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Pender CountyResiliency Task Force, North Carolina

Tagged With "NC Administrative Office of the Courts"

Blog Post

Baby courts: A proven approach to stop the multigenerational transmission of ACES in child welfare; new efforts to establish courts nationwide

Carey Sipp ·
The organization Zero To Three estimates that in the U.S., a child is taken into the child welfare system every six seconds. “Many of society’s most intractable problems can be traced back to childhood adversity. Being in the child welfare system increases the likelihood of more adversity and criminality. Baby court is a proven approach to healing the trauma of both child and parent, and breaking the cycle of maltreatment,” says Mimi Graham, Ed.D ., director of the Florida State University...
Blog Post

Does VP Candidate Kamala Harris know about ACEs?  You bet!

Nadine Burke Harris, California’s Surgeon General, has a lot in common with the vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris—Jamaican heritage, surname, home state—and a commitment to addressing ACEs and toxic stress. As reported in the New Yorker article by Paul Tough, “The Poverty Clinic,” Dr. Harris told Kamala Harris, then San Francisco district attorney, about ACEs in 2008 and in response, she offered to help. District Attorney Harris then introduced her to professor of child and...
Blog Post

New ACEs initiatives learn about strategic plan development from from New Hanover (NC) Resiliency Task Force executive director Mebane Boyd

Carey Sipp ·
The desire to see other ACEs initiatives grow and flourish was evident at a recent meeting of the Resilient Columbus County (North Carolina) ACEs initiative when Mebane Boyd, executive director of the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force (also in North Carolina), shared with the Columbus County and neighboring Pender County groups how New Hanover created and works on its strategic plan. In the spirit of sharing, Boyd agreed to let ACEs Connection post the strategic plan and the video of the...
Blog Post

The Best for our Children: Considering ACEs in Voter Engagement.

Jvanete Skiba ·
The presidential race is a big-ticket item, but hundreds of other state and local races will impact critical issues like school funding, childcare and early education, nutrition programs, and health care. Every seat in the NC General Assembly is on the ballot, along with the Governor’s race, a US Senate seat, congressional races, and more. When it comes to elevating the importance of racial equity, voting is vital to make marginalized voices heard. Policies and systems can be changed by our...
Blog Post

North Carolina to infuse ACEs science into state judiciary system

Carey Sipp ·
Plans to integrate practices and policies based on the science of adverse childhood experiences in North Carolina’s 4,000-person,100-county statewide judiciary were announced today. Jon David, district attorney for North Carolina’s 15th District, and District Court Judge Quintin McGee of the same district revealed plans to work with North Carolina Chief Justice Paul Newby and Administrative Office of the Courts Director Andrew Heath to create a statewide commission focusing on the science of...
Blog Post

North Carolina launches first-in-the-nation statewide task force on ACEs-informed courts

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge Andrew Heath, Chief Justice Paul Newby, District Attorney Ben David Plans to integrate practices and policies based on the science of adverse childhood experiences in North Carolina’s 6,500-person,100-county statewide judiciary were announced today by Chief Justice Paul Newby. The announcement featured a presentation by Ben David, district attorney for North Carolina’s 13th District, that focused on building community health, the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs),...
Blog Post

2011-2021—A decade of steady growth in ACEs and TI laws and resolutions in the states

In 2019 and 2020, dozens of states enacted nearly 60 laws and resolutions that reference adverse childhood experiences or trauma. In this post, there's an interactive map that shows them all.
Blog Post

NC Child Legislative and Policy Update call 11 a.m. EST, Fri. Sept.10, 2021

Adam Sotak (Guest) ·
Special NC Child Legislative Update: COVID Delta Variant & Children Presenters: Dr. Zack Moore, State Epidemiologist & Dr. Kelly Kimple, Women’s & Children’s Health Section Chief Friday, 9/10, 11:00 am All Friday updates will be provided live in both English and Spanish. Sign up here to attend. 2021 NC Statewide Virtual Policy Institute The NC Collaborative for Children, Youth, and Families and Prevent Child Abuse NC announce that registration for the 2021 Policy Institutes is...
Blog Post

The Newsroom: District Attorney Ben David and Chief District Court Judge Jay Corpening on juvenile justice []

Carey Sipp ·
By Ben Schachtman, WHQR, September 24, 2021 On the latest edition of The Newsroom, an in-depth conversation with District Attorney Ben David and Chief District Court Judge Jay Corpening. We discuss changing philosophical approaches to juvenile justice and changes to North Carolina's laws — plus, what could be in store now that New Hanover County has agreed to tap $350 million in hospital sale funds. On Monday, August 30, gunshots rang out in a crowded hallway at New Hanover High School. One...
Blog Post

The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training

Emily P Jackson ·
The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...
Blog Post

Register today for NC Trauma-Informed Communities Mini-Conference

Mebane Boyd ·
Register today for the NC Trauma-Informed Communities Mini-Conference scheduled for Friday, December 3. Meeting Registration - Zoom In this mini-conference, we’ll explore the ripple effects of trauma on individuals and communities. Building on foundational trauma 101 knowledge, we’ll dive deeper into the impact of trauma on individual’s physical, emotional, and behavioral experiences. We’ll further explore traumatic stress symptoms to be able to recognize signs that someone might be...
Blog Post

January 19th CTIPP CAN Call - Trauma-Informed Initiatives in Baltimore and Maryland

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Join us next Wednesday for two excellent CTIPP CAN presentations to begin our 2022 lineup. Baltimore Councilman Zeke Cohen will discuss the work, started by the late Congressman Elijah Cummings, that is making the city of Baltimore trauma-informed. Claudia Remington will describe new trauma informed initiatives by the State of Maryland, including legislation that created a Commission to develop a comprehensive strategy to make the State trauma informed. We will also report on the first...
Blog Post

