Tagged With "Ben David"
Blog Post
Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8 (The National Academies Press 2016)
A study published by The National Academies of Sciences in 2016 resulting in 10 Recommendations to build support for parents... "Over the past several decades, researchers have identified parenting- related knowledge, attitudes, and practices that are associated with improved developmental outcomes for children and around which parenting- related programs, policies, and messaging initiatives can be designed. However, consensus is lacking on the elements of parenting that are most important...
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Parents who had severe trauma, stresses in childhood more likely to have kids with behavioral health problems [ScienceDaily.com]
A new study finds that severe childhood trauma and stresses early in parents' lives are linked to higher rates of behavioral health problems in their own children. The types of childhood hardships included divorce or separation of parents, death of or estrangement from a parent, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, witnessing violence in the home, exposure to substance abuse in the household or parental mental illness. "Previous research has looked at childhood trauma as a risk factor for...
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Personalized Screen to ID Suicidal Teens in 14 ERs (NIMH)
Emergency Department Screen for Teens at Risk for Suicide (ED-STARS), a recently-launched study in a network of hospital emergency departments (EDs) across the country, will develop and test a personalized, computer-based suicide risk...
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[Repost] Trauma-informed Care: It Takes More Than a Clipboard and a Questionnaire
California is about to launch an ambitious campaign to train tens of thousands of Medi-Cal providers to screen children and adults up to age 65 for trauma, starting on January 1, 2020. It is well-established that the early identification of trauma and providing the appropriate treatment are critical tools for reducing long-term health care costs for both children and adults. Research has shown that individuals who experienced a high number of traumatic childhood events are likely to die...
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Gene-Environment Interactions (Rhesus Monkeys) Stephen J. Suomi, Ph.D. How Gene-Environment Interactions Can Influence Emotional Development in Rhesus Monkeys http://www.thefpr.org/private/pdf/BROWNC~1.pdf Genetic and Environmental Determinants of...
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Resource List -- Articles on ACEs in Pediatric Practices
Do the Roots of Mental Health Issues Lie in Early Childhood? [WAMU.org] -- Short article about Dr. Rahil Briggs at Montefiore Comprehensive Healthcare Center in the Bronx. May 27, 2016 Boston's architect of Community Well-Being: Reneé Boynton-Jarrett [ACEsTooHigh.com] -- How Dr. Boynton-Jarrett integrates ACEs science into her practice and community. Feb. 22, 2016 Stemming the cycle of toxic stress -- for the kids' sake [Kaiser Health News] -- How Drs. RJ Gillespie and Teri Pettersen...
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Resource List -- Research & Reports
AcademyHealth -- "As the professional home and leading national organization for health services researchers, policymakers, and health care practitioners and stakeholders, AcademyHealth – together with its members – increases the understanding of methods and data used in the field, enhances the professional skills of researchers and research users, and expands awareness." Anda RF, Felitti VJ, Bremner JD, Walker JD, Whitfield C, Perry BD, Dube SR, Giles WH. The enduring effects of abuse and...
Blog Post
Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post
Chicago healthcare providers start center for ACEs science education; aim to reach all medical, health students by 2025
In 2017, Dr. Audrey Stillerman and three other women from the Chicago healthcare community founded the THEN Center . Its goal is lofty: By 2025, it wants every graduating student in medical and health sciences across the United States to apply core concepts of childhood adversity, neurobiology, resilience and health equity into their work. Dr. Audrey Stillerman Today, the THEN Center (The Collaborative Study of Trauma, Health Equity and Neurobiology) is well on its way. Its founders are...
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10 Things Every Parent Should Know about Play
1. Children learn through their play. Don’t underestimate the value of play. Children learn and develop: cognitive skills – like math and problem solving in a pretend grocery store physical abilities – like balancing...
