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Michigan ACEs Action (MI)

Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.

Tagged With "Northern Michigan"


Re: Under One Roof

Former Member ·
From Dr. Bruce Perry, MD (Understanding Traumatized and Maltreated Children) Clinical principles for effective work with children have additional critical elements. One is helping the child understand what they feel and why they behave a certain way in given situations. Traumatized children frequently act impulsively and misunderstand why this has happened. They will often explain this (as will the adults around them) as the by-product of them being stupid, insensitive, bad, selfish, sick or...

Re: Trauma informed hospital system

Former Member ·
Here is a partial list of information (I don't know of any full scale implementation in Michigan) 1. (From the Academy on Violence and Abuse - RJ Gilespie and Teri Petterson screen for parents of 4 month olds at a large Pediatric Primary Care Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Gilespie will be speaking along with Nadine Burke-Harris at the AAP annual conference in Washington, DC this October at the "Peds 21 Conference" which can be found at...


Former Member ·
I wanted to put this here so that the NE Michigan Group could have some Ideas of how to move forward beyond the school system but that might be able to be tied in through Alcona too? We could try to collaborate with the CAC (Grand Rapids) ---- and Alcona maybe Jacki Fitzgerald ---- and then maybe Western Michigan (NCTSN K-Zoo sight) --- to move the trauma informed care collaboration into NE Michigan. So here is the newsletter from the Child and Family Services in TC. Behavioral Health Team...

Re: Outreaching where the bears live.

Former Member ·
I brought a gal (Nancy Gaucher) who was an ex-Detroit police officer to Medstart (a U. of Michigan CME program organized by students) to speak about rural homelessness in the UP. Nancy started "Voices for Youth". I am not sure if it still exists but she was alarmed to find so many teens which she called, and I agree, "throw-away" kids living in the woods. These kids had left circumstances of violence at home and so I truly believe it is important for all of us to understand that these...

Re: followup exchange presentation 9:8

Former Member ·
Here is the followup exchange presentation given yesterday 9/8 in Alpena. Wanted to review ACEs, go over toxic stress and give a followup on the work we have been doing in Alpena and where we hope to go. No volunteers to join our group. However, asked that if the group hosts other presenters who may be interested to let them know about us. Making a collection of power points that can be used in our rural community to educate folks on ACEs and Toxic Stress. Any ideas of how to spread the word...

Re: If Minnesota Can Do This, We Can Too!!: State rep and family advocate, Rena Moran, envisions a trauma-informed Minnesota

Former Member ·
I have started working in an new office in another rural part of Michigan. One of our doctors is a state Legislator. I intend on educating him and everyone I come in contact with about ACEs/Toxic Stress and why Michigan should not be left behind!!! He is also a family medicine physician so I hope to network there and with others. I asked our ED doc if I could speak at the FP Residency at McLaren (Flint). I will do that too and I recently presented information to 70 nurses at Alpena Community...

Re: This is Crazy: Criminalizing Mental Health - Brave New Films (23 min)

Former Member ·
This problem is certainly something I believe would be very useful to educate our justice system to learn about. Our system is crazy and makes hurt people do even worse and it is non-sensical!!!! It is also a huge waste of money!!! Anyone have any ideas how to approach this in Michigan. I will contact Beth Campbell from MSU to see if we can get her onboard. Wonder if anyone has any other ideas?


Former Member ·
To keep everything together.

Re: Resilience Coffee August 2016 Meeting Notes

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
Correction: Northwestern Michigan College was the first community college in Michigan to offer the campus coach program. Western Michigan University was the first institution of higher education to bring the program to Michigan.

Re: Northern Michigan Building Resilience

Linda Hesson ·
We have formed a trauma task force in our community and are doing our best to pull it together. ACES Connection has been key in our start up. We will keep growing, learning and spreading what we learn.

Re: Northern Michigan Building Resilience

Former Member ·
Daggonit, Here is the link to the entire toolkit... I cannot figure how to add it with the new platform.

