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California PACEs Action

Ideas for engaging with your state legislators in the home district


Whether or not you participated in the July 11 4CA Policymaker Education Day in Sacramento, there are many ways to build a mutually constructive relationship with your legislators by communicating regularly throughout the year. Ways to build those relationships include meeting face-to-face in the district, attending forums, town halls, or district office hours as well as making phone calls, and sending emails and letters (to the legislators and to local paper). Make the commitment now to educate lawmakers and their staffs about the importance of trauma-informed policy and practice in California.  

The attached document “4CA Policy maker Education Day – What’s next?” provides a short list of ideas for you to consider—from inviting a legislator to participate in a forum on trauma issues to writing a letter-to-the-editor. Another tool “How to Create a Community Profile” (attached) provides guidance on and a template for creating a snapshot of what is being accomplished by your trauma initiative (geographic or organizational) to be used in a variety of ways—as a leave-behind in in-district meetings or as a handout at forums, for example.

Let us know how you are engaging your State Senator and Assembly member by posting a blog on California ACEs Action and making a comment to this post.


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