Tagged With "Orange County Nonprofit"
Calendar Event
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting
Calendar Event
(postponed) Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting
Calendar Event
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting
Calendar Event
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting
Calendar Event
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting
Blog Post
$100 million mental health initiative announced (ocregister.com)
(Image: Annette Walker is CEO of Irvine-based St. Joseph Health, which has merged with Renton, Wash.-based Providence) The newly formed Providence St. Joseph Health, which on July 1 became the nation’s third-largest nonprofit health system, announced a $100 million mental health initiative on Tuesday. The Institute for Mental Health and Wellness will serve residents in the seven states where Irvine-based St. Joseph Health and Renton, Wash.-based Providence Health and Services own a combined...
Blog Post
3rd "Healing Orange County from Childhood Trauma" Meeting
Our 3 rd “Healing Orange County from Childhood Trauma” meeting was held on Wednesday July 20 th , at Laguna Woods Village Community Center - Elm Room. Thank you Betsy S., for reserving our cool and comfortable meeting space. We had a total of 10 attendees; see attached Agenda and Meeting Notes . We were all warmly welcomed by Dana Brown, and we all had the opportunity to give a brief introduction of ourselves and share what we are grateful for. We were most certainly all grateful to listen...
Blog Post
7th Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting Agenda
Orange County ACEs Task Force AGENDA November 16, 2016 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village Elm Room - Community Center 24351 El Toro Road Laguna Woods, CA 92630 Welcome & Introductions - Share how you’re feeling in your heart presently. E ducation Committee Work Group Resilience: Friday November 18th, 2016 7:00- 9:00 pm Center for Spiritual Living, San Clemente - View Resilience Screening - Update logistics of Friday’s screening (encourage to sit up front rows at Center) -...
Blog Post
Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait proposes jobs for homeless in State of the City (ocregister.com)
Jobs are key to solving the city’s homeless issue, Mayor Tom Tait said, proposing Better Way Anaheim, an initiative for giving people opportunities to work while improving the community. “A good job can transform a life,” said Tait, who is modeling his initiative after Albuquerque’s There’s a Better Way program. “It brings a person dignity and purpose. It focuses them on working with others to get a job done, and done well.” “It would be basic work,” Anaheim spokesman Mike Lyster said.
Blog Post
California: Drop-In Center Services for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (chronicleofsocialchange.org)
“The County of Orange (County) Social Services Agency (SSA), Children and Family Services Division will be seeking program statements from for-profit organizations, private nonprofit organizations, public educational institutions, or municipalities with experience in providing a Drop-In Center facility that would include offering services and support to victims of sexual exploitation, potential victims and their family members. The Drop-In Center will provide services and programs for...
Blog Post
Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe.
That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
Blog Post
Festive event at Santa Ana homeless shelter works to develop the trust of a community in need (ocregister.com)
The Homeless Connect event was the brainchild of shelter manager Doris Starling of the Midnight Mission, the Los Angeles-based nonprofit contracted to run The Courtyard, and Orange County Supervisor Andrew Do, whose First District includes the Civic Center. Information and services were available from a variety of participants: Orange County Health Care Agency, the Orange County Public Defender's Office, 2-1-1 Orange County, Illumination Foundation, Share Ourselves, Goodwill of Orange...
Blog Post
Homeless get haircuts, sandwiches, showers and housing offers at Anaheim’s ‘triage’ event (ocregister.com)
Orange County native Steven Elizondo was hoping to get a shower, something to eat and a lead on a place to live when he stopped by Anaheim’s “community triage day” Tuesday, Dec. 19, in the parking lot of Angel Stadium. Elizondo was one of dozens of homeless people, many of whom live along the Santa Ana River, who came to the first-time event that gathered 30 nonprofit groups, service organizations and public agencies to offer people assistance ranging from sandwiches and free haircuts to...
Blog Post
Homeless veterans ready to move into new homes made from shipper containers (ocregister.com)
Potter’s Lane, built and managed by the nonprofit American Family Housing, is said to be the first example in the nation of a multi-unit permanent housing complex fashioned from cargo containers. Fifteen of the 480-square-foot units at the two-story Jackson Street complex are earmarked for homeless veterans; an on-site manager will occupy the other unit. Amenities at Potter’s Lane include a common room and a central patio with a barbecue and a garden with raised beds to grow vegetables. Pets...
