Tagged With "Bloomington, Indiana"
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ACEs Community Actions Awards
On April 10 and 11, 2019, the Lake County ACEs and Resilience Coalition partnered with Northwest Indiana Community Action and the Northwest Indiana Reinvestment Alliance to host the reimagine conference. The first of its kind in Northwest Indiana, the reimagine conference provided an opportunity for groundbreakers and community leaders to explore the truth about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), to forge new partnerships, to create actionable recommendations, and to build a resilient...
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Call for Presenters - 2nd Annual reimagine conference in Northwest Indiana
We are excited to have the keynote address presented by Dr. Joanne Klevens, MD, PhD, MPH, from the CDC and co-author of Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Technical Package for Policy, Norm, and Programmatic Activities.
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"Faces of ACEs: The Lifelong Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences" Conference 2019
Friday, April 12, 2019 marked an exciting, auspicious, and perhaps pivotal day in the history of Monroe County, Indiana. That’s a lot of adjectives—and pressure—to pile onto just another glorious spring day in Bloomington. But I think many folks who virtually congregate on a site that supports communities implementing trauma-informed and resilience-building practices grounded in ACEs science would agree that a county’s first-ever ACEs conference deserves a little ballyhoo. But this ACEs...
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Registration Now Open for 2020 Reimagine Conference
The 2nd Annual Reimagine Conference will be held in Schererville, Indiana on June 11, 2020. There will be a full day of preconference intensives on June 10, 2020. Registration is now open at: https://nwireimagine2020.eventbrite.com
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School Mental Health Bill Clears Senate [indianapublicmedia.org]
A bill to provide mental health care for Indiana students narrowly passed the Senate this week. The legislation was written in response to school safety. Bill author, Sen. Michael Crider (R-Greenfield), says the creation of an integrated mental health system is a key step in preventing school violence. "Every recent incident in Indiana that I’m aware of has not been a total surprise," says Crider. " Someone knew that student was having issues." [For more on this story by JILL SHERIDAN, go to...
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Start the Conversation; Start a Movement
A Vimeo posted on my Challenging Children facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/connecthrulove/) is a part of a project that was funded by the 2019 Community Action Awards given by the NW Indiana Action Coalition. A 4 month ACEs Awareness promotion began in June and will continue through October. There will be billboards and also an online screening of the documentary about the actor Darrell Hammond entitled: "Cracked Up".
Blog Post
2020 reimagine conference Agenda Announced!
Be sure to check out this impressive line-up of speakers and sessions planned for you at the upcoming reimagine conference!
Stacy Zembala
Jessica C. Brown
Jena Bellezza
Melissa Bohacek
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Call for Presentations!
The 2021 reimagine conference will take place on October 12 and 13, 2021. We are planning for a hybrid event this year with in-person events and activities taking place tentatively at the Dean and Barbara White Community Center in Merrillville, Indiana. Online aspects of the conference will be hosted on the Socio app. We hope the hybrid structure will allow us to reach a wide and diverse audience while creating the opportunity for face to face engagement with the conference content as well.
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Exciting Updates for the 2021 reimagine conference!
Northwest Indiana Community Action is planning the 3rd annual reimagine conference addressing the intersection of trauma and community development. We are so excited to announce this year's keynote speakers. We will welcome both Dr. Christina Bethell , from Johns Hopkins University and Laura Porter of ACE Interface will join us virtually. For the past 35 years Dr. Bethell has built her work and career around an intentional goal to catalyze health care and public health transformation at the...
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Save the Date and Call for Presentations!
Join us for the 4th annual Reimagine Conference featuring keynote speaker, Becky Haas.
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Call for Session Proposals
We are seeking engaging and interactive workshop proposals that will provide our attendees with skills, tools, and strategies to recognize, care for, and support survivors of trauma and toxic stress.