Tagged With "Christian"
Ask the Community
Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Document
Hi Folks, I have recently been trained as an ACE Master Trainer through the Children's Trust of South Carolina . In the training we received materials from ACE Interface . My special interest is working with churches and ministries to educate and equip them to be better trauma-informed and to increase the resilience of members of their congregation and of the communities members they serve. Myself and another Master Trainer have presented information on ACEs to a small group of people at a...
Blog Post
A New Resource on ACE
While research shows that being a part of a faith-based community increases emotional and even physical health, church members are neither exempt nor automatically healed from the impact of childhood and adult adversity. I have written an new book, Break EVERY Stinking Chain! Healing For Hidden Wounds , available on Amazon.com which discusses ACE in detail and integrates Christian scripture and faith as a means of recovery. It is currently available as an ebook and in paperback. I have been...
Blog Post
An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
My 45-minute Understanding ACES teaching was delivered on Sunday to a church in Rock Hill, South Carolina. This will be followed by a special weekly series that addresses the Christian/biblical solution to the many spiritual risk factors that stem from early life trauma.
Blog Post
Author of "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" study connects with the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Community
I was pleased to be able to connect with my friend and colleague in trauma-informed ministry, Sanghoon Yoo (@thefaithfulcity), a few weeks ago to present insights into how trauma-informed care connects with the heart of the Christian gospel. God is continuing to work through the amazing churches, pastors, ministry leaders, and participants in the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Initiative, and it was encouraging to see how many were able to turn out, even on a busy Monday afternoon. We...
Blog Post
Developing compassion for our neighbors and ourselves: trauma-informed faith
Even when we feel like God doesn’t hear us, he can guide our path to people and ideas that will resonate with our spirits and bring healing... The process of becoming trauma-informed can help us to develop compassion. We can overcome personal barriers that prevent us from reaching out to others in loving ways. We will be able to feel and share more of God’s love.
Blog Post
Finding healing after trauma: Elizabeth Smart (courtesy of Goalcast)
One of the most common questions I get from the trauma-affected children I serve is, "Why did God allow [insert really awful, tragic experience] to happen to me?" I imagine it's a question that most pastors, ministers, chaplains, and those Christians who share their faith with others face. It's fundamentally a relational question, not a theological one... and that's important to remember. The question is seeking the reason why a God who is Love could allow something that is experienced as...
Blog Post
Let Light Shine Out of Darkness: Leading and Loving in a World of Trauma and Suffering (Workshop)
THE CHURCH IS CALLED TO BE A HEALING PRESENCE IN THE WORLD. But the reality is that the world is filled with so much suffering, so much pain, and so much suffering that it can be overwhelming to a church and its leaders. Where do we begin? What happens if we get in over our heads? These are all real and important questions. THE BEST WAY FOR THE CHURCH TO BE THIS HEALING PRESENCE IN THE WORLD IS TO LEARN THE REALITIES OF THE SUFFERING THAT IS ALL AROUND THEM, BOTH OUTSIDE THE CHURCH AND...
Blog Post
Mass Shootings and ACES. Spiritual Issues Require Spiritual Solutions!
The primary solution to reducing the number of ‘mass shootings‘ and ‘hate crimes’ and ‘gun violence’ that occur in our country is not another policy or law.
The solution lies in getting to and addressing the root issues that are driving people to conduct these horrific crimes.
I believe the emphasis must be placed on prevention and healing at the deepest, personal level…. getting to the root of the problem at hand. By getting to the “heart” of the issue!
Blog Post
My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom
Pat Hays has written a devotional book that gives wonderful insight into the joys and struggles that parenting a child with emotional special needs presents. Her book, My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom , contains excerpts from her personal prayer journal as she worked through the last fifteen years of balancing her calling to be an adoptive parent with the roadblocks she encountered in her neighborhood, friendships, school district, marriage, and church...
Blog Post
New and improved 2nd edition of the "Bruised Reeds & Smoldering Wicks" trauma-informed curriculum for churches now available!
I am pleased to announce that a NEW, 8-week version of the study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," is now available. This 2nd edition includes input I received from the ACEsConnection community and others which resulted in two additional weeks of material. You still get the movie, "Paper Tigers," and the licensing to show it to up to 250 in an educational or religious setting, but there is much more... And, while a number of edits have gone into this second edition of the curriculum, my...
Blog Post
Resilience Surveys and the Christian Faith
Today, Jane Stevens asked us to share any Resilience Scales we might be using to address trauma, etc. http://www.acesconnection.com/blog/so-many-resilience-surveys-so-little-time-what-resilience-survey-or-scale-are-you-using I have always hoped to be able to have available a resilience scale that addressed aspects of the Christian Faith as it regards the ACES issue. Do any of you use such a scale? If so, I encourage you to share it with Jane and others at the link above, as well as here in...
