Tagged With "Health Impacts"
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HOPE Champion Spotlight: Terreca DeFehr of Parents for Parents
Parents engaged with Parent Allies have increased compliance with scheduled visitation and court ordered services, increased attendance at hearings and court proceedings. In the context of the HOPE Relationship Building Block, engaged parents also have significantly increased family reunification rates - 70% in contrast to 53% without Parent Ally engagement.
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HOPE Champion Spotlight: Alicia Kreutzer of Nurse Family Partnership
The biggest challenges to relationship are unsafe, unequitable, and unstable environments. Social and civic engagement empowers clients in a way where their voices can be heard and true change can occur.
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Seeking participants for dissertation research study on ACEs and leadership
Hello everyone! My name is Kyrin Baklund, and I am a doctoral student at Northwest University, located in Kirkland, Washington. I am looking for participants to be a part of my study on the topic of ACEs and leadership. To meet the criteria for my study, you must be at least 18 years old, located in the Pacific Northwest, and currently be in a leadership position, holding the title of supervisor, chair, manager, dean, director, CEO, provost, or president. The purpose of the study is to...