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California PACEs Action

The California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools (CCPPNS) hosts the premier early education conference for the cooperative preschool community in California. The 2018 Conference, "Time to Connect," will be coordinated by the the San Francisco Council of Parent Participation Nursery School (SFCPPNS).

When: March 9 & 10, 2018

Where: Hotel Kabuki, San Francisco CA

This early education convention draws parents and teachers from around the state of California and is open to all, not solely members of cooperative preschools. This year we anticipate around 500 - 600 attendees. Presenters receive free admission to both days of the conference and will also have the opportunity to promote their work in our vendor hall. 

The primary themes of this conference focus on mindfulness and play. We are looking for presentations on a wide variety of topics that would interest parents and teachers, such as workshops focusing on diversity and inclusion in the preschool classroom and the broader world around us, concrete tools for teaching specific topics, brain development, values-driven parenting, and strategies for increasing family harmony and connectedness. Interactive workshops such as acting, music, dance, yoga, improv and art are welcome and we hope to recruit presenters who represent the diversity of our communities. Your knowledge about ACEs and resilience would be a huge contribution!

Interested presenters can submit their proposals through the link to the google form below. We kindly invite your responses by October 31, though you are welcome to submit even if this date has passed (as it is an unrealistic deadline considering the late date of this post). I am happy to discuss the details of your presentation and assist with the google form if needed:

More about the conference: "Time to Connect" refers to the importance of slowing down in today’s busy world and engaging in deliberate teaching and parenting practices to help our children (and ourselves) grow into aware individuals embedded in compassionate families within engaged, diverse communities. The conference will provide tangible techniques that parents and teachers can immediately implement in their homes and in the classrooms. Keynote presentations (Dr. Shauna Shapiro on Friday and Dr. Susan Linn on Saturday) focus on the value of mindfulness and play in supporting optimal brain development, social/emotional health, cognition and learning, and caring responsiveness to the larger world around us. Attendees will be able to draw on the solid research foundation supporting these best practices while engaging more deeply with the material in smaller workshop formats. In addition to receiving practical information and support, attendees will have opportunities to move, stretch, meditate, sing, dance and get creative while connecting with other parents and teachers and deepening their knowledge and skills.

Thank you!

Original Post

Hi Sasha,
Thank you for posting about "Time to Connect". Please consider posting on our home page calendar. The link with the steps to do so are;

Please also consider posting on our ACEs in Child Care community.

What an exceptional opportunity for your attendees to learn more about the research, engage with others parents/teachers, and build their practical application learning through deepening their skills!

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