Tagged With "Children and Families Coping with Covid"
Blog Post
After the storm . . . Lets talk about it
Aloha- while I completely understand that we need to "keep our eye on the ball" in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, I do think it is important that we also think about how we move forward when the restrictions are lifted and we adjust to the "new normal." This article by Psychology Today provides great insights and strategies. Please post your thoughts/wonders about moving forward to the "new normal."
Blog Post
App Said to Help Officers Cope with 'Daily Trauma' [mauinews.com]
By Melissa Tanji, The Maui News, December 20, 2019 With the daily trauma police officers face and the rising number of police officer suicides across the nation, the Maui Police Department this week launched a free wellness app for the department that can be downloaded to officers’ smartphones to help them deal with the mental stresses of the job. “Officers witness trauma on a daily basis, and they are carrying that burden,” said Police Chief Tivoli Faaumu, who has known officers who have...
Blog Post
Children and Families Coping with Covid-19
Children and families may be facing more adversity due to the economic and home impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Covid-19 situation is fluid and changing daily and I know it effects early childhood programs in a big way. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network put out a good guide on helping families cope with Coronavirus given so many changes to daily life; it is a great resource. Access it here: Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019. ...
Blog Post
"Drive thru Preschool" (General)
During this time of social distancing and the legitimate scare of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop a sense of "normalcy" for our little ones (keiki). We can do this by keeping them on a schedule, making sure that we are listening to their concerns and meet their unmet needs. Due to COVID-19 preschools in Hawai'i have shut its doors to instruction, however this preschool has continued to operate by meeting the needs of the homeless and at-risk homeless families they serve.
Blog Post
Identifying the unmet need.
These are new and difficult times for children (for all of us), by identifying the "unmet need" of a child we help with the trauma they might be experiencing during the COVID-19. This article can help restore "rough waters" to "calm waters." Mahalo to Cissy White from the ACES Connection for this great article from the Fatherhood Channel .
Blog Post
Panel on COIVD-19 and how to maintain community while practicing social distancing (Indigenous perspective)
On April 29, 2020 (1 p.m.-2 p.m. HST) - the Native Organizers Alliance will be hosting a panel discussion on the challenges and celebrations of practicing social distancing for indigenous populations during this COVID-19 pandemic. The panel and small group discussions will feature Robyn Jackson of Diné CARE, Elizabeth Day of Native American Community Development Institute, and Whitney Rencountre of Social Distance PowWow. Each will share their experiences with supporting our communities on...
Blog Post
"Pehea kou piko? piko naʻau?"
Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, the widely respected and cultural icon of kanaka maoli (Native Hawaiian) stated that a traditional way for kanaka to greet each other was to say, "Pehea kou piko?" The piko that he is referring to is the belly button- the connection to our mothers through the umbilical cord- as well as our connection (even emotional connection) to the current world that we are living in. Dr. Blaisdell is quoted as saying, "The gut in the tradition of kanaka maoli is the seat of all...
Blog Post
Sesame Workshop and BTC Team Up to Help with Big Scary Feelings during the COVID-19 Crisis (General)
Aloha, Sharing this from ACES Connection from our furry and cute friends from Sesame Street A great link to support our children during COVID. Have a great day! Danny
Blog Post
The Trauma Therapist Project (Intermediate-Advanced)
Aloha, As I post websites, journals, research, etc. for blog entries, I will add in parenthesis (General, Intermediate, Advanced) to help the reader sift through blog entries. It is not my intention to "flood your email box" with countless articles that may not be of assistance to you in your work or personal journey. This podcast is an excellent tool for therapist and practitioners. I particularly found Dr. Bruce Perry's (author of "The boy who was raised as a dog") podcast on "Staying...
