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North Carolina PACEs Connection


Philanthropy in the Deep South: Know Your Funding History and Share The Wealth (

By Vichi Jagannathan , Rural Opportunity Institute Co-Founder — October 27, 2022 (2019 Camelback Ventures Fellow | 2020 Capital Collaborative Alumni Board Member) I first moved to rural Eastern North Carolina in 2011 as a Teach for America corps member. Up until then, I had only lived in cities and suburbs. My parents, both immigrants from India, always stressed the importance of education, so I dutifully attended the best educational institutions I could access, including Princeton,...

CRM Workshops for YWCA for Youth and Foster Grandparents

The Healthy Blue Initiative supported a 3 series CRM workshops for the Grandparents Support Network (GSN) at the YWCA providing the biology-based wellness skills for grandparents and youth. The series consisted of: First session: An introduction to the Community Resiliency Model for grandparents to learn the skills and be able to use them for themselves and their well-being as well as have a common language to use with their grandchildren. Second session: The children/youth learned the key...

48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

NOT TOO LATE FOR COHORT 1!! Also registering for COHORT 2!! New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various...

Cabarrus County Department of Social Services Joins Standardized Assessment Protocol

Benchmarks is excited to welcome Cabarrus County DSS as the newest member of our Standardized Assessment Protocol (SAP) project! The SAP project is a process created to ensure timely trauma screening for children over the age of four entering foster care to quickly identify a child’s need for further assessment, with the goal of increasing their likelihood to receive the treatment necessary to reach their full potential. This treatment goes beyond just mental and behavioral health; treatment...

How to Help Survivors of Extreme Climate Events (

By Elaine Miller-Karas MSW, LCSW Building Resiliency to Trauma Psychology Today, September 30, 2022 Mental health can suffer after extreme climate events. KEY POINTS Mental health conditions exacerbated by natural disasters include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. After a disaster, the number of people needing assistance from the mental health systems strains or exceeds community capacity. There are simple strategies helpers can use to help survivors restore...

The True Power of Community Resiliency Model (CRM) Skills for Foster Youth/Families

In 2020 when I first started working with Coastal Horizons, my co-worker Amy talked about the CRM Trainings she was giving. At that point I was new and wanted to learn more about it so I went to my first 8 hour CRM training. Little did I know this training would become a new way of communicating with the children in my home. See I am a single kinship/foster/adoptive/birth mother to at least four children, all of which have experience a great deal of trauma. At first I started by using the...


RESILIENCY 2022 VOICES OF HOPE & HEALING FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 12-4PM EST Focused on personal empowerment and promoting strategies to enhance resiliency, our Resiliency Forum brings together inspirational speakers, empowering clinicians, talented artists, life-changing authors, and noted professionals, all dedicated to enhancing our ability to bounce-back and thrive. In 2021, 7000+ participants from 111 countries around the world, joined together to focus on strategies to enhance...

2022 Resilience Symposium: Building Hope - Friday, September 30th; features Becky Haas as opening and closing speaker

New Bern, NC – The Coastal Coalition for Substance Awareness & Prevention (CCSAP) will be hosting the 2022 Resilience Symposium: Building Hope on Friday, September 30 th from 8am-5pm at the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center. This in-person event is only $40, features internationally-respected leader and speaker in the PACEs science movement Becky Haas, and includes lunch and snacks catered by Posh Nosh. The past two years have been stressful, even traumatic form many, helping us...

NCFASD Informed Conference

Target Audience: This project has been planned for medical professionals (physicians, mental health professionals, and allied health), parents, provider agencies, MCO/LMEs, educators, attorneys, and other legal system professionals. Program Description This virtual conference will discuss how exposure to alcohol is the leading cause of intellectual and other developmental disabilities in the US and results in a variety of developmental disability diagnoses collectively referred to as Fetal...

Plumbing, truck driving, construction skills get boost from Haywood ARPA funds []

By Shelby Harris August 22, 2022 - Carolina Public Press Haywood County is currently the only mountain county using federal pandemic relief dollars to support local community colleges. Sparks fly off a small metal pipe as Corey Isbell presses an electric blade against it on a cloudy August night in Haywood County. When a small piece of pipe clinks onto the ground, Isbell turns around, lifts the clear screen covering his face and says, “Who’s next?” One by one, the adult students at Haywood...

Public service reporter tracks American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) spending in North Carolina

Carolina Public Press reporter Shelby Harris investigates how localities in North Carolina are spending American Rescue Plan Act funds. August 18, 2022 - Covering how 18 counties in western North Carolina spend government funding might not sound like a thrilling beat for a reporter, even if she really enjoys writing about government finance. But Shelby Harris, an Asheville-based reporter for the Carolina Public Press, has been finding more stories than she expected in those counties, their...

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