Tagged With "doctor"
Ask the Community
Seeking trauma-informed medical care
On the chance that someone here can offer a referral or advice, I'm looking for a trauma-informed medical doctor who can be my wife's Primary Care Physician. She is 39 years old and has gone without medical care for over 27 years as a result of her childhood trauma which involved severe neglect and long-term social isolation. I need to find a physician who is willing to communicate with me before her first appointment so I can fully explain her condition and what kind of approach will best...
Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care
Hi Chris, Please know our Orange County ACEs Task Force will support you also and dialog during our Tuesday meeting of any contacts/resources our team members may be connected with for your family. Wonderful that you reached out to other groups on our network for a broader reach with our members. We look forward to supporting further... In gratitude, Dana
Re: Seeking trauma-informed medical care
Hi Chris, Please know I wanted to check in and hear your discernment on resources being shared with you on behalf of your wife from your posts on ACEs Connection groups. Please know one of my colleagues in the dentistry industry shared they're unaware of any trauma informed dentists locally. Please know there is an Ask the Community on trauma informed dentistry which may shed light on possible Dentists for your wife. Please visit: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...ma-informed-training