Lazy days of summer?
Not around here!

At Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership,
we've been busy laying the groundwork
for the exciting season ahead!
First, Summer Course Registration is Now Open!
is designed to bridge the gap from
knowing about the effects of trauma
to being able to fully implement a
trauma-informed approach in your classroom!

This course will examine trauma and its possible effects on students and teachers, and provide participants with ways to intervene against harmful effects. The course will explore the research on toxic stress, and explain how it can impact a child’s education. Grounded in an understanding of how structural racism and system-induced trauma impact education, it will explore the key principles of a trauma-informed approach, and how they can be applied in an educational setting to achieve equitable and just outcomes. Participants will work with concepts that will help them lower stress levels of their students.
Trauma-Informed Education is a 45-hour course. New York City DOE teachers may earn 3 A+ credits for this course.
The course will be delivered remotely on-line, through Google Classroom.
The first four sessions of the course will be delivered asynchronously (you work at your own time and pace, with work due on a set schedule), with instructor facilitation and forum discussion encouraged.
The remaining two sessions will be virtual, real-time discussion sessions.
Each of the first four sessions will include a pre-recorded presentation and a variety of the following:
Selected readings and multi-media sources for participants to review;
A quiz on the material presented; and/or
Questions, activities, or writing assignments that require participants to apply the materials covered to their classes, schools, or lessons.
All graded assignments and discussion sessions will be evaluated using a rubric. Detailed feedback will be provided no later than one week after the assignment is due. Participants may modify and resubmit written work within one week of receiving feedback. Participants who obtain an average of 80%, or a total of 124 points, will be eligible for A+ credits or be issued a certificate of successful completion.
Course Schedule:
Course Begins and All Materials Released: June 17, 2023
Session 1 Assignments Due: June 30, 2023
Session 2 Assignments Due: July 14, 2023
Session 3 Assignments Due: July 28, 2023
Session 4 Assignments Due: August 11, 2023
First Discussion Session: August 19 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Eastern Time
Second Discussion Session: August 26, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Eastern Time
Click here register!
Do you have specific students in mind
who could use extra support?
Supporting Marginalized Students
is the course for you!

Supporting Marginalized Students is designed to help you interrupt the potential negative impact of that can result from marginalization. This course will help you develop a better understanding of your students, and provide strategies grounded in a trauma-informed approach, to help you support children in your classrooms, schools, and community.
This is a 5-week, 30-hour course. New York City DOE teachers may earn 2 A+ credits for this course. It will be delivered remotely on-line, through Google Classroom. The course will consist of four sessions.
Two sessions will be delivered asynchronously (you work at your own time and pace, with work due on two specific dates), with instructor facilitation and forum discussion encouraged. Each of these will include pre-recorded presentations, selected readings, multi-media sources, and activities or writing assignments that require participants to apply the materials covered to their classes or schools. Participants will have:
Three weeks to complete the assignments from the first asynchronous session (estimated completion time of 7 hours); and
Two weeks to complete the assignments from the second asynchronous session (estimated completion time of 4 hours).
Two sessions will be virtual, real-time discussion sessions. These will be two-hours each, and will be held either in the evening or on Saturday mornings.
All graded assignments and discussion sessions will be evaluated using a rubric, and each will be worth a maximum of 12 points. Detailed feedback will be provided no later than one week after the assignment is due. Participants may modify and resubmit written work within one week of receiving feedback. Participants who obtain an average of 80%, or a total of 48 points, will be eligible for A+ credits or be issued a certificate of successful completion.
Course Schedule:
Course Begins and All Materials Released: Juley 8, 2023
Session 1 Assignments Due: July 28, 2023
First Discussion Session: July 29, 2023, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
Session 2 Assignments Due: August 11, 2023
Second Discussion Session: August 12, 2023, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
Click here register!
To receive full CTLE and salary differential credit for this course you must also register with ASPDP on their website. If you do not complete the ASPDP registration by the registration deadline, you will not be eligible for A+ or P credits towards your salary differential. If you have questions about using ASPDP courses towards the salary differential, please email ASPDP at
Book Your Mid-Summer or Fall
Professional Development Events Now!

We're currently taking bookings for mid-summer and fall professional development events. Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership offers various levels of professional development to clients in the application of trauma-informed care and Trauma-informed Design. These trainings are always customized to your needs and include information to help you bring a trauma-informed lens to your work and environment.
Reserve Your Spot Now!
The Trauma-informed Design Society
has been busy, too!

Upcoming TiDEvalK12 Tool Roadshow!
The co-founders of the Trauma-informed Design Society, Dr. J. Davis Harte, Janet Roche, and our very own Christine Cowart, will be crisscrossing the continent in the coming months to spread the news about the newly developed Trauma-informed Design Evaluation Tool for K-12 Schools! This tool is the first of its kind--an evidence-based tool to facilitate interior design renovations and new builds of K-12 schools! It can be used to evaluate the physical space and identify changes that can lower the stress levels of students and staff. The tool is grounded in the Substance and Mental Health Services Administrations' guidance for a trauma-informed approach, the Trauma-informed Design (TiD) Society's framework, and feedback from almost 100 educators, school administrators, and designers across the country.
This project, which was supported by the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Foundation and had institutional review board (IRB) approval, brought together educators and designers to bridge the gap in their understanding and areas of expertise and identify design impacts on educational outcomes. The Society partnered with nine schools nationwide, to evaluate their spaces and gather information about when and where students and staff experience the most dysregulation, and used this information to inform the creation of an evaluation tool for schools and designers.
Schedule of Events
Come see us at the following events:

Keep an eye out, as we may also be coming to a conference near you!

Are you an architect, designer, practician,
or human services professional
with an interest in Trauma-informed Design?
The Trauma-informed Design Society is now seeking professionals in these or related fields to join us in our research. The Society is a transdisciplinary team with a focus on turning research into practice, and back into research. Merging our extensive experience in human services and interior design with an understanding of trauma science, the Society helps organizations implement a trauma-informed approach in their services and create stress-reducing physical spaces. If you are interested, please reach out to Christine at
Keep checking back, because there's a lot more happening just around the corner!
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