My positive childhood experiences tree

Carey Sipp ·
This is the third of three stunning illustrations showing how PACEs (positive and adverse childhood experiences) affected the family of Cendie Stanford, graphic artist and founder of the nonprofit ACEs Matter. This one looks at her positive childhood experiences. The day before her 16th birthday, Cendie Stanford’s older brother was shot and killed by a young man who, just two years earlier, had been her boyfriend. “I was heartbroken that two people I loved were out of my life forever,” says...
Blog Post

Monthly Meeting, School Updates, and Celebrations

Kelly Purcell ·
The Pender County Resiliency Task Force met on February 22, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. A groups of dedicated individuals from a wide range of organizations from Pender County came together to learn more about what is happening in Pender County. Speakers/Updates: Leanne Radabaugh- Multi-Tierd Support System (MTSS) with Pender County Schools about Mental Health Plan Steve Crall- Communities in Schools Teen Court Celebrations: Community Resiliency Model Training for Teachers received incredible...
Blog Post

Resilient Guilford Network (NC) shares resources for talking with children about war in the Ukraine

Mary Herbenick ·
In light of recent events, Resilient Guilford Network is sharing resources from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) in response to the war on Ukraine. Some are specific to military families, while others are more general resources. Please see the links below and let us know if you have questions and how we can help support your local efforts. Deep breaths as we start a new week together. We look forward to staying connected and are grateful for all you do. General Child...
Blog Post

ACEs-Informed Courts -

Kelly Purcell ·
Chief Justice’s Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts To understand the impact of ACEs on children and to develop strategies for addressing adverse childhood experiences within our court system. The mission of the Task Force is to enable Judicial Branch stakeholders to understand the impact on children of exposure to ACEs (adverse childhood experiences; adverse community environments); and to develop strategies for addressing adverse consequences within our court system. To accomplish this...
Blog Post

Justice System Panel Discussion

Kelly Purcell ·
RESILIENCE FILM SCREENING ON-DEMAND June 17-30 and PANEL DISCUSSION JUNE 29 Please be sure to share the upcoming free opportunity to watch the movie “ Resilience ” with your court partners and networks. Registrants will receive instructions for streaming the movie on-demand during the week of June 17-30 and attend a panel discussion at 12:45 pm on June 29 hosted by the NC Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice. Task Force members Chief Jennings and DA David will both be featured in...
Blog Post

North Carolina moves closer to creating nation's first ACEs-informed courts system

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge J. Corpening; Ben David, district attorney, New Hanover County; Chief Justice Paul Newby; Judge Andrew Heath, executive director, Administrative Office of the Courts of the Chief Justice's ACEs Informed Courts Task Force. David and Heath serve as Task Force co-chairs . “There is not any more important work going on in the State of North Carolina,” said Ben David, District Attorney for New Hanover County and co-chair of the Chief Justice’s ACEs-Informed Task Force . The Task force...
Blog Post

Register Now for Inaugural Statewide Summit: Leveraging North Carolina’s Assets to Prevent Childhood Trauma — Virtually & In Raleigh April 27-28!

Carey Sipp ·
Information from Summit Brochure and registration site available here . North Carolina’s first Statewide Trauma Summit – a virtual and in-person summit – will beheld Thursday and Friday, April 27-28, in Raleigh, at The McKimmon Conference and Training Center, Summit leaders announced recently. “Momentum is growing in NC for building trauma-informed systems that strengthen resilience and weed out systemic and often intergenerational sources of child trauma. To advance this work, it is...
Blog Post

“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future

Amy Read ·
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...
Blog Post

“Caring for our own” theme emerges at May Meeting of North Carolina Chief Justice’s Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts

Carey Sipp ·
Ben David, co-chair of the North Carolina Chief Justice's Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts, shares plans to sustain the work done during the two-year term of the Task Force, to "care for our own" speaking of North Carolina's children, youth, families, communities, victims of crimes, members of law enforcement, the judiciary and court officers and staffers. He also shared Chief Justice Paul Newby's hopes of "getting ACEs-informed courts" into the culture, and said a national conference for...
Blog Post

Join Us! PCANC's 2025 Learning and Leadership Summit is coming in March!

LouMecia Staton ·
We invite you to join us on March 18 & 19 at the Durham Convention Center to learn with us, share your expertise with our statewide audience of child maltreatment professionals and take your new knowledge back to your communities to implement lasting change! This year’s Learning & Leadership Summit, Become A Positive Childhood Ally, will take a different approach, with a focus on shared learning throughout much of the 2-day event. This means fewer breakout sessions and more...
Blog Post

PCANC: For Economic Justice and a More Equitable Future for All

LouMecia Staton ·
Economic stability is family stability. Leaders like A. Philip Randolph and Fannie Lou Hamer fought tirelessly for economic empowerment, advocating for better wages, fair housing, and equal opportunities for Black families. Their work laid the foundation for policies that strengthen household financial stability—a proven way to reduce risk factors for child abuse and neglect. At Positive Childhood Alliance NC, we know that economic support is essential for children’s well-being. When...
Blog Post

PCANC: Ensuring All Children Feel Valued, Seen and Supported

LouMecia Staton ·
Today, we recognize Psychologist Mamie Phipps Clark, a pioneer in child development and racial equity. Her groundbreaking research, which shaped Brown v. Board of Education, revealed the profound impact of racism and segregation on children's self-perception and well-being. At Positive Childhood Alliance NC, we know that how children see themselves—and how they are treated by the world around them—shapes their development and well-being. Mamie Phipps Clark’s work reminds us that nurturing,...
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