Our 3rd "OC Healing Childhood Trauma" regular monthly meeting is:
Weds, July 20, 2016 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Laguna Woods Village Community Center - Elm Room, 24351 El Toro Rd, Laguna Woods CA 92637 (Thank you, Betsy S., for the lovely room!)
Please know we're communicating from now via ACEsConnection. Please click here to follow our monthly meetings on third Wednesdays at 6PM in Laguna Woods Village and for more news: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...y-ca-aces-connection
Report of our June 15th meeting is here (also has link to report on our April 27 meeting. Photo shows our OC group at the May 10 all-So. California confab in Irvine) : https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...g-notes-june-15-2016
Fantastic Bessel van der Kolk video on trauma is here but only for a few days: http://bessel.kajabi.com/fe/71...body-keeps-the-score
On July 20, Connie Hornyak, LCSW starts our monthly speakers series on the latest trauma analysis and healing methods:
Trauma Healing Series - Speakers Schedule - Facilitated by Kathy Brous
Jul 20: Infant/Early Attachment Disorder and ATTACh by Connie Hornyak
Aug 17: Adult Trauma and Borderline Personality by Donna Brunetti
Sep 21: Dr. Allan Schore on Creating the Baby's Brain by Kathy Brous
Oct 19: The ACE Study: ACEs the Root of Adult Diseases by Dana Brown
Nov 16: Introduction to Acupressure Tapping by Marguerite Bonnett
Draft Agenda:
* Welcome & Introductions - Icebreaker
* Updates since June 15th meeting
- Paper Tigers screening possibilities
- Resilience screening in San Diego (Betsy, Marguerite and Mary)
- Cross-sector invitations with law enforcement, faith-based organizations, mental health providers, parent support partners, etc.
* Trauma Healing Series - Presentation
Infant/Early Attachment Disorder and ATTACH, by Connie Hornyak, LCSW
* ACEs Connection Tutorial on Tools/resources for members
* New photos of Orange County to help us create our new OC banner on ACEs Connection (Marlene)
* Next Action Steps
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