Re: Northern Michigan Building Resilience

Former Member ·
Yep we had a meeting today. Cathy, you will have to let me know how the ACEs in children grant is going. We had a great meeting today in Tuscola so I am very much looking forward to continuing with working with you all in Traverse City. Hope the ACEs Children's grant writing is going good. Tina

Re: ACE Community flyer

Former Member ·
And here is a Link to Michigan Public Radio State of Opportunity Series article with Dr. Felitti and Dr. Hahn after his visit to Alpena: http://stateofopportunity.mich...ublic-health-problem

Re: Welcome Members of Northern Michigan ACEs Action

Former Member ·
Hi Cathy, No problem. I would really like to hear what everyone is doing in Traverse City also. I know you have more resources than we do on the Eastern side of the state and Denise had sent me a message that she was considering starting work on a ACEs summit for Michigan. I would be interested in your meeting in October if I could come. I am a huge advocate for preventing ACEs in our state. I am however going to the AAP Conference in Washington DC in late October. They have several speakers...

Re: ACEs is not just about kids...

Former Member ·
Hi Cathy, I completely agree. I had this article from the RWJF taped to the cork board at my desk and looked at it everyday wondering how I could get these services for the parents of my pediatric patients. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Awards $16 Million to Health Leads to Help Health Care Providers Address Social Factors Boston– Health Leads , an organization which enables physicians and other health care providers to prescribe basic resources such as food and heat for their low-income...

Re: Prevelance of ACEs in Michigan

Former Member ·
The PDF attachment is for Mike Foley's Power Point on ACEs for late 2014. Thanks

Re: Northeast Michigan Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative

Former Member ·
Here is the Actual Power Point. The poll everywhere are slide slots from an app service that allows interactive audience polling which we used for the 10 ace questions which were texted in live during the presentation. We had 20 participants in addition to the 4 presenters. Below is an example of what the slide would look like with the poll.

Re: Webinar - Tomorrow -The ACE Study: Measuring Childhood Trauma Exposure and Working to Change the Ending for Survivors and their Children

Former Member ·
This was an awesome webinar!!!! I will post on this Michigan site when it is available. Great for the Justice system to know about!!!!!!!!

Re: Webinar - Tomorrow -The ACE Study: Measuring Childhood Trauma Exposure and Working to Change the Ending for Survivors and their Children

Former Member ·
Carlene, Did you see the webinar today? I really liked the end with Dr. Gwinn (I am probably spelling his name wrong). I liked the end because it is great to have this information directed at broadened audiences. I think some other members of the group watched the webinar in a group format also which is awesome. This is why I like ACEs connection. When I first went to medical school, I was working on cancer research at the University of Michigan. If you check the cure rates for children's vs...

Re: Saving Brains, A Grand Challenge by Dr. Mike Evans

Former Member ·
This is an awesome video and shows that by planting and growing a trauma informed community and State (of Michigan), we can really work together to 1. Be able to understand our fellow citizens' suffering (our children's friends, our friends who are having a hard time at work or in the community etc). 2. We can not only see the origin of the suffering, we can start to understand the origin of the suffering (and I would say the diminution of every suffering human's potential). BUT THIRD and...

Re: Saving Brains, A Grand Challenge by Dr. Mike Evans

Former Member ·
Cathy, You are right. Why wouldn't we do this? We don't realize that the simple things like the annoying neighbor who won't mow his lawn... Maybe it is ACEs??? Childhood Adversity creates a lot of fear (maybe of machines- Stephen King comes to mind -- and so does my dad who made me help him "fix" all kinds of machines, including trucks, combines, rototillers and plugged septic tanks) -- or going outside or just being seen by people in general) or worse the shooting at the local gas station...

Re: Healing ACE's

Mary Spence ·
Would love to read the books, David. Thanks for your note- will definitely review the resources. I too am a school psychologist of many years here in Michigan and am grateful for the ACEs work. Prior to my tenure in schools, I worked in mental health, including community settings, state hospitals and a psychiatric prison. My broad base of experience- both personal and professional- have helped me understand the real limitations of these governmental organizations in relieving suffering in...

Re: Healing ACE's

David Kenney ·
Hi Mary, Thanks for the note. I checked out the website you mentioned concerning mindfulness in Michigan schools. I left them a message. Did you want the free kindle copies? If so I need an email address to send them to. dK

Re: What Michigan Counties Would be Interested in tackling a Public Health Epidemic?

Former Member ·
This is the first page of the West Virginia Public Health Survey Monkey. It has a link typed in to a video of Dr. Felitti on ACEs and the ACE study How Childhood Trauma can make you a Sick Adult. You have to cut and past this link into your browser. At the end of survey in a pick box, it allows you to choose which county you live in and there is an "other" option --- I chose other and put in Tuscola, Michigan. I think that is actually great because this would allow the Health Department to...

