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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Resilience Surveys and the Christian Faith


Today, Jane Stevens asked us to share any Resilience Surveys/Scales we might be using to address trauma, etc.

I have always hoped to be able to have available a resilience survey or scale that addressed aspects of the Christian Faith as it regards the ACES issue.

Do any of you use such a scale?  If so, I encourage you to share it with Jane and others at the link above, as well as here in this group.


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Linda Ranson Jacobs posted:

You might check in with Shelley Melia. I went to a workshop last year at the LifeWay KidMin Conference and she talked about grief and resilience in kids. She has a child's capacity for resilience survey and a parent survey. Don't know if this is what you are looking for but contact and her and find out. 

Here is her contact info: 

Shelly Melia, PhD

Assistant Professor of Childhood Education

Program Director of MA in Children’s Ministry and MA in Christian Education/ Graduate School of Ministry

Dallas Baptist University | 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway | Dallas, TX 75211

Office: 214-333-5943 | Toll Free: 800-460-1DBU |

Thanks so much Linda!

You might check in with Shelley Melia. I went to a workshop last year at the LifeWay KidMin Conference and she talked about grief and resilience in kids. She has a child's capacity for resilience survey and a parent survey. Don't know if this is what you are looking for but contact and her and find out. 

Here is her contact info: 

Shelly Melia, PhD

Assistant Professor of Childhood Education

Program Director of MA in Children’s Ministry and MA in Christian Education/ Graduate School of Ministry

Dallas Baptist University | 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway | Dallas, TX 75211

Office: 214-333-5943 | Toll Free: 800-460-1DBU |

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