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Resilience Project: Both/And: Managing the Tension of Opposites


As a leader, how do you manage workplace tensions?
Do you get overwhelmed when challenged with the dilemma of two opposing views?
Leadership comes with its fair share of having to balance broken systems, weighing what feels like impossible demands and often de-escalating highly charged situations.

What if we took a healthier approach to problem-solving?
What if we used AND instead of BUT - one of the most polarizing words in the English language.
Using AND allows us to hold more than one truth at a time.
AND gives us space AND grace to build bridges toward seeing and hearing one another, as opposed to building walls that decrease our capacity to be more collaborative and compassionate leaders and colleagues.

Join us as we explore the concept of managing healthy tensions as a powerful leadership skill!!


Facilitated by: Carmen Caraballo, MSW, She/Her/Ella

Provided by The Health Federation of Philadelphia

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