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Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, May 7, 2019
Clinic and park partnerships for childhood resilience: A prospective study of park prescriptions. Razani N, Niknam K, Wells NM, Thompson D, Hills NK, Kennedy G, Gilgoff R, Rutherford GW. Health Place . 2019 May 3;57:179-185. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.04.008. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:31060017 Family Resilience And Connection Promote Flourishing Among US Children, Even Amid Adversity. Bethell CD, Gombojav N, Whitaker RC. Health Aff (Millwood) . 2019 May;38(5):729-737. doi:...
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Love in the Time After Covid-19 [positiveexperience.org]
By Dr. Robert Sege, positiveexperience.org, April 23, 2020 A lot has happened in the month since we first published “ Love in the Time of Coronavirus ” in this blog space. We are now publishing regularly and have featured the perspectives of Drs. David Willis , Danielle Laraque-Arena , Heather Forkey, and Moira Szilagyi . We have also established our own community at ACEs Connection , and post contributions there frequently. Visit our blog to read all posts, our publications page for media...
Blog Post
Dozens of stakeholders representing thousands of practitioners send public comments on Calif. ACEs-screening plan
Update: We posted this story on Tuesday evening and received a response from the Department of Health Care Services Wednesday that clarifies additional information. DHCS information Officer Katharine Weir said that subject to budget approval by the legislature and the governor: The reimbursement rate will be $29. Federally Qualified Health Centers will also be reimbursed for screening pediatric patients for trauma through Prop 56 funds and federal matching funds. In response to a question...
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Dr. Claudia Gold: Empathy & Listening as ACE-Informed Practice
"You are absolutely not doomed from having ACEs."
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Interim report of the President’s opioid commission says its final report will address early intervention strategies for children with ACEs
On August 8, President Trump spoke to the opioid crisis in this country and declined to declare a national emergency as recommended by the “President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis.” Instead, the President emphasized the law and order aspects of the problem and the importance of preventing drug use in the first place since addiction is so hard to overcome. The Commission will make a final report in the fall. The recently released interim report makes eight...
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A Health Problem and An Opportunity: Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences [medium.com]
By Dayna Long, Medium, May 19, 2020 A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during critical and sensitive periods of development, is a significant contributing factor to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive health challenges facing our nation. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly prevalent, experienced in all communities, and are likely to increase during the COVID-19 emergency [i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v].
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A Message from the President of the Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
Dear Illinois ACE Connection members, Children and families from all demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds in Illinois experience trauma, adversity, and chronic stress. Social determinants such as where we live, work, and play, can further exacerbate positive or negative physical, emotional, and behavioral health issues. The critical factor that determines if a child, family, and/or community can manage trauma, adversity, and chronic stress successfully is resilience : the process by...
Blog Post
As California Moves to Screen Children for Childhood Trauma, Poverty Has To Be Part of the Equation
In California, we are coming full circle in recognizing the connection between poverty and health.
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Some 350 Florida Leaders Expected to Attend Think Tank with Dr. Vincent Felitti, Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study; Expert on ACEs Science
Leaders from across the Sunshine State will take part in a “Think Tank” in Naples, FL, on Monday, August 6, to help create a more trauma-informed Florida. The estimated 350 attendees will include policy makers and community teams made up of school superintendents, law enforcement officers, judges, hospital administrators, mayors, PTA presidents, child welfare experts, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, philanthropists, university researchers, state agency heads, and...
Blog Post
Top Organizations Encourage Appeals Court to Rule Against Trump Administration, End Detention of Migrant Children [Psychiatry.org
Contact: Nathan Carlile , Head of Firmwide Communications, Arent Fox LLP On behalf of a coalition of the nation’s leading organizations dedicated to the care, health, education, well-being, and welfare of children and families, Arent Fox LLP filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in support of the Plaintiff in Jenny Lisette Flores, et al., v. William Barr, Attorney General of the United States, et al. Nearly thirty organizations steadfastly oppose the Trump...
