Tagged With "App Said to Help Officers Cope"
Blog Post
App Said to Help Officers Cope with 'Daily Trauma' [mauinews.com]
By Melissa Tanji, The Maui News, December 20, 2019 With the daily trauma police officers face and the rising number of police officer suicides across the nation, the Maui Police Department this week launched a free wellness app for the department that can be downloaded to officers’ smartphones to help them deal with the mental stresses of the job. “Officers witness trauma on a daily basis, and they are carrying that burden,” said Police Chief Tivoli Faaumu, who has known officers who have...
Blog Post
Children and Families Coping with Covid-19
Children and families may be facing more adversity due to the economic and home impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 situation is fluid and changing daily and I know it effects early childhood programs in a big way. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network put out a good guide on helping families cope with Coronavirus given so many changes to daily life; it is a great resource. Access it here: Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019. ...
Blog Post
"Drive thru Preschool" (General)
During this time of social distancing and the legitimate scare of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop a sense of "normalcy" for our little ones (keiki). We can do this by keeping them on a schedule, making sure that we are listening to their concerns and meet their unmet needs. Due to COVID-19 preschools in Hawai'i have shut its doors to instruction, however this preschool has continued to operate by meeting the needs of the homeless and at-risk homeless families they serve.
Blog Post
[Excerpt] Insight: Why We’re Not as Self-Aware as We Think and How Seeing Ourselves Clearly Helps Us Succeed at Work and in Life
"Asking “why?” in one study appeared to cause the participants to fixate on their problems instead of moving forward." Check out this article and be the one to start the dialogue in our communities that will help us all move forward together! https://ideas.ted.com/the-right-way-to-be-introspective-yes-theres-a-wrong-way/
Blog Post
FREE Training Courses on Understanding, Recognizing and Preventing ACEs
We each have a role in preventing ACEs. Check out these modules and pieces of training that will help us "create healthier, happier childhoods for kids today, and bright futures for adults tomorrow." Visit https://vetoviolence.cdc.gov/apps/aces-training/#/#top .
Blog Post
Identifying the unmet need.
These are new and difficult times for children (for all of us), by identifying the "unmet need" of a child we help with the trauma they might be experiencing during the COVID-19. This article can help restore "rough waters" to "calm waters." Mahalo to Cissy White from the ACES Connection for this great article from the Fatherhood Channel .
Blog Post
Just Learned "Turn Down the FireHOSE"
I learned about a new tool that I wanted to share. Deborah Farmer Kris shares on PBS kids a simple acronym that works for caregivers and parents to help their kids when faced with increase anxiety, fear or just a dip in mood: H: Am I hungry? O: Am I overstimulated? S: Do I need to sleep? E: Do I need to exercise? Such a practical way to help turn down the FireHOSE and make small adjustments that can make a big difference. SOURCE: ...
Blog Post
Sesame Workshop and BTC Team Up to Help with Big Scary Feelings during the COVID-19 Crisis (General)
Aloha, Sharing this from ACES Connection from our furry and cute friends from Sesame Street A great link to support our children during COVID. Have a great day! Danny
Blog Post
The Trauma Therapist Project (Intermediate-Advanced)
Aloha, As I post websites, journals, research, etc. for blog entries, I will add in parenthesis (General, Intermediate, Advanced) to help the reader sift through blog entries. It is not my intention to "flood your email box" with countless articles that may not be of assistance to you in your work or personal journey. This podcast is an excellent tool for therapist and practitioners. I particularly found Dr. Bruce Perry's (author of "The boy who was raised as a dog") podcast on "Staying...
Calendar Event
Early Childhood Day at the Capitol
Re: 9 New Communities Join ACEs Connection
Mahalo (thank you) we are so thrilled to be part of ACEs Connection. A debt of gratitude to @KarenClemmer and all of her help!
Re: Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts
Aloha Shannon, I work with family child care providers who provider care to children ages 0-5. Here is a question from one of our providers: "I have a new student who is 4 years. He has moved from CA with only dad. He's been showing anger. He kicked me, hit me, screams at me when I try to redirect him. I have spoken to his dad. Dad is going to get him some counseling. I know the counseling is going to take some tine to get and to help. What can I do NOW? The smaller keiki are clinging to me...
Re: Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts
Aloha Jamie, Mahalo for asking a good question. You are right that counseling is going to take some time. Iʻm glad to hear the father is going to get counseling for this keiki. It sounds like the keiki has experienced a lot of changes recently. Moving in and of itself can be challenging for anyone, especially young keiki. Iʻd suggest trying to provide as much structure, routine and consistency as possible and suggesting that the father and child care providers do the same. Predictability and...
