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Cultivating Deliberate Resilience During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic []

By Abby R. Rosenberg, JAMA Pediatrics, April 14, 2020 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting our health care community in unprecedented ways. As a pediatric oncologist who studies resilience in the context of illness, I started thinking about what this pandemic means for our professional resilience a few weeks ago, when the first US patient with fatal COVID-19 died in my home city of Seattle, Washington. Promoting resilience among health care workers and organizations starts with...

Quick deadline: Reach out to Florida members of the U.S. House of Representatives to urge their support of trauma informed polices! Here's how.

Dear Trauma Colleagues: We have an opportunity to reach out to our U.S. House Representatives to urge their support of trauma informed policies as part of the National Trauma Campaign. Note quick deadline. See below. Would love to get to all our Florida congressional delegation. Please let me know if you have sent to your congressperson. Thanks so much for your advocacy on this pivotal issue! Mimi Dear National Trauma Campaign Member: The Congressional response to the COVID-19 pandemic is...

When Hidden Grief Gets Triggered During COVID-19 Confinement

first published by The Meadows 4/15/20 Our sense of loss during the current COVID-19 crisis can trigger hidden emotions from when we experienced a sense of loss before. Whatever early losses you have had in your life — whether they be your own divorce, your parents, or both, or the abandonment of one parent, a childhood or parental illness or death, financial upheaval, constant moving around, or growing up with parental addiction or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — they are likely to...

Last week to register or apply for a scholarship--Creating a Resilient Community Conference

This is the final week to register or request a scholarshi p to attend the virtual Creating a Resilient Community: From Trauma to Healing Conference on April 21st. This virtual event with cutting edge community resilience and trauma healing speakers Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg and Dr. Wendy Ellis will provide a platform to convene as a community to learn, connect, and envision a path forward together to transform our region into one of prevention, hope, healing and resilience for all. Conference...

Last week to register or apply for a scholarship--Creating a Resilient Community Conference

This is the final week to register or request a scholarshi p to attend the virtual Creating a Resilient Community: From Trauma to Healing Conference on April 21st. This virtual event with cutting edge community resilience and trauma healing speakers Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg and Dr. Wendy Ellis will provide a platform to convene as a community to learn, connect, and envision a path forward together to transform our region into one of prevention, hope, healing and resilience for all. Conference...

The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South []

More young people in the South seem to be dying from COVID-19. Why? By Vann R. Newkirk II The Atlantic, April 2, 2020 In a matter of weeks, the coronavirus has gone from a novel, distant threat to an enemy besieging cities and towns across the world. The burden of COVID-19 and the economic upheaval wrought by the measures to contain it feel epochal. Humanity now has a common foe, and we will grow increasingly familiar with its face. Yet plenty of this virus’s aspects remain unknown. The...

More Resources for Trauma and Resiliency for COVID-19 and Beyond. Register now to see Resiliency Documentary online 4/4-4/7!

What an opportunity to talk about trauma and resiliency! We’ve been compiling resources and would love any of your recommendations to add. See: trauma/covid19.cfm Also, there is a national Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice that is seeking to educate congress about trauma will hopes for legislation at some point. nationaltraumacampaign/ They have compiled awesome ACEs resources. Go to the website. Then News and Resources. Then...

Sheltering in Place: ACEs-Informed Tips for Self-Care During a Pandemic

Millions of lives have been affected in unprecedented ways by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all grappling with uncertainty—our daily routines interrupted, not knowing what is to come. For those of us who have Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), these times can be particularly distressing. At the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), we know that childhood trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and well-being – both physiologically and psychologically. Since the...

Northside Kicks off New Recovery Program []

By Tony Mixon PANAMA CITY — Faculty members from Northside Elementary recently piloted a new program called the Trauma Sensitive Classrooms Project and it is a part of the Hurricane Michael long-term recovery plan. Dr. Elizabeth Connors of Yale University and Scott Sevin and Elizabeth Granzow of 7-Dippity Inc. coordinated the training on Sunday. Volunteers from other districts in Florida trained in trauma-informed strategies also made the trip to Bay County. The teachers in Bay County have...

During COVID-19: The need for your skills. Self-care resources. Share your TI responses? Thank you!

Dear Trauma F riends and C olleagues: The COVID 19 pandemic offers a critical opportunity to share your unique skills in coping with stress and trauma. Many of us and the families we serve may be shifting through the stages of change and grief----denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance---about this pandemic. You may be adjusting to telehealth and virtual visits but know that our families need your reassurance and help in regulating and coping. Hope you’re all practicing self-care while you...

Donna Jackson Nakazawa on bringing down the stress-threat response

Cissy's note: Donna Jackson Nakazawa has graciously allowed me to cross-post some of her current and future Facebook page posts here in the Practicing Resilience for Self-Care and Healing community on ACEs Connection . Hello Friends. As a SciComm journalist with 30 years of reporting and 6 books under my belt, which focus on how our stress response governs our immune health, I’ve been thinking about what I have learned, and how I might help you quiet your body and mind during this # pandemic...

Action needed today by trauma advocates to urge Congress to address mental health and trauma in current COVID-19 legislation

The follow is a message from Dan Press, Legal Advisor to the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ), about the need to contact Congress regarding a COVID 19 funding bill being considered this weekend. He is urging ACEs science/trauma advocates and leaders to send emails to their U.S. Senators and Representatives immediately to address the mental health and trauma implications of this pandemic. All – I hate to bother you on a Sunday, but we urgently need you to contact Congress to...

Got time for a little brainstorming with ACEsConnection?

On Friday, March 20, 2020, you're invited to join me to talk about how we, as a community, can continue to guide and educate ourselves about to deal with the effects of the spread of Covid-19, and how to continue those efforts with people who don't yet know about ACEs science. And, given this last week, how we can provide more support to stay in the front of our brains instead of feeding our amygdala.

Webinar: Cultivating Our Best Selves in Response to COVID-19 | Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT

How to use the skills of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for self and others to be the calm in the storm as we face the unknown. Free Webinar Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT Speakers: Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW Linda Grabbe, PhD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC Zoom Webinar Registration Link: Additional ways to join are listed at the bottom of this post. About the webinar leaders: Elaine Miller-Karas is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute and...

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