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California PACEs Action

California's Homelessness Crisis - and Possible Solutions - Explained []


By Matt Levin and Jackie Botts, Cal Matters, December 31, 2019

California’s most vexing issue is also its most shameful: the large and rising number of residents who lack a safe place to call home. In a state with vast amounts of wealth, more than 150,000 of its residents sleep in shelters, cars, or on the street.

The United Nations compared the tent encampments of San Francisco to the slums of New Delhi and Mexico City. Nearly 5,000 people live in the half square mile of Los Angeles’ Skid Row. And while the problem is most acute in California’s urban centers, homelessness is now a common fixture in many of the state’s suburbs and rural towns. State and local officials have pledged billions in recent years to help, but voters remain frustrated by a lack of visible progress.

President Donald Trump has wielded the state’s homelessness woes as a political cudgel, excoriating Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state’s progressive policies for allowing the country’s “best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings” to be blockaded by people without homes. In a Christmas Day tweet, Trump repeated his threats of federal intervention if the state fails to fix the problem.

[Please click here to read more.]

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HI Edward-

We have that function - it is "Ask the Community" and you can post a question on either CA ACEs Action (this community, specific for CA related efforts) but given your question, i think you may want to post it to the entire ACEs Connection community (nearly 40,000 members).  I also wanted to be sure you knew about our ACEs in Foster Care community.

To post the question just be sure you are signed in. (and if you want me to help with it, just private message me or email me at

I would like to post a query on the site, but it does not seem to offer me that opportunity. Below is the query I’d like to post:


Has anyone written about ACEs experienced by children in foster care during their time in foster care?

I have seen many articles on ACEs caused by maltreatment prior to foster care but none about experiences in foster care as ACEs in themselves—for example, the experiences of being removed from parents, brothers and sisters, being refused information on the reasons for removal, not knowing if or when one can return home, having restricted communication or no communication with parents, siblings, and friends, being moved from placement to placement, maltreatment by foster parents, by other foster children, and by staff in congregate care institutions, and so forth.

I’d appreciate references to publications or other sources where these ACEs are discussed.

Edward Opton, Ph.D., JD <>

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