Blog Post
How these shipping containers converted to housing have affected homeless veterans (ocregister.com)
Potter’s Lane, the name of the 16-unit micro housing project on Jackson Street, bore no resemblance to what Harrell imagined a few months ago, when he first heard about the idea from people at the Veterans Affairs Community Resource and Referral Center in Santa Ana. Constructed and managed by the nonprofit American Family Housing , whose headquarters is right next door, Potter’s Lane has attracted wide attention as an innovative approach to a stubborn problem: quick and affordable housing...
Blog Post
'I'm looking for a fresh start,' say ex-cons attending job, resource fair in Anaheim (ocregister.com)
Austin Barry stood outside of the Honda Center on Tuesday looking for a little redemption and a job. Just eight days out of prison for a robbery conviction, the 24-year-old Mission Viejo resident was among 200 former offenders who attended the Orange County Re-entry Resource Fair, which connected felons with employment opportunities, legal advice and drug-treatment programs. “I’m looking for a fresh start, which is kind of hard for any person with a record,” said Barry, who served a 2...
Blog Post
Orange County CA First Child Trauma Meeting a Big Success
On April 27, "Healing Orange County from Childhood Trauma" held its first meeting in Mission Viejo, CA at a local restaurant from 6 to 8 pm. We posted it on meetup.com as the founding meeting of Orange County (CA) ACEs Connection. I was honored to co-create the meeting with my dear friend Dana Brown, Southern California director for ACEs Connection. We felt awe as three education activists, six professional trauma therapy providers, individuals suffering child trauma and a total of 12 people...
Blog Post
Orange County Human Relations Campaign Provides a 'Toolkit' for Schools to Prevent Hate Crimes [latimes.com]
By Ben Brazil, Los Angeles Times, November 14, 2019 In response to increasing hate crimes and incidents, Orange County Human Relations is rolling out its first statewide anti-hate program to equip schools with the resources to launch their own educational and awareness campaigns. The nonprofit will provide schools with a “toolkit” that contains the necessary components for an anti-hate campaign, including templates, documents, posters and digital content. O.C. Human Relations staff will hold...
Blog Post
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting Agenda 4/18/17
Orange County ACEs Task Force AGENDA April 18th, 2017 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village - Performing Arts Conference Room Clubhouse #3 23822 Avenida Sevilla Laguna Woods, CA 92630 Please RSVP: Mary Brogdon-Organizer mlbrogdon@mac.com (714)624-4368 Inform Guard at gate that you are attending the Information Meeting. Share highlight of gratitude in your last month Participatory Decision Making Process To create a safe space, our Shared Understandings are : Treat others with...
Blog Post
Self Care Webinar on 11/16/16 Hosted by Futures Without Violence
Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care for Individuals and Organizations Brought to you by Futures Without Violence’s Supporting Organizational Sustainability Institute (SOS Institute) in partnership with the Office on Violence Against Women. Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Time : 9:30 a.m. PT, 10:30 a.m. MT, 11:30 p.m. CT, 12:30 p.m. ET (1 Hr. 30 Min.) ***Closed caption will be provided. Registration Link:...
Blog Post
States Produce a Bumper Crop of ACEs bills in 2017—nearly 40 bills in 18 states
A scan done in March by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) through StateNet of bills introduced in 2017 that specifically include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the text produced a surprising volume of bills (close of 40) in a large number of states (18). A scan done a year ago produced less than a handful. NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves both state legislators and their staffs. The shear volume of bills in so many states represents a promising...
Blog Post
Teen suicides have spiked, particularly in Orange County, but new habits can save lives (ocregister.com)
A full year after four Orange County teens took their lives over a three-week period, the Board of Supervisors has decided to give $600,000 to create a suicide prevention program. Mind you, several families who lost children to suicide courageously and selflessly agreed to go public for a three-part series I wrote last March about this national epidemic that takes 6,000 lives a year among people age 10 to 24. A series of organizations have battled suicide for years. Among the most storied is...