Blog Post
Thriving Lāhui Resources (General)
Mahalo nui to Thriving Lāhui and One Shared Future for sharing this list of resources to keep our ʻohana (families) safe and connected during COVID-19. Here is a link for available resources. Mahalo and have a blessed day, Danny
Blog Post
Webinar and handouts for early childhood educators
This webinar https://www.acesconnection.com/g/aces-in-childcare/blog/free-access-to-2-early-childhood-webinars-resources-and-handouts-on-covid-19-1 provides a general overview of how to recognize and address the effects of stress during the current COVID-19 situation.
Ask the Community
Kōkua for the ʻohana during COVID-19- Ask one of our community experts
Aloha, This is an incredibly stressful time and we know of the challenges our nā ʻohana is facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. ACH- would like to provide experts in the community as a valued resource so that questions and concerns in topics such as parenting , child development, behavioral concerns, trauma or advice in coping COVID-19 can be safely addressed. No one will be judged, no question will be scrutinized, we are all here for one another. It is ACHʻs pleasure to have Shannon Flynn...
HO. HOPE (2).pdf
Blog Post
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse
This book, written by Charlie Mackesy, is an amazing story of a boy who is exploring life and comes across three very different characters that provide guidance, reflection and leading questions that guides us on our life journey. During these tumultuous times this book provides comfort and material for self-exploration through journaling as well as questions that can be used in group-run exercises. The book is beautifully illustrated by the author and offers a significant amount of space in...
Blog Post
HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19
HYSN presents: Trauma Informed Care Strategies for Approaching and Responding to Youth During COVID-19 Choose One - July 20, 22, 23 or 29 | 10 a.m. HST During the transition from home back to school/work, teachers, service providers and caregivers can develop a trauma-informed approach with youth. Various assumptions can be made on the individual experiences our youth have been having, but with an overall framework of creating an open, curious and safe environment, youth can be met with...
Blog Post
Educational Resources for Caregivers during COVID-19
Aloha, This is a great online resource that provides over 1500 links to educational activities that you can do at home with your keiki during COVID-19. I have clicked on several links and like that the materials (if needed) can be found around the home or outside and the use of open-ended questions. With the re-opening of our schools still in question, parents opting for 100% distance learning or what to do with the off-day from the "A/B" schedule- this resource can provide some great ideas...
Blog Post
Yale School of Medicine, "Parenting During COVID-19"
Aloha, This is a great article on parenting during COVID-19. It provides some great tips that can be found on many sites. However, I did want to focus in on one piece of advice- "Increase predictability in your child's environment by developing and maintaining reasonable routines." Two key principles in building wellness and resilience through trauma informed care are to develop "safety and connection" for the individual. There is more research that supports the 'Predicting Brain" model that...
Blog Post
"Be kind to yourself"
This is an excellent article that provides tips in how to take the necessary steps to practice self-care and most importantly to "be kind to yourself." This article is particularly geared to the individuals who find it difficult to relax (ouch!). During this time of COVID-19, it can't be overstated enough- we need to take time to relax and breathe. What do you do to relax and take care of yourself?
Blog Post
COVID-19 and ECE
Sorry for the short notice, but I hope you can be a part of this webinar that will look to the protective factors that we can put into place for our young keiki during COVID-19. To register or for more information click on this link .
Blog Post
"Who's in Your Canoe?": Ho‘oikaika Partnership Draws on Hawaiian Values to Promote Protective Factors
Title image: Jeny Bissell, Ho‘oikaika Partnership founder and Core Partner, gives a shaka at a Child Abuse Prevention Month mayor's proclamation and concert. A brochure from the Ho‘oikaika Partnership shows four people paddling a slender boat, their bodies silhouetted against an apricot-hued sky. The tagline: “When it comes to parenting, who’s in your canoe?” The image and the metaphor are intentional, says Karen Worthington, coordinator of the 60-member, cross-sector Ho‘oikaika Partnership...
