Tagged With "illness"
Blog Post
Breakdown: California’s mental health system, explained (calmatters.org)
"Mental health advocates have long described California’s fragmented mental health system with words like “struggling” and “broken.” Evidence of its consequences can be found in our jails and prisons, our hospitals and clinics, our schools and colleges. The problem touches those living in comfortable middle class suburbs, remote rural towns, and on the streets of the state’s biggest cities." "Not only do a sixth of Californians experience some mental illness, but 1 out of every 24 have a...
Blog Post
California Could Create a Career Path for People With Mental Illness [kqed.org]
By April Dembosky, KQED, September 14, 2019 On her 21st birthday, Keris Myrick was in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. She was throwing boxes of Cheerios on the ground, yelling back at the voices in her head. Food is poison, they told her. If you eat you will die. “So I actually stopped eating for about four months,” Myrick said. “I just told my mother it was stomach pains.” It took years before Myrick admitted the problem was not in her stomach, but in her head. She was eventually...
Blog Post
San Francisco Hopes to Improve Care for People with Mental Illness Living on Streets [californiahealthline.org]
By Brian Krans, California Healthline, December 12, 2019 San Francisco Mayor London Breed has promised to tackle her city’s homelessness crisis, a vexing situation involving drug abuse and mental illness that is compounded by the city’s high housing costs. Breed has asked Dr. Anton Nigusse Bland, most recently the medical director for psychiatric emergency services at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, to help solve the problem. In March, she appointed him to the newly created...
Re: Breakdown: California’s mental health system, explained (calmatters.org)
Thanks for sharing such an amazing and informative blog. I really appreciate the work that you described well about the mental health system in California. I'm also a mental health therapist in California and providing my services for those who are suffering from mental health issues. I offer group and individual therapy California and my clients choose one of the services which are suitable for them
Blog Post
Can Journaling Help to Heal Childhood Trauma? What we’ve learned about the effect of expressive writing on traumatic memories?
This article summarizes the research on expressive writing and suggests that incorporating neuroscience-based strategies can improve its effectiveness.