HO. HOPE (2).pdf
Blog Post
HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19
HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19 Choose One - July 20, 22, 23 or 29 | 10 a.m. HST During the transition from home back to school/work, teachers, service providers and caregivers can develop a trauma-informed approach with youth. Various assumptions can be made on the individual experiences our youth have been having, but with an overall framework of creating an open, curious and safe environment, youth can be met with...
Blog Post
California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Blog Post
Yale School of Medicine, "Parenting During COVID-19"
Aloha, This is a great article on parenting during COVID-19. It provides some great tips that can be found on many sites. However, I did want to focus in on one piece of advice- "Increase predictability in your child's environment by developing and maintaining reasonable routines." Two key principles in building wellness and resilience through trauma informed care are to develop "safety and connection" for the individual. There is more research that supports the 'Predicting Brain" model that...
Calendar Event
We Are Healing Trauma: 2020 Virtual Summit for Survivors
Blog Post
Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions
Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...
Blog Post
Survey for ACEs Connection: PCEs, ACEs, and Health Outcomes
ACEs Connection, we need your help ! We are performing a research study to better understand the relationship between positive childhood experiences (PCEs), ACEs, and health outcomes in adulthood. All we need is 5-10 minutes of your time and your honesty to complete the following anonymous survey. With your help we can find a better way to combat ACEs and to support the development of children into resilient adults. Just a little bit more about the survey: This survey is sponsored by the...
Blog Post
"Who's in Your Canoe?": Ho‘oikaika Partnership Draws on Hawaiian Values to Promote Protective Factors
Title image: Jeny Bissell, Ho‘oikaika Partnership founder and Core Partner, gives a shaka at a Child Abuse Prevention Month mayor's proclamation and concert. A brochure from the Ho‘oikaika Partnership shows four people paddling a slender boat, their bodies silhouetted against an apricot-hued sky. The tagline: “When it comes to parenting, who’s in your canoe?” The image and the metaphor are intentional, says Karen Worthington, coordinator of the 60-member, cross-sector Ho‘oikaika Partnership...
Blog Post
Free 2020 Virtual Trauma-Informed Care Conference
Each year, STAR hosts a Trauma-Informed Care Conference to help educate the next generation of leaders and build a strong network of Trauma-Informed professionals in the state of Georgia. The conference will be held on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:00am- 1:00pm EST and Sunday, October 4th , 2020 from 2:00pm-5:00pm EST conducted virtually via Zoom.
Blog Post
Upcoming Webinars: How to Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community + Intro to Organizing Your Initiative
Are you curious about starting an ACEs Initiative in your community? Are you wanting to learn the fundamentals of organizing an initiative or coalition? Join one of these upcoming webinars to learn how to start and organize an initiative! 1. How To Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community These webinars will be held monthly on the second Monday of the month by Alison Cebulla, the Community Facilitator (CF) for the Northeast USA, Mid-Atlantic USA, and Canada for ACEs Connection. You are...
Blog Post
Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)
The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...
Blog Post
A resource for teachers during unprecedented times
Following Gov. Ige's furlough announcement for all state employees beginning in January 2021, I can't imagine how this must have impacted our public school educators Stress and anxiety have been experienced by all during COVID-19 and all educators (early education to higher learning) have not be spared. This is an excellent article that sheds some light on the anxiety that teachers are facing and some potential pragmatic strategies to help mitigate the effects of stress during these...
Blog Post
March CTIPP CAN Call
Thank you to Aidan Phillips from the WAVE Trust for his excellent and engaging presentation for attendees of our monthly Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) call for March. The information he shared is invaluable as we continue our work to influence change at the national level through the National Trauma Campaign . If you were unable to join, would like to watch again, or want to share with others, you can find the call recording here . Additionally, if you would like...
Margaret Sipple
Jacqueline Ing
Anoilea Clemente
Kelsey La Cuesta
Sierra Fox
Christine Naone
Naomi Patterson
Jesse Pahukula
Julie Kawasaki
Karen Cooper
Sheila Santiago
Samantha Duhaylonsod
Blog Post
See how this UH Volleyball player is raising mental health awareness for athletes
As a setter in volleyball, Norene Iosiaʻs primary duties on the court is to help her teammates with perfectly placed sets so that they can successfully spike a volleyball. Off the court, the decorated Norene Iosia (received conference honors) is raising awareness for the need of mental health, especially in the athletic world where athletes are often told to, "push it!" or "suck it up?" or "Failure is weakness!" Click on this link to see how Iosia took to social media to raise awareness for...