Blog Post
Reconciling the Past May Be the Only Way to a Sustainable Future (nonprofitquarterly.org)
Social movements focusing on environmental and climate justice need to evolve to center histories of Indigenous injustices and the ongoing consequences for Indigenous peoples. Whereas mainstream discussions of environmental racism typically focus on contemporaneous acts of land use and resource exploitation, Indigenous environmental issues are deeply rooted in cyclical acts of displacement and alienation. This article provides a brief summary of this past and its linkages to communities of...
Blog Post
"A Better Normal" Community Discussion: Suicide Awareness and Community Cafes
Join us on Friday November 6, 2020 from noon to 1:00 PST as we come together and join Satya Chandragiri MD, Bonnie O’Hern RN, Denise PNP, & Michael Polacek RN for a discussion around the tender issue of suicide. Together we will discuss ways people and providers can support each other and encourage communities to take action to support one another around suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and the layers of culture and structural barriers to care. A special emphasis will be on...
Blog Post
A resource for teachers during unprecedented times
Following Gov. Ige's furlough announcement for all state employees beginning in January 2021, I can't imagine how this must have impacted our public school educators Stress and anxiety have been experienced by all during COVID-19 and all educators (early education to higher learning) have not be spared. This is an excellent article that sheds some light on the anxiety that teachers are facing and some potential pragmatic strategies to help mitigate the effects of stress during these...
Blog Post
Nominate someone who went above and beyond for Hawaiʻi’s keiki!
Hawaiʻi Children's Action Network The 2021 Champions for Children awards will honor community members who went above and beyond to support Hawaiʻi’s keiki during the COVID-19 crisis. Awardees will be recognized at a virtual ceremony on April 7, 2021 presented by the nonprofit Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network . The 2021 Champions for Children awards will honor community members who went above and beyond to support Hawaiʻi’s keiki during the COVID-19 crisis. Awardees will be recognized at a...
Blog Post
7 Benefits of Adventure Therapy for Addiction Recovery
I took a year off to travel around the world and discovered my anxiety disappeared. I was a solo traveler, and yet I felt connected. How can I bring adventure into my daily life and keep myself and others safe in this covid environment?
Blog Post
The anxiety with reopening
With the rise in COVID-19 cases and the Delta variant, there is a lot of anxiety with the reopening of our schools. Here is a short article that draws attention to the anxiety that staff and students might be feeling during the next few months. When we are aware that some in our midst might have anxiety, we can demonstrate empathy and be more patient and kind to those who might be struggling. Thoughts?
Blog Post
Keiki anxious about returning back to school? Here are some tips
Aloha- Our public schools have reopened and many private schools have either opened its doors and/or are about to begin their new school year. With the rise of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 strain as well as the public debate over vaccinations, children (and adults) might be anxious in returning back to school. This article provides some great tips in how to address your keiki's anxiety level. One tip I found helpful is that we must model calm for our keiki. This article might be a tad...
Blog Post
Kupuna and COVID-19
This is a great resource for our kupuna. With the rise of the COVID-19 due to the Delta variant, we must ensure that our kupuna, our elders are cared for and that they feel safe and connected. Kupuna and Kokua is an amazing resource!
Blog Post
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Aloha, Yoga is a great way to practice self-care and mindfulness. Trauma-sensitive yoga might be a way to identify and meet the unmet need of individuals/groups to address, cope and heal from their trauma. Click on this link to see what the Trauma-sensitive yoga practitioners in our state!
Blog Post
Eating disorders due to COVID-19 stress/isolation
Aloha, This is an interesting article that talks about the "perfect storm" for eating disorders due to the fear, stress and anxiety we might be experiencing during COVID-19.