Re: Dr Greg Proulx

Former Member ·
I have attached the Power Point Presentation from the Michigan Association Infant Mental Health Tribute to Dr. Proulx for all his work with infants and Alpena in our region for many years. Here is a link to the main Blog Post to Greg also.

Re: Mindfulness for Teens

Former Member ·
I heard about this after listening to a CME (California Audio-Digest Lecture) on Anxiety and Toxic Stress for pediatricians. The site was developed by a Canadian pediatrician. I think it would be useful for many of us to share this with our kids we serve whether in medicine, child welfare, juvenile justice or whatever service area we are concerned with --- or even with parents of teens who have suffered trauma and could use help to heal. I wish someone had introduced me to mindfulness a long...

Re: A Mother's Rage

Former Member ·
Hi both of you. It is awesome to have such a brave group of folks here on Michigan ACEs. We all have so much to offer, so much lived experience. I agree!! It is time for action. I am honored to be a part.

Re: Presentation to our Human Services Coordinating Committee

Former Member ·
We had a great meeting with our local Human Services Coordinating Committee today. It was a great opportunity to reach out to others. We also received the opportunity to put our survey monkey community ACEs Survey on the Alpena Public Schools Facebook Page which will give us a great opportunity to reach out for a more comprehensive local ACEs survey as they recently had 50,000 views. The powerpoint for the Presentation is below in the attachments with the videos embedded in the presentation.

Re: Michigan's Hidden Epidemic Full Documentary

Former Member ·
You can Listen to the Entire Documentary on Michigan Radio at this link: http://stateofopportunity.mich...mic-full-documentary The Hidden Epidemic is a State of Opportunity documentary on the opiate drug epidemic in Michigan. It’s been a national epidemic, but Michigan has been especially hard hit. It’s an epidemic of drug addiction to opiates. While Michigan has been one of the worst places for the epidemic, it has not been a place on the forefront of finding solutions .
Blog Post

We had our Paper Tigers Showing on Tuesday. ...

Former Member ·
We had our Paper Tigers Showing on Tuesday.      This is a short update.     We had 65 people there.  It was a huge showing for our area.  PEOPLE WANT TO LEARN A LOT MORE!!!   I have several evaluation forms to...
Blog Post

A Mother's Rage

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
I recently viewed Lady Gaga's new video,  Till It Happens to You . I have stifled my rage for a number of years now, because it wasn't my trauma and the healing process is about meeting someone where they are. But, I am a mother. It is my trauma....
Blog Post

Abused as a small boy. Now what?

Former Member ·
When the fidgety, anxious, 5-year-old boy from northern Michigan came in about a year ago to see pediatrician Tina Hahn, it was soon apparent to her this was a case medication alone would not solve. “He was trying to hide under the chair. He looked panicked and overwhelmed. He was in that fight or flight mode,” said Hahn, who was then in practice in Alpena. The boy, she learned, had been taken away from his mother when he was 3, from a home rife with drug use, alcoholism and severe physical...
Blog Post

ACEs: A Second Chance? []

Former Member ·
Recently, my wife and I viewed the movie Seabiscuit for the umpteenth time—as it is a favorite. Each time I’ve watched the movie, I notice something I haven’t noticed before. This time, I focused on the message that was being repeated over and over again. To paraphrase that message: we all go through tough times, but we need to keep going in order to succeed and having a second chance is necessary. But is that true? Or does that have to be true? The answer to that question in the context of...
Blog Post


Former Member ·
  4 pm Call to order and introductions (Jeannette Polkinghorn sends regrets, but will be involved again in School year); Review and approve the agenda. 4:10 Updates and organizational matters Bob Thompson on Emotions Anonymous Tina Hahn on...
Blog Post

Agenda for Thursday's Trauma-Informed Meeting

Former Member ·
AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE NE MICHIGAN TRAUMA INFORMED COMMUNITY: 6.25.15   4 pm Call to order and introductions   4:10 Updates and organizational matters. ACES Connection Group Report from educational Team Report from community outreach...
Blog Post

Are Michigan doctors ignoring the state's "biggest public health problem?" (

Former Member ·
Dr. Vincent Felitti, father of the seminal Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) study that has informed so much of State of Opportunity’s reporting and recently this NPR series , was recently in Michigan for a conference on how adverse...
Blog Post

Are You A Part of the Michigan ACE Initiative?

