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Wrestling Ghosts Watch Weekend on PACEs Connection (June 11-13th) & Zoom Discussion with Director Ana Joanes on June 15th at 7p.m. EST. 

Wrestling Ghosts is the fourth and final film in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series. The film can be watched, free of charge, on PACEs Connection from Friday, June 11th through Sunday, June 13th where it will be streamed all weekend. The streaming will be followed by a Zoom discussion with Wrestling Ghosts Director, Ana Joanes, and the co-sponsors of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival (CTIPP, PACEs Connection, & the Relentless School Nurse) on...

Child Protective Services Investigates Half of all Black Children []

By Julia Lurie, Mother Jones, April 26, 2021 For decades, researchers have pointed out that the child welfare system is riddled with inequities. Black children are far more likely than their white counterparts to be investigated as victims of abuse and neglect, to be placed in foster care, and to be permanently separated from their biological parents. “Spend a day at dependency court in any major city and you will see the unmistakable color of the child welfare system,” wrote Dorothy...

Foster System Webinar Series []

From Children's Bureau Express, May 2021 A series of four webinars is available from the Shriver Center on Poverty Law. These webinars focus on how Black communities, communities of color, and families living in poverty are overrepresented in the foster care system and the aspects of the social systems that contribute to this. The series includes the following webinars: "Moving From Why to How: Parent Leaders' Perspectives on the Movement for Child Welfare Justice" "Policing by Another Name:...

Fostering health families: An exploration of the informal and formal support needs of foster caregivers []

By Jacquelyn K. Mallette, Lindsey Almond, and Hannah Leonard, Children and Youth Services Review, March 2020 Abstract This qualitative study examines the challenges foster caregivers face within their families and seeks to understand their formal and informal support systems so that future trainings may be created to provide for the specific and realistic needs of foster caregivers. Twelve licensed foster caregivers from North Carolina took part in 90 minute focus groups with semi-structured...

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs in Foster Care []

By Kristen Sepulveda, Rachel Rosenberg, Sunny Sun, and Alexandra Wilkins, Child Trends, December 8, 2020 In this brief, Child Trends examines the prevalence of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) in the foster care system. CYSHCN have—or are at increased risk for—chronic physical, developmental, or behavioral/emotional conditions. [i] This brief provides an overview of the literature on CYSHCN and their experiences in the foster care system, a detailed explanation of...

Raising the Next Generation: Webinar on a Survey of U.S. Parents and Caregivers []

From Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, May 2021 Please join us for an in-depth discussion of the findings, and their implications for the country as we move from recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession toward a future in which all children and families are thriving. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently completed an 18-month study with parents and caregivers in the United States, examining what it is like to raise children in America today. [Please click here for more...

Foster Boy: National Foster Care Month Screening []

You're invited to a nationwide screening of the award winning film, ' Foster Boy ,' executive produced by Shaquille O'Neal and starring Matthew Modine, Shane Paul McGhie, Louis Gossett Jr., Amy Brenneman, & Julie Benz, and participate in a live Q&A about the importance of reforming the foster care system. REGISTER WATCH THE TRAILER Screening window: May 7 - May 10 Live Panel discussion + Q&A: May 11th at 8:00 pm EST/7:00 pm CST/5:00 pm PST MEET OUR PANELISTS Jay Paul Deratany Jay...

Ma'Khia Bryant's Death Wasn't Just a Failure of Police — The Foster Care System Failed Her, Too []

By Emilia Mense Caby, SheKnows, April 26, 2021 In the immediate aftermath of the guilty verdict of Derek Chauvin , I reeled at the news of another death from another police shooting, this time a child. As more information came out about Ma’Khia Bryant , my heart continued to crack open. As a former foster care case manager and violence prevention specialist in schools, I knew many girls like Ma’Khia: Girls whose young lives were shaped by trauma and who were not given the resources or...

A Better Normal: Practicing Resilience | Tools to Reduce Stress & Anxiety | Thursday April 29, 2021

Join us for the next episode of A Better Normal! Hosted by PACEs Connection's Gail Kennedy. Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Noon to 1pm PDT >>Click here to register<< T his will be a workshop format and will not be recorded or reposted. The stressors of 2020 and 2021 are leading to burnout and exhaustion among ACEs professionals. Join IsraAID and PACEs for a specialized, interactive self-care session, on concrete ways to reduce stress and anxiety in order to continue your important...

Call for Proposals - Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference

We are now accepting proposals for presentations through May 15th for "Transforming Our Tomorrow: 2021 Prevent Child Abuse America Virtual Conference." Our goal is to continually dedicate resources and implement changes in an equitable manner by providing all children and families with equal opportunity for healthy growth and development and allow all families to thrive. We encourage all presenters to consider the implications of their work for promoting equity and social justice. Important...

Trauma and Resilience Resources and Training []

If you are working with foster parents, hope you will consider using our brochure designed for parents and caretakers about childhood trauma. Our focus groups included foster parents. It is available in eight languages (attaching to this email in English and Spanish), and I am working on a version where the resource panel can be deleted so that locally available resources can be inserted: Find information on trauma-informed resources for...

You're Invited: Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care

Good morning PACE members, I hope you are safe and well today. I want to extend an invitation to you to our Baby Shower Briefing on May 5, 2021 at 11 a.m. so together we can Extend the Infant Supplement as a prenatal support for our youth! We will have a number of youth advocate speakers and members of the coalition speak to the issues. Will you join us for our Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care? Description: How does the pandemic impact expectant and parenting foster youth?

Mississippi judiciary trains on the power of hope, inspiring Youth Courts judges and staff

Dr. Chan Hellman, leading researcher in the power of hope to improve lives of impoverished children and families who have experienced abuse and neglect, Justice Dawn Beam, and Christopher Freeze, co-chair of Mississippi ACEs Connection , on day three of presentations by Hellman to judges and staff members of Mississippi's Youth Courts. “Hope is a better predictor of college success than the ACT or the SAT score” was one of the startling comments made by Chan Hellman, Ph.D., in the first of...

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