing featured in ACEs Connection webinar

Laurie Udesky ·
On an ACEs Connection webinar on Monday, Dr. Andrew Seaman, an assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University, showed how he navigates his students through the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). And, in an unusual twist for a webinar, Seaman and O’Nesha Cochran, a peer mentor with the Mental Health Association of Oregon, role-played doctor-patient interactions to show how to develop the skills to communicate with patients with high ACE scores. About 90 people...
Blog Post

Doctor-patient role-playing featured in ACEs Connection webinar

Laurie Udesky ·
On an ACEs Connection webinar on Monday, Dr. Andrew Seaman, an assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University, showed how he navigates his students through the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). And, in an unusual twist for a webinar, Seaman and O’Nesha Cochran, a peer mentor with the Mental Health Association of Oregon, role-played doctor-patient interactions to show how to develop the skills to communicate with patients with high ACE scores. About 90 people...
Blog Post

Immigration Rules Change Could Mean More Kids Separated From Parents []

Alicia Doktor ·
Anti-poverty and children’s advocates are bracing for the fallout of proposed federal policy changes that would slash access to the social safety net for immigrant families, which could result in more children entering foster care. “Any proposal that undermines the economic stability of families — which is exactly what this does — puts families at increased risk of involvement with the child welfare system,” said Wendy Cervantes, a senior policy analyst at The Center for Law and Social...
Blog Post

A fast, easy way for pediatricians to screen kids for ACEs...and other health issues

Laurie Udesky ·
Last November, the California Department of Managed Care gave its stamp of approval to a new version of Whole Child Assessment 2.0 , a tool that screens for children’s adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). It was recommended as part of recently passed legislation calling for trauma screening for children in California. But the Whole Child Assessment 2.0 (WCA) does more. It also queries patients about other critical safety and health issues, including whether they have enough to eat, whether...
Blog Post

A Guide to Providing Telehealth During the COVID-19 Crisis

Daren Casagrande ·
Many of us in the mental health field are being thrust into unfamiliar territory as clinicians in the midst of the COVID-19 response. We either risk personal health (and the health of our clients) by seeing people in person, or needing to utilize technologies that we may be unfamiliar with. Further, those technologies have fluid legal/ethical standards (and is even more fluid at present to accommodate the pandemic), and which require different skill sets that in-person therapy. I am...
Blog Post

A Guide to Providing Telehealth During the COVID-19 Crisis

Daren Casagrande ·
ACEs in Pediatrics community manager's note: Although this post by Daren Casagrande is geared toward mental health providers, I thought it had material that could be useful to a wider swath of health care providers. Please comment below if you have any questions or suggestions. --- Laurie Udesky Many of us in the mental health field are being thrust into unfamiliar territory as clinicians in the midst of the COVID-19 response. We either risk personal health (and the health of our clients) by...
Blog Post

ACEs Aware Webinar: Trauma-informed practices to address stress from COVID19

Laurie Udesky ·
How can health care providers take care of themselves, their colleagues and their patients during this COVID-19 pandemic? First and foremost is recognizing how the pandemic can stir up trauma from the past, said Dr. Alicia Lieberman, a psychologist specializing in trauma. “COVID19 is reawakening traumatic reminders in many of us and in the families we work with. And that often makes it difficult for parents to protect themselves and their children,” she noted. Lieberman, the director of the...
Blog Post

ACEs, biomarkers and the cost of adversity

Laurie Udesky ·
How useful and necessary are biomarkers in telling the story of how toxic stress from adverse childhood experiences and resilience can impact a child’s long-term health? In the introduction to an article in the journal BioEssays , Dr. Kathryn Ridout, a Kaiser Permanente San Jose psychiatrist, and her co-authors examine what is known about two biomarkers and quote data on child maltreatment and its economic burden over time that says it all. “When totaling the costs of health care, child...
Blog Post

ACEs Research Corner — March 2020

Harise Stein ·
Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs science. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Brown SM, Bender K, Orsi R, McCrae JS, Phillips JD, Rienks S. Adverse childhood experiences and their relationship to complex health profiles among child...
Blog Post

So you've screened for ACEs...Now what?

