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Edgecombe County PACEs Connection (NC)


Welcome, Forsyth County (North Carolina) ACEs Connection!

Introducing Forsyth County (North Carolina) ACEs Connection , one of the newest communities in Southeastern U.S. region , the geographic area I support for ACEs Connection. Forsyth County ACEs Connection is a team of community partners from all sectors working towards collaborative, intentional and integrated trauma informed care in our county. The new site manager for Forsyth County ACEs Connection is is Laneita Williamson, who is an inpatient rehabilitation compliance coordinator and a...

Community Sessions of the Buncombe ACE Speaker's Bureau

Our Buncombe County/Asheville ACEs Speakers’ Bureau has partnered up with United Way, Green Opportunities, and Asheville City Schools to present community sessions co-occurring with the Homework Diners. The community sessions are open to everyone, regardless of whether you have children or not. By joining with the Homework Diners, a community meal and child enrichment become available to those attending the community sessions. Please invite anyone and everyone you know. The more we connect,...

Finding Resilience in the Midst of Hurricane Florence

Avis and her brother, Bruce, have seen some hard knocks in their lives. At 60, she's his sole caretaker. She's taught school, worked as a receptionist, always worked, or wanted to work. Since she started caring for her brother, full-time work has seemed hard to find. He was born with autism 51 years ago. They share her little house in Pamlico County, North Carolina, where she now hopes to be called in to substitute teach, and he looks forward to her home cooked meals. Their lives revolve...

Hurricane Florence first responders receive free trauma/resilience training

In a webinar offered this morning by Elaine Miller Karas , executive director of the Trauma Resource Institute in Claremont, CA, leaders from several North Carolina ACEs Connection communities affected by flooding and other damage by Hurricane Florence learned more about trauma response and how to better help their communities find resilience. Karas, who was delivering her Community Resiliency Model (CRM) training at Duke University in Durham, NC, offered the free training and provided...

Shasta County, CA using videos to educate, activate & celebrate

Here are four great YouTube videos highlighting some of the work happening on the ground in Shasta County. They are motivated and mobilized. According to one of the providers speaking towards the end of one video - patients/clients had positively "profound" responses to learning about their ACEs - and they felt empowered to do what they could do to not have their children have the same experience. More videos available here .

Tennessee report chronicles progress in addressing health and success of children from infancy to college and beyond

Tennessee First Lady Crissy Haslam this week released a report highlighting eight years of progress by the state to improve the lives of children and families. Prioritizing Tennessee’s Children: Our Promise to Future Generations reflects an early commitment by Governor Bill Haslam’s administration to make the health and success of all Tennessee children a state priority. In conjunction with Governor Haslam’s Children’s Cabinet and Deputy Governor Jim Henry, First Lady Haslam set out to...

TRAUMA INFORMED CARE Johnson City's trauma informed system of care is model for the country [Johnson City Press]

Becky Haas, community crime prevention manager for the Johnson City Police Department, hopes the Trauma Informed Care system created here will spread throughout the nation. Johnson City is on the verge of becoming a completely Trauma-Informed Care community, which local officials believe can improve the health, education and social lives of everyone who lives in the region. And Johnson City’s efforts to create this system of care could spur a national movement. That belief was apparent...

Much More Than Money – The Impact of Small Rural Foundations []

When most people think of foundations, they think of deep pockets. That’s understandable, since the popular public perception of philanthropy has been shaped by the creation of multimillion-dollar foundations by titans of old, and enforced by the glamour of new foundations launched to much fanfare by today’s billionaires. In rural communities, the creation of big-dollar health conversion foundations garners media attention and sparks public awareness. But as with their mammoth cousins, these...

"Moving From Trauma Understanding to Trauma Responsive" - SAMHSA Forum

Johnson City to co-host forum on community-wide systems of care On Sept. 5, the City of Johnson City will co-host a forum entitled Moving from Understanding to Implementing Trauma-Responsive Services in conjunction with the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA). The forum will address SAMHSA recommendations for communities to treat trauma as a component of effective behavioral health service delivery. Statistics recently released from the Tennessee Department of...

Focusing on "Creating Nurturing Systems"

In just six weeks, stakeholders from across North Carolina will get together to learn about system integration work with youth involved with child welfare. This is the third annual Benchmarks' Partnering for Excellence (PFE) Conference and this year, we have decided to really focus on "Creating Nurturing Systems". While the daily work of PFE can be hard and challenges us to think of new ways to meet the needs of the family, the annual conference offers us a way to celebrate our successes and...

Funding bills in House and Senate call for the Surgeon General to address ACEs and health outcomes

Committee reports for the fiscal year 2019 funding bills for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (Labor/HHS) call for the Office of the Surgeon General to report on the connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and negative long-term health outcomes, including future substance misuse. The House Appropriations Committee report contains stronger and more specific language than the Senate report—it directs the Office of the Surgeon General to submit a...

To prevent trauma in our youth, we must discuss structural inequalities []

Thanks to the ever-present media and and rise in social media use, people across the economic spectrum are seeing dramatic examples of racism in our society in clear video. We’re talking about Black men shot for no reason, youth sentenced to disproportionate sentences and customers being arrested for sitting in a coffee shop, to name a few. Similarly, we are beginning to hear and understand the dramatic stories of our most vulnerable young people, young people who have been victimized,...

USFSP summer camp teaches kids about trust, communication [Tampa Bay Times]

SMART Leadership Camp Director Harris Ambush talks with campers and counselors about finding a "happy place" in their mind Monday June 18, 2018, at University of South Florida St. Petersburg. City Council members approved a $35,000 grant to a team at USFSP who are piloting a program that will help kids deal with "adverse childhood experiences." JIM DAMASKE | Times ST. PETERSBURG — A dozen kids sit in a circle with their eyes closed and their hands resting gently on their folded legs. Slowly,...

The Sacramento Violence Intervention Program, Trauma & ACEs

On May 22, I had the opportunity to experience a presentation by DeAngelo Mack on the Sacramento Violence Intervention Program, Trauma and ACEs. The presentation was at Kaiser Sacramento and was directed to residents in the organization. I have worked with @DeAngelo Mack, @Chris Cooper and @Esmeralda Huerta through Resilient Sacramento for the past few years and have admired their work in the community, this was the first opportunity I had to attend...

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