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Educators Thrive in the Classroom

It’s back-to-school time and I am so happy to see all the teachers and students back in their classrooms doing what they do best: teaching, learning, and choosing love! September kicked off the start of the school year and thankfully I’ve been able to travel, in person, to visit schools in seven states around the U.S. who are using the Choose Love For Schools program, and to also virtually check in with many more. It made my heart happy to see all those classrooms bustling with activity.

My Biggest Insight of the Summer (Healing Complex PTSD and Chronic Illness)

Spring in my garden is a riot of color. I caught the above pic of my poppies just past their peak after deciding to replace them and wanting to document the process. Because uprooting a cheery, bright colored plant that makes me happy in order to take the chance that something else might do an even better job can feel, as a friend of mine once quipped, "fraught with peril." And that's what it can feel like when we are in the process of healing. When, instead of believing that this is the...

12 Commonalities A Harvard Doctor Found In “Health Outliers” Who Had Radical Remissions []

By Lissa Rankin CURED Tip #1 Activate The Relaxation Response As I described in detail in my book Mind Over Medicine, one of the keys to mind-body-spirit medicine in general and the field of psychoneuroimmunology specifically relies on making lifestyle changes aimed at creating nervous system regulation, flipping the nervous system from disease-inducing “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system stress responses or “freeze” dorsal vagal parasympathetic responses to the homeostatic healing...

Got Resiliency?

Much research has been done on the topic of this series of posts in February 2021. Scientists want to understand how people who go through sometimes horrific events often overcome adversity and seem to thrive afterward. In this first part of the series, we’ll discuss what resiliency is and answer some common questions about this interesting topic. What is Resiliency? Everyone experiences traumatic events, yet some people seem to encounter more than their fair share of events that change...

A Gathering of the Tribes, 9/11 & The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021 Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran Hi Folks, Twenty years ago today at this time of the morning I was getting ready to leave for Ellenville, New York to perform and speak at the Annual New York Association of...

How to Help Yourself if you’re On a Waiting List for Therapy

One of the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has increased mental health awareness. Limiting our activities and contact with others has led to so much talk about fear, loneliness, disconnection and mental health. These experiences have made people notice their needs and feel more comfortable seeking help. More people now seek therapy For some, actually getting help has been easier because they could reach out from their living rooms and receive virtual therapy. Yet for...

In the face of trauma, Cissy took back her power by actively ‘stalking’ joy ( & note

Evelyn Lewin, a writer for the Sunday Morning Herald in Australia reached out to me last month to write a story about my stalking joy practice. When I told her that I'm not naturally joyful or joy-filled person, thanks to developmental trauma and the impact of ACEs, and how it's a practice I've only come to in the last few several years, I wasn't sure she'd write the story. I was afraid she might not find it (or me) lighthearted enough, might be disappointed that trauma is the back story, or...

Overcoming Emotional Flashbacks with Self-Compassion

Emotional flashbacks take a horrendous toll on those who experience them. To feel like you are in danger with all the emotions that accompany it, fear, anxiety, startle, and a myriad of other feelings without understanding where they are coming from is both frightening and debilitating. This piece will delve deeper into emotional flashbacks and methods to defeat them.

Our Back To School Edition with RESILIENCE and Play! []

Our Back To School Edition With RESILIENCE and Play! RESILIENCE on Video On Demand RESILIENCE is now available for streaming directly to individual viewers on Apple TV, Google Play and Vudu. Since its premiere in 2016 at the Sundance Film festival, RESILIENCE has been screened globally, in educational settings, more than 50,000 times. In partnership with many educational, health care, juvenile justice and non-profit organizations, RESILIENCE and Paper Tigers has increased the awareness of...

FREE COVID-19: Anxiety, Depression, Suicide During a Pandemic Live Webinar

Anxiety, depression, and suicide is historically high, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where our world has changed so drastically. It has left many feeling isolated, fearful, lonely, sad, and unsure of the future. In this live webinar, Dr. Kristin Beasley, Clinical Psychologist, will discuss building a community of support, self-care tips, building resilience in difficult times, healthy communication methods, and more! We are all in this together! Share this time with us! September...

Healthy eating . . . a key step to building wellness and resilience.

Hawaiʻi Pacific Health is an excellent free resource that provides healthy and tasty recipes that promotes wellness. The issue of obesity prevention in early childhood education settings has been highly researched and the urgency to provide healthy and nutritious meals and health education in ECE settings is encouraged. It is challenging in our society today to have access to fresh produce as well as the cost associated with healthy diets. The HPH website offers tips and cost-savings...

FREE COVID-19: Anxiety, Depression, Suicide During a Pandemic Live Webinar

Anxiety, depression, and suicide is historically high, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where our world has changed so drastically. It has left many feeling isolated, fearful, lonely, sad, and unsure of the future. In this live webinar, Dr. Kristin Beasley, Clinical Psychologist, will discuss building a community of support, self-care tips, building resilience in difficult times, healthy communication methods, and more! We are all in this together! Share this time with us! September...

What an enormous global study can tell us about feeling better during the pandemic (Vox)

Hundreds of psychologists looked for ways to make people feel better during the pandemic — and they found one. During the pandemic, I’ve spent a lot of time alone. I live by myself. I work from home. At times, I experienced fits of fidgetiness and restlessness, contributing to feelings of burnout. Here’s what helped: reappraising the situation. What I was feeling was isolation, and the loneliness that comes with it. Instead of letting it gnaw at me, I tried to remember: Loneliness is normal...

Healing anxiety: An inner journey from your anxious self to blissful self

“Healing anxiety is a journey of inner exploration, where you don’t run away from your fears but embrace them and listen to what they have to say.” - Unknown If you experience anxiety and you have heard that it isn’t possible to heal and you have to manage your anxiety, believe me, what you have heard isn’t true. If it had been true, people like famous spiritual master- Eckhart Tolle and certified NACBT Life Coach Dennis Simsek wouldn’t be healing people across the world today. Both Eckhart...

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