Infographic on Iowa ACEs Data
If you need a visual representation of Iowa ACEs Data, this infographic has been adapted to reflect Iowa data.
If you need a visual representation of Iowa ACEs Data, this infographic has been adapted to reflect Iowa data.
The Central Iowa ACEs 360 Steering Committee has led efforts to research how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact the health and well-being of Iowans throughout a lifetime. In 2012, questions were added to the Behavioral Risk Factor...
The Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition has worked diligently all session to promote legislation that will improve the well-being of children and families in Iowa. In partnership with advocates around the state, the coalition is currently promoting a few key...
The 5th Annual Trauma Informed Care Conference will be held June 9-11, 2015 in Des Moines. This conference is a great learning and networking opportunity, and has some wonderful speakers this year. Visit the conference website to learn more and to...
Funding Opportunities to Address Adverse Childhood Experiences Full Proposal Deadline: June 1, 2015 Community-based organizations and other non-academic agencies are invited to submit proposals that aim to implement an evidence-based program that...
Chicago —Across the United States these days, it seems as if hardly a week goes by without a conference or a workshop about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and how people are implementing trauma-informed and...
One kid’s trauma can be a lot to handle . Managing a whole school of kids who have been traumatized can seem insurmountable. These kids are more likely to act out in class, have attendance problems, and get lower grades than...
Members from Central Iowa ACEs 360 and the Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition participated in NAMI-Iowa's Day on the Hill, educating on the impact of childhood trauma on the long-term health and well-being of Iowans. ACEs representatives specifically...
Central Iowa ACEs 360 has seen great success in the first few years of its collaborative efforts. As the opportunities to prevent and mitigate the impact of childhood adversity are so broad, the steering committee recognizes the importance of being...
The advocacy efforts in Iowa to address ACEs and the impact of trauma have been coordinated by the Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition. This coalition is co-chaired by Sarah Ramsey from United Way of Central Iowa and Mary Nelle Trefz from Child and Family...
In early February, the Des Moines Register featured an article on Orchard Place CEO Anne Starr. The article highlighted the work of Anne and Orchard Place to advocate for the needs of children and youth facing mental illness. Click here to read...
Iowa State Senator Matt McCoy (Des Moines) highlighted the life-long impact of childhood trauma in an article to the Des Moines Register this week. Click here to view the article.
On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, a panel presented to the Iowa House Human Resources Committee. Organized by the Iowa ACEs advocacy coalition , the presentation focused on an overview of adverse childhood experiences and the strength of public/private...
With the attached ACEs history synopsis, we wanted to start out with what our team at UWECI has done in the last several years and looking forward to our future plans.
On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, the Iowa Senate Human Resources Committee heard a presentation on Adverse Childhood Experiences and were asked to provide leadership in policymaking to prevent ACEs and promote resiliency. Speakers included: Leslie...