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The Promise of Post-Traumatic Growth

“Things get broken, and sometimes they get repaired, and in most cases, you realize no matter what gets damaged, life rearranges itself to compensate for your loss, sometimes wonderfully.” – Hanya Yanagihar Post-traumatic growth is the recognition that however horrific our experiences, we as human beings have incredible ability to adapt, survive and integrate, to grow stronger… and then turn around and use that experience to help others. This has caused Echo to change the way we teach about...

Advancing a Plan for Addressing Trauma and Building Resilience within L.A. County Systems []

LOS ANGELES , Oct. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- First 5 LA, the California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation along with other local, state and nationally-recognized expert organizations today released a report to advance a comprehensive trauma and resiliency-informed approach in Los Angeles County . Building on research and the experience of experts from Los Angeles , the report defines trauma as the effects of a...

Advancing a Plan for Addressing Trauma and Building Resilience within L.A. County Systems (

Center for Collective Wisdom Releases Extensive Report Outlining Research and Recommendations First 5 LA, the California Community Foundation, The California Endowment, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation along with other local, state and nationally-recognized expert organizations today released a report to advance a comprehensive trauma and resiliency-informed approach in Los Angeles County . "Trauma is a serious health concern affecting many children and...

LAUSD’s homeless student population grew by 50% last year (

The number of homeless students at LA Unified grew by 50 percent last year to 17,258 students — the highest number recorded by the district. Because of that, you might think that LA Unified would be among the school districts in the state with the highest proportion of homeless students, but it doesn’t even crack the top 10. Proportion is the keyword. While LA Unified has the largest number of homeless students of any school district in the state — and is the largest school district in the...

A half-million U.S. kids attend school in Mexico. Educators are working together across the border to help them learn (

In recent years, an increasing number of U.S.-born students have enrolled in Mexican schools. About half a million now attend classes south of the border, and educators on both sides are pushing for greater collaboration to help meet those students’ unique needs — among them, gaining language skills, adjusting to different education levels, and adapting to new school cultures and structures. American schools have long focused on accommodating English language learners, said Patricia Gándara,...

Trauma Informed Care Training - Young & Healthy

Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. Trauma Informed Care also emphasizes physical, psychological and emotional safety for both consumers and providers, and helps survivors rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. Join us for part one of a three part training series on Trauma Informed Care. At this first training "Creating a Trauma Informed Workplace" we...

Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences Website / First 5 CA Care, Cope Connect Resource

Thanks to Alejandra Labrado from First 5 Sacramento for providing the links to these resources! Sesame Street's Traumatic Experiences: When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects. Several factors can change the course of kids’ lives: feeling seen and heard by a caring adult, being patiently taught coping strategies and...

Supervisor Janice Hahn calls for communities to do more to solve homeless crisis (

In her first State of the County speech since winning election 11 months ago, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn called on cities to reject "NIMBYism" when it comes to one of the region's biggest problems, rising homelessness. The speech was delivered before a packed crowd of about 600 people at the World Cruise Center in San Pedro, Hahn's hometown. She also addressed the county budget and announced that a $1.5 million mobile stroke unit would begin a pilot program next week. She also...

Program looks to stop the Skid Row to jail pipeline (

It was the men's first meeting, a time to establish the basics: the man had been homeless on Skid Row for about three years, yes, he was getting out in a couple weeks, and no, he had nowhere to go. And that's what made him a candidate for the Office of Diversion and Reentry's housing program. If follow-up visits yield what they're designed to, the man will move into temporary housing when he gets out of jail, and then on to a permanent apartment, where his rent will be subsidized by L.A.

Black students and families need more support — and they need it now. An unprecedented coalition dives in with a new LAUSD task force. []

An unprecedented coalition of community members, educators, parents, and students at LA Unified have convened a new task force to urgently address why African-American youth continue to have the lowest test scores and why black students and families continue to feel ignored by the education system. Black students persist in having LA Unified’s highest rates of dropouts and suspensions. They are most likely to be identified as needing special education services, and they are least likely to...

Immigration Courts Are on the Verge of Collapse (

For months, the NBC4 I-Team has been investigating the United States Immigration Court system, as part of a project involving NBC stations across the country. We found a situation so dire even some judges agree justice is not being served properly. A lack of resources has led to a backlog of hundreds of thousands of immigration cases that is keeping families -- and entire communities -- in limbo. Data reviewed by the I-Team shows that the Immigration Court is taking more than twice as much...

Hope Springs Anew in Center for Los Angeles Foster Youth []

A year and a half after Los Angeles County shut a pair of emergency shelters for hard-to-place foster youth, Astrid Heppenstall Heger is still working to find ways to reach the county’s “invisble children.” Last week, Heger’s Violence Intervention Program (VIP) opened the doors of the Leonard Hill Hope Center, a space that she hopes will help Los Angeles County’s most vulnerable foster youth – those who are at the highest risk of leaving county-run care and ending up homeless, being sexually...

Alliant University Course Aims To Professionalize Street Outreach Workers (

An eight-week course at Alliant University called the Community Mentors Program is trying to help. " We knew that if this work was ever going to be respected, ever going to be valued to the degree that it should have been valued at, we were going to have to create a professional standard," said Aquil Basheer, one of the course instructors. "We were going to have to create professional protocols." Basheer began helping street outreach workers professionalize their work some 20 years ago when...

Rising High: Los Angeles School Aimed at Disconnected Youth Expands []

When high school student Kia Reid’s brother was arrested, she withdrew emotionally, missing more than a week of school. But in her absence, Reid didn’t fall through the cracks. Her teachers texted and called to check on her. “They told me [they were] not here to pressure me, but they wanted me to keep on track with my schoolwork.,” Reid said. “They were really patient, and even came over to my house and brought me my work and went over all [of it] with me.” Reid graduated in the spring with...

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