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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

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Hi Marilyn, I'm new to the ACEs Connect and wanted to respond to your request. I'm developing a spiritual based approach to ACEs through a messianic message. I have not published anything yet because I'm still receiving from the Most High and working with a small group using the spiritual strategies to healing physically and mentally before releasing it publicly. If you're interested, I would love to continue the conversation.

HI Marilyn, I have developed a 3 phase, 12 stage model that is spiritually integrated to addresses trauma, including ACEs. I've published, "Break Every Stinking Chain! Healing for Hidden Wounds" which is available on I also offer training for providers who want to offer the book/workbook in their community for Phase 1 and for counselors who want to offer Phases 2 & 3. I spend a lot of time on ACEs in my book and included an assessment I developed, The Simple Trauma Source Assessment (STSA) in the workbook. You can read about my workshops at Take care!!

Hi LauraLee and thanks for reaching out. From years of study and application from my own personal journey and battles, I use the holy scriptures from their Hebraic root interpretation according to Yah commands to teach about healing and resiliency; which is not a Jewish or any other religious message but simple a divine truth for all of His creation - it's for everyone who believes. The heavenly Father doesn't hide His plan to recovery from past hurts from His children, learning to trust in His plan daily is the key because it will never fail. I look forward to continuing our conversation and sharing.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I have my own journey that took me to the Hebraic Roots of His Word. I have worked as a substance abuse counselor and have attended 12 step meetings for many years due to my own addictions. I found the ACE study through working as a TRIAD Women's Project case manager. I would love to converse further with you on how to reach the Messianic Community. Yah has put me on Hebrew Nations Radio Online. My program is called Healing for the Nations with A Modern Day Samaritan Woman. I am trying to figure out technology to have guest speakers on the show. Perhaps you would be will to be a guest. I talk about the 12 steps from a trauma perspective using ACA material. I am very concerned for the body of Messiah and want to see His Bride become a mature adult Bride rather than a Bride stuck in arrested development. If you care to, you can reach me via FB Healing for the Nations with A Modern Day Samaritan Woman or (yes, it is misspelled, lol) Thank you and I look forward to working with you according to His will! Laura Lee
On Saturday, December 7, 2019, 03:43:07 AM GMT+10, ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Reply By Antonio Clinkscales: Anyone working on Jewish approaches to ACEs and Re...
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| Subject: Anyone working on Jewish approaches to ACEs and Resilience? Reply By: Antonio Clinkscales In: Community: ACEs in the Faith-Based Community | |

Hi LauraLee and thanks for reaching out. From years of study and application from my own personal journey and battles, I use the holy scriptures from their Hebraic root interpretation according to Yah commands to teach about healing and resiliency; which is not a Jewish or any other religious message but simple a divine truth for all of His creation - it's for everyone who believes. The heavenly Father doesn't hide His plan to recovery from past hurts from His children, learning to trust in His plan daily is the key because it will never fail. I look forward to continuing our conversation and sharing.
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