Blog Post
Covid-19 Resilient Educator Toolkit
Aloha all, I hope you are all staying safe and socially engaged. This toolkit is a great resource for educators during these tumultuous times. The toolkit provides resources and strategies for educators, caregivers and students. Please share any other tips or links that you have found helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mahalo, Danny
Blog Post
Building coalitions to strengthen transitions to Kindergarten
This article highlights the alarming trend of children NOT registering for kindergarten (partially due to COVID-19 concerns). The data in the article points to children of color as the highest population to not register their child for kindergarten. I like the toolkit that is within the link. This is an issue that should be on our radar. Stay safe everyone! Mahalo, Danny
Blog Post
Processing COVID-19, the rise with Omnicron, Secondary Traumatic Stress and "COVID-fatigue"
Aloha and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year! This is a very simple, yet powerful activity that you can do with keiki (children), whole families, staff members, students and clients to help them processes the COVID stress associated with the Omnicron strain. This may also be helpful for those who are experiencing "COVID fatigue," secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue. Simply take a sheet of paper and fold, "hamburger style" and write "COVID" in the middle of the sheet. One one...
Blog Post
When we understand . . . we can address, heal and provide hope.
This https://thomashuebl.com/why-covid-stress-feels-uniquely-painful/ by Thomas Hubl provides an interesting insight on the toll taken by COVID-19. As mask restrictions and social distancing standards begin to lift throughout our state, there are many who still feel the stress, tension, anxiety, and trauma of the last two years. Hubl, defines Collective Trauma as, “ . . . a sudden shock upends not just one person’s life, but everyone in the community.” Collective trauma as the article...
Blog Post
Kahewai Summit
Aloha, We are having our 2nd Annual "Kahewai 0-5 Wellness and Resilience Summit on Thursday April This conference is for the 0-5 providers (Family Childcare, Family Child Interactive Learning, Home Visiting and Center-based care). Our theme this year is, "Hā" or "breath." The pandemic has been challenging for all of us, this virtual conference will focus on three types of breath: - "Catching our breath." We have been through the "COVID" sprints and we simply need to breath to restore...
Blog Post
Vital Signs: Drug Overdose Deaths, by Selected Sociodemographic and Social Determinants of Health Characteristics — 25 States and the District of Columbia, 2019–2020 (cdc.gov)
Summary What is already known about this topic? Drug overdose deaths increased 30% in the United States from 2019 to 2020. Known health disparities exist in overdose mortality rates, particularly among certain racial/ethnic minority populations. What is added by this report? From 2019 to 2020, overdose death rates increased by 44% and 39% among non-Hispanic Black (Black) and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons, respectively. As county-level income inequality increased,...
Blog Post
Mindfulness Minute Series (3 of 6) The preschool years- “Be one with Nature”
Kilo is the Native Hawaiian art of observation. Through Kilo , we become part of our environment by watching, observing, examining and even forecasting. Children learn best through play. During the developmental stage of a preschool keiki (child), it is important that a child has opportunities to interact with his/her environment. This is when a keiki is beginning the process of scaffolding information to make sense of the world and learn new things. Kilo can be natural for a keiki at this...
Re: Mindfulness Minute Series (3 of 6) The preschool years- “Be one with Nature”
Mahalo Danny for the reminder of kilo and being mindful of not only the trees but all of nature. Hau'oli la Ho'omaika'i
Blog Post
Mindfulness Minute Series (5 of 6)- The Middle School Years
Our Mindfulness Minute Series (5 of 6) looks at the middle school years. As mentioned in the the 2nd installment of this series, the first 1,000 days of a child’s life is highly critical as this is where 85% of the human brain is formed and hopefully healthy, secure and consistent attachment is developed between the child and their caregiver(s). The middle school years are also a critical stage because of the biological and psychological development of your student/child. This is a stage...
Heather Colbert
Blog Post
Emotionally Supporting Young Children During and After Natural Calamities: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers:
Natural calamities and crises, like the current wildfires on Maui and Hawaiʻi Island, can deeply affect our keiki's physical, social, and emotional well-being. During these trying times, it's essential for parents and caregivers to provide effective emotional support. This blog post is dedicated to helping our keiki navigate the challenges posed by such events. With their limited life experiences and heightened emotions, children require special care to help them feel safe, secure, and...