Tagged With "leadership"
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WEBINAR: Leadership Models for Improving Impact on 2/18
10-11:30am on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 This 90-minute professional webinar from Strategies 2.0 will give additional insights into approaches to leadership that can improve outcomes. The webinar will explore how individuals in various settings can expand their capacity and effectiveness to advocate for children and families. This webinar explores various approaches to leadership and, more specifically, styles of leadership that can contribute to achieving the goals of reducing child abuse...
Blog Post
Women Trying to Improve Their Lives Find a Deep Resource in WELL, A Female-Led Nonprofit [modbee.com]
By Deke Farrow, The Modesto Bee, October 4, 2019 Alana Scott likes to share a story about Tanya King. King, 47 and a student at Modesto Junior College, was interviewing for a scholarship to take a five-week Living WELL program, said Scott, a founder of the nonprofit organization WELL, or Women’s Education and Leadership League. King saw another candidate, Veronica Nunez, arriving and greeted her. Scott asked King how she knew Nunez, and learned that they’re MJC classmates and that King had...
Calendar Event
2019 Civic Leadership Forum
Blog Post
Elevating the Parent Voice at the February 27th SoCal Learning Community
Did you know? The Strategies 2.0 SoCal Learning Community is a free peer learning experience for existing and emerging leaders in the child abuse prevention and family strengthening field . The Feb. 27th convening focuses on elevating the parent voice in order to strengthen and improve services for families. It will include a presentation about Dads Matter, a Los Angeles based program, and a parent panel. Re-visioning Prevention: Exploring Systems Innovation and Best Practices in the...
Blog Post
Employing an Adaptive Leadership Framework to Childhood Adversity Screening [pediatrics.aapublications.org]
By Susannah Stein, Arin Swerlick, and Binny Chokshi, Pediatrics, January 2020 Providers of pediatric health care have been motivated and inspired by the research on childhood adversity, which has shown that in the early stages of life, critical neurodevelopmental pathways can be disrupted through exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and resultant toxic stress.1,2 Early detection of ACEs and subsequent intervention has the potential to decrease the development of associated poor...
Blog Post
Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion
Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...
Calendar Event
Compassionate Leadership Webinar
Calendar Event
Supervising for Success
Blog Post
Youth Leadership Opportunity - Seeking Youth Board Members
Given a high demand this year, we are accepting applications for additional students! 16 Strong Project is excited to be recruiting for our second Youth Advocacy Board! Our goal is to involve youth in our program and resource development as well as provide guidance to this group to be leaders and advocates around ACEs in their own schools and communities. We are looking for a group of creative, resourceful, hard-working high school (grades 9-12) students to join our Youth Advocacy Board who...
Blog Post
Save the Date! Trauma-Informed Schools Leadership Institute
Are you ready to transform your school to become a trauma-informed and healing-centered environment? Join us for the PACEsConnection virtual Trauma-Informed School Leadership Institute. This institute is specifically tailored for school leaders and leadership teams who want to understand the HOW of trauma-informed schools. Speakers will include current and former building leaders engaged in the work as well as other national experts supporting schools through this transformation process.
Blog Post
Youth Leadership Opportunity: Recruiting Youth Advocacy Board Members
16 Strong Project is excited to be recruiting for our third Youth Advocacy Board! We are looking for youth ages 14-24 who are passionate about mental health education, want to learn more about ACEs, and who are ready to inspire change in their communities.
Blog Post
Resilience Champions Take Action
The world feels chaotic. We are seeing policies shift overnight, communities struggling, and feeling the weight of uncertainty at work and with the people we serve. It’s easy to feel powerless. Some of us are going through the motions—just trying to get through the day. Others are shutting down, overwhelmed by the enormity of what’s happening around them. (That’s okay! That means you need time to rest). And then there are those of us who ask: “What can I do?” The answer? You can lead. In...
Re: Resilience Champions Take Action
Thank you for sharing these profound thoughts! The small yet meaningful actions from Resilience Champions can truly make a significant difference. If you’re looking for ways to connect with your community and support one another, check out my location to learn more about how to create a positive impact in your area!