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Maddy Learned It’s Okay to Ask for Help (

Maddy R. had a tough childhood, being in foster care, living with various relatives and the ensuing trauma and anxiety that left her feeling lost. “Striving for academic success was the only thing that kept me alive for many years and Learn4Life sort of became my way out,” she explained. “I got the one-on-one time and patience that I needed and deserved. I had to learn that it was okay to ask for help.” Now, Maddy is helping current students learn that important life skill. After graduating...

Connecting Communities One Book at a Time launches July 13: Register now to learn from our national and Georgia partners how to lead a book study of 'What Happened To You?'

After more tha n two years of a deadly pandemic, a racial reckoning laying bare gross inequities, historic environmental catastrophes, and record-breaking gun violence and mental health challenges, could the first known national study of “What Happened to You?,” by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey, help us heal our collective trauma, one relationship and community at a time? That’s the question Carey Sipp, PACEs Connection director of strategic partnerships, hopes will be answered with a...

A Connectedness Framework: Breaking the Cycle of Child Removal for Black and Indigenous Children

Original post in Children's Bureau Express A recent article in the International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy, and Practice proposes a framework to guide systems change in child welfare, with a goal of improving outcomes for children and families of color. The article, "A Connectedness Framework: Breaking the Cycle of Child Removal for Black and Indigenous Children," begins with an overview of the history of child removal, with a specific focus on Alaska Native, American...

Relationships as a Support for Reunification

Written by the Capacity Building Center for States, published by Children's Bureau Express Original post available here . When the difficult decision is made that removal is necessary to ensure a child's safety, reunification—as quickly and safely as possible—is the primary goal. Family reunification is more likely and more successful when child welfare supports are rooted in authentic relationships and focused on building family strengths. As agencies continue striving to improve their...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Reunification for Child Welfare-Involved Families

Original post by Children's Bureau Express COVID-19 has been a source of disruption and stress for families and systems and has significantly changed the way child welfare operates in its day-to-day business. At the start of the pandemic, many courts and child welfare agencies suspended or reduced in-person family time, which is a critical part of the reunification process and has several benefits to attachment and well-being. Family time also provides an opportunity for child welfare...

The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project

The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project offers a series of free, evidence-based video and print resources that caregivers and educators can use to teach their kids critical mental health and coping skills. The project was born of an innovative partnership between the state of California and the Child Mind Institute. Please click here to learn more and access the resources! Also available in Spanish!

Caregivers Guide to Wellbeing [Alia]

Original post in Children's Bureau Express Whether a caregiver is a birth, foster, adoptive, or grandparent, the role can be as challenging as it is rewarding. The stress associated with caregiving can lead to burnout, which can adversely affect relationships and one's capacity to provide care. Alia released Caregivers Guide to Wellbeing to highlight the importance of self-care and support and inspire caregivers—including those caring for children or adults—by providing them with the...

Understanding Parity: A Guide to Resources for Families and Caregivers [SAMHSA]

There are protections in federal law, collectively known as “parity,” which are designed to ensure that certain types of health plans cover mental and substance use disorders no less generously than they cover other health issues. This resource from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) can guide you to helpful materials and places. Please click here to access the resource.

Alignment Between Early Childhood and Child Welfare Systems Benefits Children and Families []

By Elizabeth Jordan, Sharon Vandivere, and Esther Gross, Child Trends, June 7, 2022 Both the early childhood and child welfare systems are investing in promising new ways to support families with young children, particularly as they strive to recover from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and strive to become more equitable. Families with young children have faced a set of unique challenges during the pandemic, as already fragile child care centers and family-based child care have...

Connecticut Codifies Child Welfare Protections for Native American Families in State Law []

By The Imprint Staff Reporters, Photo: Unsplash, The Imprint, June 2, 2022 T he Connecticut governor signed a new law late last month ensuring that federal protections for American Indian families are also enforced in state law — even if a pending U.S. Supreme Court case invalidates the related federal statute. The legislation approved by Gov. Ned Lamont (D) ensures that proceedings involving an Indigenous child’s custody, placement in a foster or adoptive home or termination of parental...

After a medical misdiagnosis, my kids were wrongfully taken from me. It took 5 months to get them back. (

Author Kelly Burch's article, After a medical diagnosis, my kids were wrongfully taken from me. Lorina Troy took her son J.J. to the hospital, where doctors suspected abuse. J.J. later received a diagnosis of a medical condition that causes fluid in the brain. This is Lorina's story, as told to Kelly Burch. This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Lorina Troy. It has been edited for length and clarity. When my son J.J. was born, something seemed off from the beginning. His head...

Resources for talking to children about violence

It can be hard to come up with words to talk about violence and grief with our children, especially when our own hearts are so heavy and scared. Here are a few places where you can find more resources to help you find words... Please share other resources in the comments below. Trauma Care Resource Hub from ZERO TO THREE These resources are available online in English and Spanish at to help adults meet the unique needs of infants and young children in addressing the...

Ashland, Wayne agencies work to ease trauma for court-involved, fractured families []

By Linda Hall, Photo: Tom E. Puskar/, Ashland Times-Gazette, May 26, 2022 When children are placed in foster care , it's understood they are experiencing trauma. What's not always recognized is their parents are in a hard place, too. Ashland County's courts, area social services and other sectors of the Ashland and Wayne communities are hoping to join forces to promote positive parenting and successful reunification of children in foster care with their birth parents.

Building Connections for Resilient Kids

In early May, the Community Resilience Coalition of Guelph & Wellington launched the “Building Connections for Resilient Kids” campaign about the importance of connections during childhood. Connections with adults help children develop resilience to face life’s challenges. These connections can be small actions that adults don’t realize have a big impact on a child’s wellbeing. The Coalition released a series of 8 short videos illustrating stories from community members about adults who...

National Child Traumatic Stress Network Resources in Response to the Robb Elementary School Shooting

With tremendous gratitude to the TIC (Trauma-Informed Community) Team, I pass along these wonderful resources they have shared from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and other sources. This has been and continues to be a really hard day. Please do what is necessary for your own well-being, so that with renewed hope and energy we can continue our work to create trauma-sensitive communities together. National Child Traumatic Stress Network Resources in Response to the Robb Elementary...

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