Margaret Wayne ·
Docs for Tots has partnered with the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW) to bring together diverse pediatric offices across Long Island and assist them in implementing universal ACEs screening. CYW, national experts on ACEs, has demonstrated that by addressing ACEs and building resilience through community resources, behavioral therapy, and support, the health outcomes of individuals can improve. A key goal of CYW is to have every pediatrician universally screening for ACEs in order to identify...
Blog Post

Survey: Healthcare providers, community organizations weigh in on California's ACEs screening program

Laurie Udesky ·
In January, California took a historic leap forward to promote universal ACEs screening of the state’s 13 million adults and children in the Medi-Cal program. The eventual goal is to promote ACEs screening for all patients, but this is a first step in dealing with a major issue that ACEs science has identified: that many children will develop serious health problems later in life because the healthcare system is not currently set up to detect the roots of those problems. The term ACEs, which...
Blog Post

The Power of a Baby's Laugh

Former Member ·
Peek-a-boo: A window on baby's brain By Anna Lacey BBC Health Check   Baby laughter: What it reveals about your baby's brain Continue reading the main story Health Check A baby's first smile is an...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: ACEs Impact Nurses More Than We Realized!

Robin M Cogan ·
I ran across this message on and not only did it catch my attention, but it also made me want to dig deeper. Could it be true that nurses have a higher ACEs score than other healthcare professionals? It seemed true in this small survey, but was this a representation of a trend? If it was, the implications in nursing practice could be tremendous and concerning. What I found was that there is a grand canyon gap in research. The minimal studies that do exist confirm that...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: How Are We Treating Our Children?

Robin M Cogan ·
School nursing is filled with challenging moments, some are more emergent than others. Imagine this scenario: A preschool student whose family is displaced, enters school with no physical exam or immunizations has a seizure at school. The student is admitted to the hospital, and upon discharge, is released with multiple referrals to specialists and diagnostic studies. The family, undocumented and homeless, has no insurance. The mother's employer will not provide proof of income because she...
Blog Post

Top Organizations Encourage Appeals Court to Rule Against Trump Administration, End Detention of Migrant Children [

Jim Hickman ·
Contact: Nathan Carlile , Head of Firmwide Communications, Arent Fox LLP On behalf of a coalition of the nation’s leading organizations dedicated to the care, health, education, well-being, and welfare of children and families, Arent Fox LLP filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in support of the Plaintiff in Jenny Lisette Flores, et al., v. William Barr, Attorney General of the United States, et al. Nearly thirty organizations steadfastly oppose the Trump...
Blog Post

Weighing in on federal rules regarding "public charge" for immigrant families

Laurie Udesky ·
Editor's note: The National Pediatric Practice Community on Adverse Childhood Experiences , part of the Center for Youth Wellness, included the following information in its newsletter that may impact your patients access to health care: "Make Your Voice Heard & Comment re: Proposed Limits to Food, Housing The Department of Homeland Security proposed new definitions of public charge , which marks a significant departure from its current policy. The changes pose risks to immigrant families...


Morgan Vien ·
Blog Post

How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (

Carey Sipp ·
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post

Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences (Psychology Today)

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
To read more of Dr. Glenn Schiraldi's article, please click here, Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences | Psychology Today . Image: Source Key points Effective parenting is a learned skill. Those who didn't see effective parenting modeled at home can nevertheless become very effective parents. The consistent application of effective parenting practices promotes healthy adjustment in children. Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to heal the inner wounds from childhood adversity...
Blog Post

As He Concludes His Second Tenure, 21st U.S. Surgeon General Issues Parting Prescription for America

Carey Sipp ·
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Urges Americans to Recenter Their Lives Around Relationships, Service, and Purpose Washington, D.C. – Today, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy released his Parting Prescription for America - PDF , weaving together reflections on his personal and professional experiences having spent six of the last ten years as our nation’s Surgeon General. Throughout his service, the Surgeon General has sought to understand the root causes of pain and unhappiness...
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