Blog Post
Wellness and Resiliency Toolkit for Kids with Trauma
I'm excited to share a booklet created for youth in Oregon foster care at a Wellness camp this summer. Youth were provided with these quick, easy and effective (and evidence based) "Mindful Moments" exercises in their Wellness Toolkits and they were practiced throughout the day at camp so that they could be remembered in times of stress and dysregulation. The exercised are designed to quickly bring them back to a state of calm. The youth really enjoyed them, and found them easy and...
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Why it makes more sense to care for kids and parents at the same time [centerforhealthjournalism.org]
It’s the flu season, and David, a 4-month-old baby with a chronic lung disease, is with his pediatrician for a flu shot. David’s condition leaves him particularly vulnerable to respiratory illnesses like the flu. During the visit, David’s parents, Clare and Dave, discover that they need to make separate appointments to receive their own flu shots, which only complicates their already overwhelmed daily routine. Now imagine a place where David and his parents can receive a flu shot at the same...
Blog Post
Medical Authorities with Academic Blinders look the other Way: Reject ACES
Recently a family doc published a "Viewpoint" in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggesting restraint and caution in using the ACEs screening tool (Campbell TL. Viewpoint, Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Primary Care: A Cautionary Note , JAMA Published Online: May 28, 2020, doi:10.1001/jama.2020.4365) because (1) there were no evidenced based treatments, (2) asking the questions would offend patients and parents, and (3) risk of labeling people with such...
Re: ACEs screening is about building relationships, says early adopter
Thank you RJ for articulating the power of partnering with parents in authentic and respectful conversations to support their foundational relationships with their new child. The value for families and clinicians of these welcomed dialogue of hopes, dreams, worries and histories is deeply meaningful for both as they begin their journey toward advancing and assuring e arly relational health, from adversity to HOPE. Thanks for clarity of your work, the caveats from discovery and the earnest...
Blog Post
Emergency departments look inward to deepen practices that support traumatized patients
An interdisciplinary team of clinicians from Brigham and Women’s Hospital had a bold idea in 2017. They would completely change the way things worked in their hospital’s emergency department so that the care provided to their patients was infused with a trauma-informed approach. That means recognizing how widespread trauma is and using a myriad of techniques to mitigate its harmful effects among patients, providers and staff. The realization of just how widespread trauma is came to light in...
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Participation of Children and Adolescents in Live Crisis Drills and Exercises [pediatrics.aappublications.org]
By David J. Schonfeld, Marlene Melzer-Lange, Andrew N. Hashikawa, et al., Pediatrics, August 2020 Abstract Children and adolescents should be included in exercises and drills to the extent that their involvement advances readiness to meet their unique needs in the event of a crisis and/or furthers their own preparedness or resiliency. However, there is also a need to be cautious about the potential psychological risks and other unintended consequences of directly involving children in live...
Blog Post
Leading Child Abuse Prevention Organizations Working to End Spanking
The New York Foundling and The US Initiative to End Corporal Punishment Co-Sponsored by: American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children US Alliance to End the Hitting of Children Academy on Violence and Abuse Prevent Child Abuse America Stop Spanking Proudly Presents Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Our Lifetime A Virtual Conference Thursday, October 15, 2020 Friday, October 16, 2020 Join us to learn about... Latest research trends in corporal punishment How to implement a NoHitZone...
Blog Post
Think beyond ACEs screening, advises California funders workgroup in new report
Californians have experienced an alarming epidemic of adverse childhood experiences. Between 2011 and 2017, 60 percent of Californians reported experiencing at least one type of childhood adversity; about 16 percent experienced four or more. People who experience four or more ACEs are 1.5 times as likely to have heart disease, 1.9 times as likely to have a stroke, and 3.2 times as likely to have asthma as people who have experienced no ACEs. (For more information about ACEs and ACEs science,...
