There has never been a time when thinking clearly, and thinking for yourself, have been more important than they are right now.
With Childhood PTSD, it’s all too common that we end up losing ourselves around other people -- especially people with strong personalities and strong opinions. It’s OK that people have strong opinions. But with us, We get around that and we often feel we have to go along with those opinions, or we go silent, even when we disagree, or we lose track of what we believe just by being around someone else’s beliefs.
Some areas where this comes up are in families, in dating relationships and marriages, with coworkers, classmates, neighbors and (here’s one my tough groups) parent gatherings for schools or activities around kids. (Ugh! Hate going to those things.)
Everywhere you go, people are going to be different points of view, but more and more, what we’re seeing in the place of friendship and curiosity is a steep rise in the prevalence of what I call “opinion bullies” -- people with an extreme belief that their opinion is the Only Right One, and (frankly) a narcissistic sense of entitlement, to not just tell you about it but to demand that you agree.

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