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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Hi Folks,

I have recently been trained as an ACE Master Trainer through the Children's Trust of South Carolina. In the training we received materials from ACE Interface.

My special interest is working with churches and ministries to educate and equip them to be better trauma-informed and to increase the resilience of members of their congregation and of the communities members they serve.

Myself and another Master Trainer have presented information on ACEs to a small group of people at a local church and will be meeting with the senior pastor soon to talk about 'next steps.'

I have created a brief (DRAFT) document that begins to look at a trauma-informed strategy for the church. It's a work in progress as they say!  (It is attached.)

I'd love any feedback that any of you might have for improvements to the strategy or to make it more complete. Please share your thoughts as a comment so that others can benefit as well.

As this document becomes improved, I'll plan on sharing it here.  :-)

Thanks so much!


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Hi there! SO happy I found this faith-based ACE resource! I am putting together a simple basic presentation for a local congregation and I wanted to speak on creating a safe trauma-informed congregation. I was directed to this ACE faith-based focus. Could I use some of your work and of course, give credit where it is due?  I am also putting together a resource list. Do you have any suggestions for faith-based books? I do not know many faith-based books for trauma survivors. Thank you!

lauralee cummings posted:

Hi there! SO happy I found this faith-based ACE resource! I am putting together a simple basic presentation for a local congregation and I wanted to speak on creating a safe trauma-informed congregation. I was directed to this ACE faith-based focus. Could I use some of your work and of course, give credit where it is due?  I am also putting together a resource list. Do you have any suggestions for faith-based books? I do not know many faith-based books for trauma survivors. Thank you!

You are more than welcome to use this document Lauralee.  You may wanes to see and make use of the material I added to this blog post on this network about two weeks ago as well.

Thank you so so much sir!!!
On Saturday, December 7, 2019, 03:58:01 AM GMT+10, ACEsConnection <> wrote:

Reply By Dale Fletcher: Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Documen...
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lauralee cummings posted:
Hi there! SO happy I found this faith-based ACE resource! I am putting together a simple basic presentation for a local congregation and I wanted to speak on creating a safe trauma-informed congregation. I was directed to this ACE faith-based focus. Could I use some of your work and of course, give credit where it is due?  I am also putting together a resource list. Do you have any suggestions for faith-based books? I do not know many faith-based books for trauma survivors. Thank you!

You are more than welcome to use this document Lauralee.  You may wanes to see and make use of the material I added to this blog post on this network about two weeks ago as well.
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Dear Dale,
This looks very good.

Raising awareness about the long-term effects of abuse (which eliminates the minimizing of an incident should it occur) and equipping the leadership and the members of the congregation with ways to prevent abuse are tangible ways to empower people to make appropriate responses should it occur.

I especially like point 4c about sermons and Bible studies that explore this topic . It has to be brought out into the open!

With my best,
Dianne Darr Couts
Survivor, Advocate, Author 

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