Greetings, All! Dwayne, here!
In this general Thread of helping "Religion" deal with Mental Health issues... My initial fear, to diving right in, has been too much doctrine & dogma getting in the way. Religion (just sharing my opinion) is all about putting walls up, to define what you believe... The Mental Health system already does that -- with labels, methodologies, and far too many misdiagnoses. My "Faith" is based on Spirituality -- which (again, just sharing my personal perspective) is more about knocking down walls and fences, to go on an adventure and see what else there may be, that I can utilize in my beliefs! And -- adding mystery to the magical mystery tour -- Since Mental Health Services has been an integral part of my life (starting age 11-12, and ever since), like so many other mental health clientele, I have been diagnosed, misdiagnosed, played and been played by the System, So MUCH!!! ... My Mental Health files, alone, could create their own set of encyclopaedia. And, 70% of the information within would all be false!
Now, the Nature of some of my accurate diagnoses creates a pattern of recidivistic, anti-social behaviours -- Such that, I have a short-list of criminal convictions scattered throughout my past; along with a much longer list of abuses and tragedies I have had to cope with. All of which -- together with the correct mental health diagnoses being applied -- gives some solid explanation as to why I committed what crimes I did, when i did. Pay attention, now -- an "explanation"! I have never used the abuses I suffered nor the mental health diagnoses that are correctly applied to me, AS AN EXCUSE! Though, many do -- I'm not one of them. Rather, what I do is to take each mistake and abuse and learn from it, and use it to reach out to (and broaden) my peer-base, in the Peer-Counselling Ministry that has been ongoing for most of my life.
Now, a quick side-bar... Much of my spiritual beliefs are based on 12-Step Recovery... thus, I present myself in an Honest, Open, & Willing manner... I am what I am, such as I am. On top of that, my last criminal conviction was the most grievous judgement error I could have never imagined me doing. But I faced it all with honesty and openness, and a willingness to be rehabilitated. I felt good about the rehab, the treatments, and the extended counselling that went on through my probation period. And one of the last bits of advice my therapist gave me, echoed the final words of the Judge, at my sentencing: "Mr. Decker, don't let this ruin you. Serve your time, get the treatment, amend your ways; and then get back into Society... get on with your life... Stop isolating yourself." And that is what I have tried to do. I no longer commit any crimes... I made amends according to Man's Laws... I have accepted the atonement from my Higher Power... and I have done everything I could possibly do, to get back into some good graces with my church -- or, any local church. It has been almost ten years since my prison-time, rehab & treatment, and my probationary period have ended. I have kept my nose clean... I have tried to get back into "the Church"... I did no personal harm to any individual in my church or greater community... But they quote chapter and verse of their Bible, and use it to shun me... they won't even reach out to me, or, at least, leave the door open a crack, for the various community services that others (in a similar situation) get help from... They -- in the name of their God -- refuse to offer His compassion, grace, and mercy...
to me. My obstacles are NOT my excuse... but they won't even hear them as an explanation... They do not want to hear my apologies! They want me to stop existing!?!?!
I wish... I wish I COULD stop existing...
My Faith... my Spiritual-Self... and my Mental (Intellectual AND Emotional, combined) -Self... They don't know what to make of one another... Each just knows that the other is drowning; and neither has any idea how to help... myself.
Peace & Blessings...
Rev. L. Dwayne Decker (ULC)
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