Blog Post
Veterinarians treat homeless pets at Santa Ana River Trail for free (ocregister.com)
The services were offered by two groups, the Healthcare Emergency Animal Rescue Team out of Yorba Linda run by veterinarians Debra and Dr. Todd Kopit, and Dr. Mark Malo, vice president of the Animal Health Foundation, a nonprofit that is a charitable wing of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association. The veterinarians did wellness checks, vaccinations, de-worming and parasite treatment. “We launched this program because we know there are many services for homeless people but not...
Blog Post
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting Agenda
Orange County ACEs Task Force AGENDA January 17, 2017 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village - Performing Arts Conference Room 23822 Avenida Sevilla Laguna Woods, CA 92630 Share highlight of your role with OC ACEs Task Force in 2016 - Share how you’re feeling in your heart of your journey as a community leader Participatory Decision Making Process Develop Shared Understandings * Education Committee Work Group Resilience: Friday November 18th, 2016 7:00- 9:00 pm Center for Spiritual...
Blog Post
Orange County ACEs Task Force Meeting Agenda 2/21/17
Orange County ACEs Task Force AGENDA February 21, 2017 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: Laguna Woods Village - Performing Arts Conference Room 23822 Avenida Sevilla Laguna Woods, CA 92630 Please RSVP with: Mary Brogdon- Organizer mlbrogdon@mac.com (714)624-4368 Inform Guard that you are attending the Information Meeting. - Mindfulness Moment - Shared Understandings - Welcome new visitors - Sign card of gratitude for Dr. Heather & Rev. Pattie Center for Spiritual Living - Update from...
Re: 3rd "Healing Orange County from Childhood Trauma" Meeting
Hello Dear Marlene & Dana Forgive me but above "click for Agenda and Meeting notes" does not link to anything. Probably best to wait until you have the promised summary of Connie's talk, then put live urls on both, then re-notify members of this blog. Thank you for all that you do! Hugs Kathy
Calendar Event
Network-of-Care: Building a Roadmap Towards Resilience
Calendar Event
Network-of-Care: Building a Roadmap Towards Resilience
Calendar Event
Network-of-Care: Building a Roadmap Towards Resilience
Calendar Event
Network-of-Care: Building a Roadmap Towards Resilience
Calendar Event
Peer-to-Peer-Best Practices in Administering ACEs and PEARLS
Blog Post
Peer-to-Peer-Provider Compassion: Coming to Terms with One’s Own Adversity
One of the ways we are expanding awareness of the ACEs Aware initiative is by hosting Facilitated Peer-to-Peer sessions for Medi-Cal and other providers in Orange County. These two-hour sessions are perfect for practitioners who want to learn more about action planning and strategic change in trauma-informed care and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on individuals and communities. Join us on Wednesday 2.03.21. Topic: Provider Compassion: Coming to Terms with...
Calendar Event
RESET Toolbox - Round Table Event 2.25.2021
Blog Post
RESET Toolbox - Round Table Event 2.25.2021
Join us for a RESET Toolbox Round Table event on 2.25.2021. Learn more about the RESET Toolbox and meet the RESET Partners.
Blog Post
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: What You Need to Know and How You Can Help
Toxic stress can have lifelong impacts. Here’s what you need to know about adverse childhood experiences and how you can help to mitigate the effects.
Calendar Event
Resilience Film Screening and Training
Calendar Event
Resilience Film Screening and Training
Calendar Event
Resilience Film Screening and Training
Blog Post
Resilience Film Screening and Training
Western Youth Services CEO Dr. Lorry Leigh Belhumeur in collaboration with the Orange County Community Foundation’s Impact Philanthropy Group are hosting a screening of the highly acclaimed documentary "Resilience - The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope" and a discussion after the screening all on Zoom.
Quynh Kieu
Blog Post
Every Day is About Mental Health Awareness at WYS
Although mental health and wellness is our primary focus EVERY DAY at Western Youth Services (WYS). May is Mental Health Awareness month