Former Member ·
Hello, If you are a part of the Michigan ACE initiative and if you are working on spreading information about ACEs, Resilience, and Toxic Stress in our state, could you please take a little time to share what you are doing in the state so others here are aware. There are many of us who are very interested in what you are doing no matter what you do. We are interested in school - rural / urban, DHS, CMH, Great Start. We cannot learn from you if you don't share with the rest of us. Thanks for...
Blog Post

Assistance dog trained to help witnesses, victims in Stanislaus County court [Modesto Bee]

Former Member ·
    The woman, a victim of an assault, sat in the courtroom’s witness chair and started to talk. As she told a judge what happened and how it affected her – giving what’s called a victim impact statement – the woman...
Blog Post

Behavioral Health Team Now At Kids Creek Children’s Clinic, Traverse City

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
  Behavioral Health Team Now At Kids Creek Children’s Clinic Child and Family Services is pleased to announce two exciting new initiatives for northern Michigan. With our partners at Kids Creek Children’s Clinic in Traverse City and...
Blog Post

Broken Crayons Still Color - Northeast Michigan Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative

Former Member ·
  Hello everyone! Although we had a rather small attendance at our meeting last Thursday, we moved forward on our stated goal of defining an achievable goal to be accomplished within the Alpena Public School System within the coming school year....
Blog Post

Build a “Trauma-Informed Nation,” an opportunity to learn and plan around the country (By Elizabeth Prewitt)

Former Member ·
  If you are now (or want to be) part of “Building a Trauma-Informed Nation,” join a national conversation to spur action for two half-days September 29-30 (11:30 am-5:30 pm ET each day).  You have the option to attend a...
Blog Post

Building a Trauma-Informed Nation - Be a Part - Become an Amplifier Site or Sign up Individually

Former Member ·
JOIN THE FEDERAL PARTNERS COMMITTEE ON WOMEN AND TRAUMA TO CATALYZE A TRAUMA–INFORMED NATIONAL STRATEGY The United States is experiencing a public health crisis: an epidemic of trauma, violence and toxic stress.   In response, efforts to...
Blog Post

Can School Heal Children in Pain? (

Former Member ·
After learning about the overwhelming effects of childhood trauma, I decided to make a film about a school that’s adopted a “trauma-informed” lens. Documentaries are no walk in the park. They take a lot of time and money; they have a...
Blog Post

Changing lives from the very start: Report identifies best measures to help at-risk kids (

Former Member ·
Special Report on Early Childhood Policy in Michigan   The 3-year-olds attending  The Children's Center 's Head Start preschool program in Detroit are all giggles and smiles, exploring their surroundings with that special brand of bright...
Blog Post

Childhood Trauma is Tied to Health Risks, but Michigan Doctors Don't Ask []

By Ted Roelofs, Bridge, December 13, 2019 By now, the medical evidence is clear: Childhood trauma can have profound effects on physical and mental health. Even so, Michigan physicians like Timothy Kval remain all too rare. Working out of a Muskegon clinic, Kval evaluates more than a patient’s symptoms, blood pressure readings and cholesterol scores. He also screens adult patients for past traumatic events like physical abuse, neglect, domestic violence in the home or the loss of a parent...
Blog Post

Column: Update young offender sentencing (

Former Member ·
As legislators, we like to think of Michigan as a forward-thinking state. In many areas of state law, this is true. However, one area that is firmly rooted in outdated ideals and practices is our method of charging and sentencing youthful offenders....
Blog Post

Coming to a MI County Near You?

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
The Pathways to Potential Approach We believe everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams. Some just need extra support and assistance along the pathway to achieve their potential. In 2012, we created Pathways to Potential. Pathways is an...
Blog Post

Could criminal justice reform be just around the corner? (

Former Member ·
If you're 17 and you commit a crime in Michigan,  you are automatically sentenced  as an adult. You can't even vote yet, and you're sentenced as an adult. There are only nine states that try 17-year olds as adults, and Michigan is one of...
Blog Post

Could mindfulness help Michigan's kids escape poverty? (

Former Member ·
  Yesterday on  The Next Idea , experts joined Cynthia Canty to talk about implementing mindfulness practice in schools. Mindfulness  has been known to help both students and teachers deal with stress in the classroom. In case you...
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