Re: A New Resource on ACE
Hi Denice, Please share if you've posted your wonderful book you've authored on our Books! group on ACEs Connection. https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/g/books Our ministries have such an excellent platform for helping those in pain with their healing journey. Many blessings to you Denice... In gratitude, Dana
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
That's wonderful, Dale! I'd love to see what you put together.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Dale, I am deeply touched and so grateful that you are taking this ACEs information into churches. I would love to see what you put together for your presentation.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I’d love to see your slides. I live in Union County, NC and have connections to ministries in and around the Charlotte area that could benefit from the info. King
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I have lead break out sessions on trauma to children's ministers and kidmin. Would love to see your slides. Wish i was close enough I could have heard your sermon. Thank you for reaching out to congregations. We have a long ways to go in faith groups.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Dale, What a great blessing to hear about being able to share the ACE's information with congregations. I would be very interested in the PowerPoint Slides and script that you used on Sunday.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
It would be helpful and appreciated if you would share your power point and script. Thank you in advance.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi King, I actually live in Indian Land, SC quite near Waxhaw, just of highway 521.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
This is an answer to prayer indeed! Thank you for sharing. And please do share the slides - greatly appreciated. Be well & keep going!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Yes, please share your Power Point Slides and script. That would be exciting to see! You are making a difference!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I would LOVE to see your slides! I have seen a few churches attempt trauma-informed care workshops, but they are primarily focused on foster care.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I technically live in Waxhaw, but I’m closer to Wesley Chapel. That being said, I’d love to meet up sometime and discuss!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Dale, What a fabulous opportunity for Redeeming Life Ministries. I would be extremely interested to hear what you had to say. Sometimes studying about ACE's is depressing, but finding ways to link ACE recovery and prevention to our faith offers incredible hope and healing. I am very glad we have had a chance to connect and look forward to continued co-learning!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I would really like to review your slides and comments! We are just beginning this work in rural NW KS. I have been pondering how to share in my Sunday school in a way that resonates that this is how we can truly bring healing through Christ even in the hard issues. Thanks for sharing your article!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I'm working on making some adjustments to the PPT and script and hope to be able to get something to you all this week. Thanks for your patience!!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Folks! I'm attaching two documents that I used to deliver the teaching I mentioned in the post above. There is a Powerpoint file that I used on the Sunday that I've converted to a PDF. And the script that accompanies the Powerpoint is also in a PDF document. This presentation and the supporting documents are a 'work in progress.' As Ronnie and I present this to other churches and ministries in the area, I'm sure that it will evolve. We are doing our best to share this important material...
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I"m wondering why you list spiritual issues with heart issues. In my view, they are two separate systems for describing our whole person. I don't see psychological therapy anywhere as a viable research based approach to shame, guilt, forgiveness, anger, abandonment, etc. Yes, they can be spiritual, but therapy deals with those issues also. I prefer to speak of wholeness including heart, mind, spirit, and body. They are all interconnected and each has its own therapeutic modalities. Theology...
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Margie, Thanks for your comment! My appreciation is that we human beings are at our core, spiritual in nature. All of our relational experiences and circumstances affect our spirit, our inner most nature.... which I think can also be called our heart. I think it is not possible to separate emotions, heart, spirit and the mind. They are all so intricately interconnected. I teach that ACEs are issues of the heart/spirit. They are wounds to a person at their deepest level. As I Christian, I...
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Thanks so much for sharing all of this information and all your hard work. Choosing the right words for these discussions is challenging....mind, spirit, soul, heart?? It's not black and white. As a doctor, I first think of the heart as the incredible pumping heart that pumps 1500-2000 gallons of blood each day as it recirculates our 5 quarts of blood. I guess that's why I stick with body, mind, and spirit (soul). However we describe our parts, we can all agree they are God given and ...
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
How are your Thursday sessions going? Are there slides for Thursdays als available?
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Daun, we are not using slides for our Thursday sessions. We are slowing addressing the most prevalent spiritual risk factors and issues of the heart and their associated biblical principles/truths. This Thursday at least one of the participants experienced a very, very powerful release/inner healing/deliverance. It was life changing for her, praise God!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I am interested in the slides used for the sermon. Also where is the training being done in California? Augusta
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Augusta, i added the slides and script that I used at the following post update: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...6#483487471880666946 Hope that you found them insightful. Dale
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Thanks for the response. I found it useful. Where is the Masters Training in ACE being offered? I live in Southern California. Augusta Sent from my iPad
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
I'll jump on this bandwagon also and would like to see your slides. I've done ACEs training for children's ministers and sent someone my slides and presentation. Can't remember who it was. But my slides are more for children's ministers and I'd like to see the slides for grown up people. Ha, ha.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Here you go Linda! The slides are at a post at this link. Let me know if you have any questions. Dale https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...6#483487471880666946
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Sure thing Belinda! Let me know if you have any questions.
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Dale, You are continuing to do such great work...not just directly with those in your programs, but by sharing your material so generously. Thank you so much. I was thinking about how each of us reacts to ACEs when we first hear about them--immediately trying to see where we fit in the survey. Have you read anything written about this? Such as specific calls for action depending on where you fit...hi score, low score, children have high score but you don't, etc. I hope you are well. I can...
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Thanks for the encouragement Donna! To answer your question, I have not yet developed such a 'next step' document, etc. In doing a quick search I found this - My ACES are too high, now what Is this the kind of thing that you are talking about, but from a faith perspective? And thanks for the encouragement to self care. I'm on it.... with God's help! ~ Dale
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi Dale that is wonderful! Please share Power Point Slides and script. Thank you!! Kimberly@MauryPrevention.org
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Hi There, I am a participant in Dale's class. There is another person who would like to subscribe to the ACE Connection site, but can not because she is not affiliated with an organization and does not have a website to enter into the platform. Is there another way to join? Thanks for your help!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Is the Nov 3, 2019 the most current version of slides and script ?
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Daun, you asked"Is the Nov 3, 2019 the most current version of slides and script ?" Yes, it is!
Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon
Two more questions, if you will indulge me? -- 1) Do you have a "completed" edition of Slide #40 (or a summary "completion")? -- 2) What is the Kauffman 2016 source which you reference on page 9 in the "script"?