Blog Post
Tools to Mitigate Work Stress and Prevent Burnout: For Health Care Providers during COVID and Beyond
Whether you work in a hospital, a safety net clinic, or in another health care setting, no health care provider working during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to read the flurry of news stories that highlight the extreme stress experienced by people in this line of work – you already know it firsthand. This webinar will introduce health care providers to the Community Resiliency Model ( CRM ), an evidence-based method of managing traumatic stress, preventing burnout and building resiliency. This...
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8 Categories of Adversity That Shape Health: Adverse Babyhood Experiences (ABEs), ACEs and ACEs+, ACREs, and More
As I've discovered since leaving my career as a family doctor, retraining as a somatic trauma therapist, and scouring the research for 20 years - adversity of all kinds, in all phases of our lives, and in past generations influences our health. As does discrimination. Like ACEs, these 7 additional categories of adversity shape health. They increase opportunities for prevention, identify early indicators of risk, and offer more tools for healing chronic illness and other effects of trauma.
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Research article on ACEs and immune cell gene expression in children
Sharing our recent publication of pilot data on ACEs (assessed using the Whole Child Assessment) and immune cell gene expression in children age 5-11 years old
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'Tell your story': Napa graduate overcame obstacles, will speak at nonprofit ceremony [napavalleyregister.com]
By Jennifer Huffman, Napa Valley Register, April 9, 2021 For students from disadvantaged backgrounds or who have endured trauma, the instinct to keep that history private can be strong. Yet David Diaz has some advice. “Tell your story,” said Diaz. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences because they might make a difference. [ Please click here to read more .]
David W Willis
David Soglin
Blog Post
Adverse Babyhood Experiences (ABEs): 10 New Categories of Adversity Before a Child's 3rd Birthday (Free Downloadable Journal Article)
Adverse babyhood experiences (ABEs) are a new construct derived from large bodies of evidence that identify a different group of risk factors from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ABEs occur before a child’s 3rd birthday to influence infant and maternal morbidity and mortality. ABEs are also risk factors for chronic illnesses and other chronic conditions in the child as well as symptoms in parents.
Kean Salzer
Blog Post
California advocates press for expansion of visiting rights to incarcerated loved ones
In a recent nightmare, 8-year-old Jovina dreamt that her father got COVID-19. He was getting sicker, but she and her mother weren’t able to get there in time. “There,” in her father’s case, is a cell at the California Correctional Center (CCC) in Susanville, California, nearly 300 miles from where she lives in San Jose. In Jovina’s mind are a swarm of worries about her father’s welfare, her mother Benee Vejar reports. If an earthquake shakes the Bay Area, Jovina says, “What if the building...
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Mindfulness for Children [nytimes.com]
By David Gelles and Sam Kalda, The New York Times, September 2021 Children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness, the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. It can help parents and caregivers, too, by promoting happiness and relieving stress. Here, we offer basic tips for children and adults of all ages, as well as several activities that develop compassion, focus, curiosity and empathy. And remember, mindfulness can be fun. What Is Mindfulness,...
Blog Post
North Carolina moves closer to creating nation's first ACEs-informed courts system
(l-r) Judge J. Corpening; Ben David, district attorney, New Hanover County; Chief Justice Paul Newby; Judge Andrew Heath, executive director, Administrative Office of the Courts of the Chief Justice's ACEs Informed Courts Task Force. David and Heath serve as Task Force co-chairs . “There is not any more important work going on in the State of North Carolina,” said Ben David, District Attorney for New Hanover County and co-chair of the Chief Justice’s ACEs-Informed Task Force . The Task force...
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A Letter to Kyle
To mark the anniversary of the passage of the landmark legislation of the Georgia Mental Health Parity Act, we are sharing a letter written a year ago by Roland Behm, Co-founder of the Georgia Mental Health Policy Partnership, Board Member and Former Board Chair, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Georgia Chapter. The letter is to his son, Kyle, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2010 as a junior in college and died by suicide in August 2019.
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“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...